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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. The Panda watched, amused, at the fight that occurred. So that was how the Waffle Mistress got her seemingly bottomless supply of slaves and servants. Interesting. He made a mental not to never eat anything unchecked from the Wafflesworn kitchen. Hopefully, the scholar wouldn't notice that half his collection of lightsabres were missing, replaced by fakes that shot out an interesting variety of objects when activated. Rainbows were one of the more mundane objects.
  2. Huh? A new doctor so quick? The previous one barely lasted a few years, it seems.
  3. Eh. Not much. It's the holidays, so it's homework and boredom.
  4. I second that opinion. The more the merrier, as they say. Maybe everyone's tied up with Game on right now.
  5. Putting this in modern day terms, I'll calculate it. According to the UK National Office for Statistics, an average family spends around 489 pounds per week (as per 2012). This means they spend around 25,428 pounds a year (if they don't have holidays and are really conservative). Double that to accost for Jewel's large family and you'll get 50,856 pounds (I'm interpreting "feeding a family" as in providing clothing, water, etc., not just food). In the American dollar, that;s $87,187.53. If we're talking about actually feeding a family, then according to Gallup, an average American family spends about $151 per week on food (although Forbes claims it's $181). For Jewel's family, that'd be a max of $15,704 (if they're really excessive). So, in modern day terms, that's around $10,000. Quite a lot for a Breath. That also means Susebron has... $500,000,000 worth of Breaths! (Faints)
  6. Oh, it doesn't. I just find it a bit annoying. No friction intended
  7. Heh. Look at your reputation level and that post, Swim.
  8. There's 5 types of weather in Melbourne. Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring and Everything.

  9. Wit? Inviting him to join the few who know about Adonasium (in terms of knowledge, not physical affiliation)?
  11. "Lerasium" beads are soon to follow, no doubt. "Genuine Honorblades and Shardblades" are expected.
  12. Get drunk, start writing. Become sober, look at your writing, edit it, and pick out good ideas. Apparently, that's how ancient Chinese writers got their poems and novels. I haven't tried it yet. Sounds fun.
  13. Took me a while to understand the first one... So this is the challenge, hey? Make people cry? Not sure if I should participate... Last time I tried, I accidentally caused a mass depression.
  14. (I can't paste picture for some reason, so I'll have to resort to this: )
  15. For Christ's sake, why does everyone beat me to creating an emblem!?
  17. Oh God. Why did none of us think of this before? Now this shady den of deals will become a pasture of rainbow-colored ponies.
  18. Welcome, Wyndle! Your questions can be answered here and here. I understand that all this can be a bit mind-blowing, and it is pretty clever, but you'll get used to it. Have fun on this forum.
  19. Great. LoC has its first Lilith. The ideal of chaos recruiting people... What is this, Judgment Day?
  20. Uh, is it too late to join? 'Cause this looks pretty fun.
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