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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. He's a shifty guy. Something tells me he might be a Worldhopper or something. (Checks Coppermind Wiki). Yep, he's definitely a Worldhopper in my view. He's gotten a bit desperate though, since he did attempt to attack Taln personally (I mean, who else uses a blowdart?). He's certainly got the characteristics of a Worldhopper, since he likes to collect "local weaponry", and he's got some very stylish clothes. So stylish in fact, that they've never been seen outside of Nalthis... Mraize does remind Shallan of Hoid, and that's as good a hint as any about him being a Worldhopper. He is fairly involved in Roshar, though. But then, we are looking at this with Hoid standards. Hmm... Maybe Mraize is the Kandra Worldhopper...
  2. Jain, seeing a convenient open seat, immediately went for it. Ignoring the other person occupying the table and his belated greeting, he sat down, took out his pack of cards and asked the man to a game of poker. Before the other person could reply, Jain drew in some other chairs, formed them up around the table, propped his toy panda up on one of the seats ad sat patiently waiting for other people to join him. This is going to be a political game, so of course I'm gonna be rational.
  3. ... Wait, what would I be if Kobold's a peasant!?!
  4. Hmm... Alien invasion... It'd make for a hilarious book. I wonder if aliens could use Allomancy, Feruchemy or Hemalurgy? Oh wow. Just imagine a PULSER CHESTBURSTER. That just became my worst nightmare.
  5. Mmm... but the rep could have been eventually corrupted. I mean, we're talking about the corrupting power of a being that is almost a god. Hopefully, some will resist the corruption. That would make an interesting story to tell.
  6. Hey, I did say I was going to be a non-erratic player in the sign-ups Ash, saying that you voted yourself to provoke conversation doesn't help. In fact, it contradicts your earlier argument of being erratic.
  7. Yeah, pretty much do everything you can to store a megaton of weight and then suddenly release it. Harmony HAS to intervene to stop you from dropping right into the center of the world
  8. Heh. To "Peacekeep". Reminds me of the Peacekeeper.
  9. None of your RP really explains why you voted for yourself, Ash (eccentricity doesn't qualify as an excuse. I was an erratic player, and eccentricity is quite suspicious, if not detrimental and unhelpful for your team), and you suddenly retract it. Yeah, yeah, I retract my vote for Lord Heron.
  10. Eh. Ever since she she's become a much better and agreeable character. Not great, but agreeable.
  11. "Tap people on their shoulders then disappear when they turn around to troll them" Eh. The million Breaths that would have gone into that command would still be well spent.
  12. Hmm... there's still the possibility that there's a secret underground city that's part of the plot of the second Elantris.
  13. Hmm... Someone who has been Feruchemially storing weight for all of their life, before suddenly tapping into all of it one day. THAT should do it. Or maybe someone who did the above, except they were a Twinborn Coinshot-Skimmer, and pushed the Iron core of the planet. That should also do it.
  14. Joe, there isn't really anything to discuss. Except for Ash's erratic vote, which occurred after my post. Let's discuss it then. Ash in Game 6 was almost as erratic as I was. I think he's just trying to wild-card it by voting for himself. That does, however, bring up the possibility that Ash is trying to alleviate suspicion. Hmm... (What? I don't like to do massive rants and analysis! I'm terse and brief.) Edit: BLUE
  15. Hmm... that reminds me, in the first encounters with the spam bots (or, at least, my first encounters), I commented "You, sir, are on the wrong section and forum". There was no one else on the page except for the bot, yet I received an upvote. ARE THE BOTS TRYING TO CORRUPT US WITH UPVOTES!?!?!
  16. Also, bear in mind that the Heralds are 10 people personally chosen by Honor/Tanavast/the Almighty/whatever himself. Some of his immortality must have rubbed off onto them, or at least they were granted it (in a way that it lingered even after Honor died)
  17. Hey! Got an idea! I think it was in Peng's game where everyone voted for Peng instead of an actual player. I'll copy that and vote for Lord Heron!
  18. This thread has effectively dissolved into a meme war. And, to quote the famous meme;
  19. Wait... I may have just started i again...
  20. It looked at the dead body from its vantage point, enjoying the reek of death and pain that permeated the air. Best of all, however, was the delightful spice of paranoia and distrust that made every breath so enjoyable. It sighed as quietly as it could in satisfaction. It was so nice to be embroiled in such mysteries. It suddenly lurched into the air, grasped by a massive hand that had seemingly come from the heavens. A few moments later, it was inside a dark and surprising warm and comfortable cavern made of cloth. Regrettably, its current form was rather puny. I wonder who "it" is.
  21. Huh. Raises the possibility of spiking yourself with your own powers to increase whatever power you have. (A Super Coinshot!)
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