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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Much necro... You don't even want to THINK about the dark and sad side of the internet. I've been there. It's not nice. Something squeeish... Hmm... I GOT A NEW GHOSTRICK DECK!!!!!!!! (Yes, that's right. I play MtG and YuGiOh. My childhood - if I had one - doesn't die easily) SQUEEEEEE!
  2. (Gasp) The First Rainbow Rose has appeared on a "Introduc Yourself" page! Welcome, Tousen! Hope you enjoy our fortress of solitude 17th Shard!
  3. Great game, everyone. Great GMing too, Gamma. What in harmony's name was a KOLOSS doing there!?
  4. Lightboo? Not good enough. I demand something higher!
  5. Oh, you don't need to worry, Witless. after Kas (cruelly) split the toy panda into many pieces, Jain picked it up and continued travelling (if you look at my RP). Besides, the Mashadar panda is (mostly) harmless (ironic name). You know, I've always had a theory that a dead Dreamwalker could regain physical form by absorbing the Mashadar.
  6. Huh!? The dead can come back and do RP? Great! I'm in! Jain sat quietly on a small hill overlooking the town smoking his pipe. Or what was left of it. The town folk were a stubborn and resilient bunch,and that was worthy of credit. They did lynch him though. Jain smiled ruefully. He was dead now. Or at least, his physical form was. In his dying throes, he had projected his consciousness and mind entirely into Tel'aran'rhiod - using his powers as a Dreamwalker - the world of dreams that was just parallel to the real world. Sadly, that could only temporarily prolong his cognitive existence. Already, he could feel himself slipping away, being absorbed by the very world he now existed in. Sighing, Jain got up. His time was limited, and he had a task to complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jain strolled through the streets of the town. Occasionally, a flash of something would pop out of the mist around him. The Tel'aran'rhiod was funny like that. Physical interaction between the two realms was a fickle thing, and only the most determined of minds could intentionally transcend the barrier. Occasionally, however, someone would accidentally pass, if only for a heart beat. Around him, flashes of Trollocs, locked in a life and death struggle with the villagers, would appear. Mydraal would pop up, breaking necks and slipping daggers into unprotected parts. Draghkar appeared and disappeared, their song blessedly absent. Stopping at a the top of a hill, Jain looked around. A massacre had occurred here. One involving the Mashadar. He looked down. A toy panda, fully intact, lay on the blood-soaked dirt, smiling back at him. While only Dreamwalkers, Aes Sedai and a select few could access the Unseen World, some powerful ter'angreals could. Or, in this case, a sa'angreal. The panda's smile seemed to enlarge a little, and the Mashadar began to leak from the toy. The mist formed into hands, grasping for the closest target - Jain. Smiling back, Jain caught one of the mist hands. While usually incorporeal, the mist became solid to his touch. Jain grinned. An insane grin, filled with mad delight. "No, my faithful companion," giggled Jain. "You can't consume me yet. Let us continue our travels." The Mashadar mist suddenly exploded around the toy and Jain, visible now both in the World of Dreams and the Physical world. By the time the mist dispersed, nothing was left of the two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A few leagues away, atop an inconspicuous and ordinary hillock, a wall of unnatural mist rose up and left with surprising speed. A amn with a traveler's cloak and bag walked down the hillock, whistling a merry tune. Perched on the top of his bag was a smiling toy panda. Hope I haven't broken any rules.
  7. No, you have to wait, but Shaggai waived his/her turn (what gender are you!? Your profile pictures aren't exactly helping). Also, this has to be a Sanderson book.
  8. Hmm, for me it's: Video Games. Take your rage and melancholy out on noobs and pros alike. Card Game Competitions. Fun Looking for TCG Cards. Quite fun and rewarding. Books. We all know why. Manga and Anime. Surfing the internet. Potentially Dangerous
  9. Anyone up for a challenge? Ship Me! (I just effectively commited suicide, didn't I?)
  10. Heh. Love these games. And I'm up to my knees with human guts.
  11. Speak of the devil and he'll come... with fire and brimstone raining down everywhere, no doubt largely on me for posting this.
  12. Hey, this opens up the possibility that Soulcast grain and such are similar to Human Flesh! Hmm... Maybe Soulcast stone is actually petrified human flesh! Maybe Soulcast fire is actually burning human Fat! Wait, what did I just write!?
  13. Sadly, I could have helped win the game for the good guys. I'll explain why. There was a reason for my exceptionally erratic play style. I wanted to get myself lynched twice. The first time I got lynched, it was the usual bunch of suspicious people and such. The second time, however, was most certainly not. When the game reached Day 4 +, you may have noticed my erraticness went up a notch. While I was sort of proved harmless and innocent, people still went for me. Wyrm proposed excellent arguments in my defence for my erraticness, yet people still voted me for my erraticness. In fact, if you look at my second "vote list", the Mutineers lined themselves up quite nicely to lynch me. Such determinedness in lynching an "erratic" player... I later posted a "troll" post, in hopes of drawing out more Mutineers to vote me. That didn't work. Before I was lynched, I planned to post a message to tell people to cross check the people who voted me. If you had done that, you would have caught Jaelre and maybe Hreo. Sadly, I was taken away before I could write it up. When I got back, Jain was thrashing in a sea of pandas. That was pretty much my plan from the start. Use my lives and erraticness to draw out the Mutineers.
  14. In the top 50... AM I INVOLVED!? IS MY ENTIRE LIFE PART OF A CONSPIRACY I DON'T KNOW OF!? Yeah, I'm number 50. Woot.
  15. I will support it. Do not let me down, Quiv. Quiver has been nice enough to leak me the working title! It's "Puela Pela Madoka Magica". Interesting.
  16. Upvotes and kudos to you two! And yes, I will name my steward Sebastian. If only he was as awesome and capable...
  17. I'm changing my House name from Araragi to Phantomhive (this is the last time I'll change it. I swear). Anyone get that reference? Jain was happily playing Solitaire, ignorant of the ruckus that was called a party that was occurring around him. Beside him, the toy panda sat propped up with another game of Solitaire before it. Jain didn't really know why he had set tit up in such a comical fashion. He had just felt an urge to do so. Passerbys cast strange looks at the exotic and weird black and white toy, muttering among themselves. Something about the cute and cuddly toy gave off an aura of... menace. Jain himself knew it was perfectly harmless and normal. It was just a toy, after all. Glancing to his side, Jain frowned. The cards before the toy were now neatly stacked up in correct order and type - a finished game of Solitaire, in short. So maybe not an exactly normal toy.
  18. (Yeah! Love these games) At least he liked Pandas *cough* Always with a permanent scowl.
  19. Err... Game of Thrones? Tormund? I dunno. I seem to have forgotten to include a last name. In that case, my surname is Araragi. Jain Araragi (upvote for those who get the reference). And, like I said above, for those of you dreading my erratic playstyle, you need not worry anymore. I'm playing this one as tactically and quietly as possible. Maybe I can live through this one.
  20. Jain is signing up (again). And of course, so is his toy panda. Hmm... seeing how this game works, I'm going to play in a different style. I'm not gonna be very erratic this game, and instead turtle it out.
  21. Heeh. Much hate from trolling. I reckon I should win the "Erratic ad Troll" Award. Edit: Great time to break, editor.
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