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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Of all the Sharders here, I'm the only one who doesn't edit the Coppermind. Sad, really. Or maybe just plain lazy.
  2. I have resons for being erratic. And no, I'm not stupid nor innocent. If you get what I mean. When did this game become QF 2!?
  3. Joe, your red text isn't working. You might want to change it. Hmm... Who should I vote? Eh, Jaelre, I''ll vote you and return the favor. Jain giggled as he sat in the cabin that had once been Matim's. After his beating, he had been left inside the deceased doctor's room. Perhaps the crew was disturbed by his current state. Or perhaps they were mad like him. Mad. Insane. Not right in the head. Did it matter? It all meant the same thing. Peace and quiet from the daily hubbub. A new insight into this world. Jain smiled as he looked at the toy pandas that lined the shelves. That filled the ledges. That covered the floor. No, they were the floor. His ship mates claimed they couldn't see them. How could they not? How could they not feel the crunch as they crushed a panda for every step they took? How could they not hear their screams? Indeed, that was the reason why Jain preferred to be left alone. It tore his heart to see his precious toys broken and scattered by his clumsy friends. Jain felt hungry. Hungry meant food. Food meant clumsy sailors. Clumsy sailors meant crushed toys. Crushed toys meant sad Jain. So Jain kept quiet about his hunger and ignored his growling stomach. How long had it been since he had eaten, anyway? Hours? Days? Weeks? Hmm... Too much Stephen King influence above, I guess.
  4. Talk about exotic gifts... Welcome to the Observer's Guild, Bow Tie! I've added you to the roster. If you're in the mood, feel free to observe the meme war that's been occurring in the Feathertips/blades page. (Leftinch, that account picture is starting to scare me . I prefer your original Trigun)
  5. Welcome to the convention of Brandon fanboys/girs 17th Shard! By the way, there's a thing called white text. Sometimes, you have to highlight a passage to find it. Quiver's first post in this thread has some.
  6. Oh come on, why so harsh? I can be helpful, but I'm too lazy and there's nothing really significant I can do. I've got 14 coins, but nothing to do with them. I've lost my first life (sadly along with my toy panda) and I'm not going to buy a Buckler (You guys always bid ridiculous amounts for it.) Of course, you guys could always offer a job
  7. Oddly, I agree. I've wanted to meet up with some dead friends and discuss this game. Never mind. (No, this is not an invite to lynch/kill me)
  8. I've stopped trying. You guys are too good and fast. (sniff)
  9. Ow. That hurt. You can kill me, but why the toy panda!? Right, to answer some questions. I'm a Gunner. There's more than 3, it seems. Also, why the hate? Yes, I am inconsistent (as usual). Wyrm, why are you so bent on lynching me?
  10. *Cough* Sorry, got the letters wrong. Pretend the "o" is an "e". Or, more formally, I retract my vote for Jeno and vote Jene. I find Malliw not guilty, since his Hidden Messages were directed to Kas, who turned out to be loyal.
  11. Kal Dell is the only person that has been successfully lynched, funnily enough. Jeno, sorry, but I like bandwagons when I see them. The Siren incident was quite an event. The crew had yelled themselves hoarse to escape the clutches of their beckoning song. Jain himself had been soundly asleep when it had occurred (being able to fall asleep and wake up at the drop of a hat) and had blissfully missed out on it. He had also missed out on the attempted attack and death. It was a pity to have Kal Feng Shi die. Now he was one of the few foreigners left on the ship. Jeno now had an eye and an eye-patch. Apparently, it had been take out by a Grappling Hook. Getting up from his hammock, Jain found the toy panda on his shelf (the crew was superstitious and smart enough to give the panda its own quarters)... Wearing an adorable pair of ear-muffs. It looked like even the toy panda did not appreciate the Song of the Sirens. It also appeared that the toy panda had brought some luggage with it. Or maybe someone was catering for its needs. Someone is providing for the toy panda! Dun Dun Duuuun! Edit: I WILL FIND YOU, COLOR EDITOR, AND I WILL KILL YOU
  12. You... you just stole and surpassed my challenge. I find that tale a bit hard to beat. You may proceed. The pandas move aside as one, revealing a single door that led out of their lair. The adventurers had bested the challenge of the Pandas.
  13. If only my picture pasting works...
  14. It's sad now me and Kobold joined around the same time, yet we have a 1400 upvote difference. (sigh) You can only get upvotes in 17th Shard from cheap jokes and puns good theories.
  15. But there was no way out. The Pandas had swiftly blocked the exits and entrances. The adventurers could only pass if they could sit through what some described as hell incarnate, the destroyer of sanity, the harbringer of mandness. They had to sit through a tirade of bad puns. Are you ready?
  16. Bye Kas. People still have that grudge from Game 5, it seems. Of the 3 people that were killed (Kai, Ratel and Aonar), all were experienced players. I suggest other experienced players should watch their backs (jee... I've been in 4 games already... Does that make me experienced? ). Shenanigan vote! I choose you Kal! (unintentional stereotypical Pokemon reference) I have yet to come up with a RP idea... Edit: COLOR EDITOR!!!!
  17. Kas, you have a history of being on Team Evil, while I have a spotless record of being good (although not necessarily surviving. RIP Jain, Jain and Jain) Edit: I swear I will murder the color editer.
  18. Heh. Talking rep with Kobold, the Number 4 most upvoted member of all time. Malliw, unless your picture is a image file picture, it ain't working. How about a link? A bit off topic, but Caleb, it's your turn in "Guess The" As for MY upvotes... (sniff)...
  19. Now I know why your account picture looks familiar... What anime is it from?
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