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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Hey, It's not that bad. People tend to knife/lynch me thanks to my shenaniganess (is that even a word?). Besides, I got popped by friendly fire on day 2, too.
  2. One? You think there's just one Panda? (Evil Chuckle). My brethen will be waiting for you.
  3. OH DEAR. My name begins with L. I appear to be a potential target (see my above post for what I mean). Who has 5 in their name? Does anyone else's name begin with L? Cause I'm in deep trouble. Edit: I will wring this color's neck.
  4. MWAHAHAHA I HAVE WON AGAINST THE ONSLAUGHT OF MLP! AHAHAHAHA! Good try, though. That looks like Crusader Kings, and while it's simliar to AoD, it's not the same. Did you know D-Class are terminated at the end of the month, or (rarely) have amnesiacs applied to them? Say goodbye to Twilight. My sympathies. No wonder why it's Data got redacted. Wonder how she died, and how far she made it. Please... Help... Please...
  5. Ok, so no RP for now. Not in the mood for it, sadly. No toy pandas for now. That's Chinese. It means (literally translated) "L or 5". Considering how there's only me and Kas here that understand Chinese, I reckon it's aimed at one of us. Or maybe it's a typo, but it's highly unlikely, since you'd have to be using Chinese language on your laptop. Also, considering how you said you intended it for someone, I'm highly suspicious at you (The Mutineers have no Google Doc, remember, and must plot on the main thread). I vote you, Malliw. Edit: Wheps, Spelling and Grammar.
  6. Ok, firstly, it's Arsenal of Democracy. It's a pretty obscure game I played a lot. I sadly haven't tried Xenoblade, and that is most certainly not my loadout (Pilot: Spitfire + HCOG + Slammer, Arc Grenades, Stim, Extra Ordnace and Icepick/ Titan: Atlas, Chaingun + Accelerator, Tactical Reactor and Big Punch). Good try, though . Victory at last over MLP.
  7. Ugh... Leftinch/Caleb just became a hybrid...
  8. Im...Impossible! MLP exists within HoMM!? No! I cannot believe this! Grr... I'm pulling on my last reserves now. Put MLP into Arsenal of Democracy (the video game)! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA Seriously, I am pulling on my last reserves of extremely irrelevant and unknown stuff, like my Titanfall loadout and such (try that )
  9. Looks like you're going to need to change your Destination info in your profile I don't know anyone who lives in Omaha, but may I interest you in this thread. It shows the location of most of the Sharders. As for good comics, ever tried manga?
  10. Heh, look at how many people were voted on Day 1. Jain was quite surprised by Jene's little trick. That had got to hurt, especially since the blade had hit the bone. He wasn't going to be able to use that hand for quite some time. Some time being a good fortnight at least. Jain frowned. His toy panda had disappeared since that sailor Ratel had thrown it onto the deck. Turning around, he wasn't surprised to see that the toy had somehow managed to set itself up in a good position half way up the ship's mast to watch the lynch attempt. Sorry, Ralv, but disrespect the panda and bad luck comes for you. No hard feelings
  11. Sigh. This duel sure is taking it's time in eternities to occur.
  12. Yomen? Slowswift? Hoid? Ham? Cett? Allriane? Beldre? Breeze? Elend? Janarle? Argh. Thanks for the hint. popped up while I was writing the above. Kwaan? Rashek? Haddek? Edit: WAIT WAIT IT"S RENOUX!
  13. I... I've lost faith in everything in general... Oh wait! Try putting MLP into Heroes of Might and Magic (Obscure video games always works)!
  14. Oh come on. Who downvoted me? Ha-ha, I know what thread this is, but please. Just Please.
  15. Heh. Looks like your spoiler box crashed. I don't even know what to think anymore. Is there any part of the world that isn't infiltrated by MLP!? Oh yeah. I know. Trying putting MLP INTO MLP MWAHAHAHAHA. Alternatively, try Fallout.
  16. We have a genius here. Before we know it, he'll be building a permanent nuclear fusion device
  17. At last! The game has begun! Jain cracked open an eye. Below him, the sea spread like and endless blue plain, crested here and there with the white ridges of waves, Quite a beautiful scenery, really. He always bagged the crow's nest, even though he wasn't particularly keen of vision. Rather, it was the job that required the least effort. No one would anything flying Crushthroat's flag, and much less his own ship. The crew wasn't exactly in a raiding and pillaging mood, what with the mutiny that was going on. Now that he had woken up, he might as well enjoy the break. Jain took out his toy panda and started bouncing it against the wall's of the nest. He was quite fortunate to be in a ship that actually bothered to add walls to the crow's nest, so it was more like a basket than a platform stuck in the middle of nowhere on a pole. His crew-mates ha laughed at him for having a toy. At least, until they started to run into increasingly distressing cases of misfortune. And the panda was always happily watching, even though Jain had nothing to do with the incidents, much less set up his toy in a prime observing position. Err... So how does the gambling work? Cause I'm feeling lucky and signing up. Oh, and since we get coins for voting, I will just shenanigan a vote and vote Kal Dell! No offence, I just wanna even up the votes and stop any bandwagons.
  18. I have a fairly depressing rate of upvotes (0.46), and here's my first and only Popular post.
  19. Someone from Game of Thrones? Spook? Ensemble Studios? Yeah, Spook, since Ruin made him think he was worthy of a "blessing".
  20. As right as 10 inches of steel in your back could possibly be. But hey, it just might be Hemarlugically charged!
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