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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. ... Why is this tagged War? Theory, if you don't wish to join the War, it's alright. You may stay abstinent even after the invoking of the Second Commandment.
  2. So, Lords of Chaos, you may have noticed a war against the Herd going on at the moment. We Observers have invoked the 2nd Commandment and have taken a side in this war. How about you join our alliance and crush this army of bronies?
  3. Featherblades, Newcago and more coming. We're going against the Herd.
  4. The Observers have invoked the 2nd Commandment. A vote was taken, and a 4 to 1 result was achieved. We will march to war. Thousands upon thousands of pillars of light appear across the battlefield as the Observer's Elsecall in, along with an entire army of Aon-powered War Pandas. Ships, carriers and vehicles of all sort also appear, arcane and hi-tech, gathered by the Observers from millenniums of observing and snatching. Panda himself sits in the Observer's magnificent flagship: The Herald, a hybrid of the arcane and technology. If it's a god we have to fight, then it's a god we kill. It'll make a nice mantelpiece.
  5. KANDRA! Mistwraith? The Deepness? The Mists? EDIT: KOLOSS! YES!
  6. AY! You make me proud, Porridge. Truly, you are a true member. You can feast on fruits of any kind over the Knave's corpse. VIVE LES OBSERVERS! WE MARCH TOWARDS WAR! SIEG HIER!!!!
  7. Much spying if everyone knows.
  8. Skaa, if it's not a 1000 + word essay theory topic, then you're probably a Kandra imitator.
  9. Cheese before butter. Beef before cheese. Ham before beef. Lamb before ham. Prawn crackers before all. I will eat all that is savory, even if they don't want to be devoured. I will eradicate every Cheerio. Personally. With much gusto.
  10. I think I've seen this theory somewhere else. You have a good theory, but I believe there is already a similar one.
  11. My recent art project? A giant voodoo doll? Ruin?
  12. Arrright! Jain, a Jindonese sailor is here for more! And so is his strange toy of a Jindonese black-and-white bear called a panda (Where would I be if my toy panda wasn't with me?)! Jain is a lazy person with a knack of skipping work.
  13. Geoffray, you are now inducted into the Observer's Guild. Rigoler!
  14. Simple: Jump to the front of any que with either mind-control or physical force.
  15. Just saying, you are poking holes into your own logic. Right now, you're instating order in Chaos by allowing someone to have more power than the other, and punishing them for attempting to claim it. And no, a semblance of order IS order. There is no such thing as semblance in negatives and opposites.
  16. Of course. We don't turn away anyone, regardless of race or affilation. Bonjour, comment ça va?
  17. I love minor or obscure side characters in general. It always pains me to see them die. Mines would be Yeden from Mistborn (you know, the guy in charge of Kelsier's army). I don't even think he got a page of writing on him. I forgot if he was a Misting or not. Or his appearance. In fact, I forgot pretty much everything about him. My other would be the member of Kelsier's crew that got caught and killed (not Marsh). He got a bare mention. What was he called again?
  18. You just made me tear my eyes and brain out. I think that's how 682 BECAME 682. Very Fine makes the subject better (or in this case, worse) Rough would be... (Insane chuckle)
  19. Dr Panda: Request to get SCP 666-J to drive through the Newcago Court Thread. Pending approval from O5 Dr Frederick: I'd really like to meet him.
  20. Forging wouldn't work. SCP 1237, the reality changing dream was used against it to make it a "harmless and easily killable kitten". It didn't work. Everyone died of bubonic plague. Ruin isn't going to work (although 682 might not bear a grudge against it, since Ruin isn't a living biological organism). Some more fun SCP I like: SCP 504 and 666-J. You can pretty much get anything from 294. Hmm... Cup of Stormlight?
  21. Has anyone here read 1984, or Animal Farm, or any other George Orwell books? If so, Four legs good, two legs bad! And go doublethink-blackwhite yourself.
  22. Soulcasting wouldn't work on 682, since he has a Psychic Resistant Level of [DATA REDACTED], but we know it's higher than a human's. Also, 682 is pretty hate-filled and stubborn. I've got a couple of favorite SCP, like 999 and 458. As for 274, cup o' Joe, anyone? (Wow, Joe. Wow. That coincidence and joke)
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