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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. YEAAAAAH! SCP IS HERE! SCP 682 would be unkillable through any Cosmere means. Shardblade would not be effective, since you're gonna have to land the blow in the first place and any severed limbs would instantly be torn off and regrown. To kill a 682, you have to go for his spine, and he could just liquefy it (Yep, he can do that). 682 would somehow adapt to Nightblood, most likely coalescing from the dark smoke (He's been cut up and incinerated before and survived). The Foundation has already tried teleporting it into a different realm with 507. It came back with fangs and wings. 682's abilities are largely biological, and you'd have to land the spikes in the first place, then pull them out with getting mutilated. 682 has survived 409 before. A basilisk tooth would be child's play. Pretty much nothing can kill it. Even "God" 343 could do nothing against it. The legendary SCP 173 could only injure it. 914 on Rough setting only made it worse. Personally, I'd just stick it with SCP 87, block the door and excrete bricks of abject terror (87 is the scariest SCP I've had the chance to know, second being 35). Maybe stick it in a room at the bottom of the ocean with 76, 73 and that creepy "Old Man" that can go through walls, and let 'em at each other. Nuke the victor. Yeah, I'm a massive fan of SCP. I really like this topic for a reason. I highly recommend clicking on those links. Just make sure you have adult diapers on when you read 35 and 87.
  2. Mmm... You do realize your customer list just completely dried up, right? Mercenaries may be turncloaks, but at least they finish tasks. Isn't Zusak the author of Dwarves?
  3. Pardon the double post, but before Awes or Tempus beats me to it, I will quickly create a Church of the Stick Emblem. Here it is (the second is a smaller and signature size copy)
  4. Ok, this is really starting to become Game 5. Friendly Fire kill of the first victim on Day 1 - who also is an important player -, protected person one Night 1, and I become Public Enemy number 2 on Day 2 for being inconsistent, even though that's how my personality is like (As I said in Game 5, I have mood swings of a Unicorn on crack). I'm guessing I'll die via Item/Role on Night 3. As for me jumping on a bandwagon, I just like to do so for the fun. Besides, it's also my first vote change. Better use it, and why not on the day I vote for the first time ever? Oh, in case I die, Kas will get my toy panda. Ashiok gets if Kas dies/is dead. Wilson, you're third in line. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THEM IN YOUR RP! Let the toy panda legacy continue!
  5. So we're all going for Bob Dirt, hey? Why not join in on the fun? I retract my vote for Lam and vote Jim Bob Dirt.
  6. Talk about necro'ed threads... Sometimes, I wish Brandon would be nice enough to visit Melbourne, Australia. And be a bit more active on 17th Shard.
  7. Congratulations, Twi. You are now Honorary Chef of the Observer's Guild. Take your items (and a Shard Culinary set that I may have stolen from a certain faction) and go grief observe the world.
  8. It actually is a legit coincidence. I logged on and saw that some people had voted for Lam, since no one was corrupted and he was inactive. That was too much of a cowinkiedink and I decided to vote for him.
  9. I log on this morning to find no one dead. Wow. This is starting to turn out like Game 5. What's more, I'm accused again for abstinence. I would laugh so hard if I died AGAIN on the 4th day for the 3rd time. For once, however, I will cast a vote. Lam, congratulations on being the first person I have ever publicly voted (QF 2 used PMs for voting). Why? You were inactive in night cycle (and a bit of the Day Cycle, I think), and no one was corrupted. Unless you're being framed, I find you highly suspicious. I am suspicious that both Dreamwalkers are in contact. The first message says that there's only one female Dreamwalker, yet there's another (troll) Dreamwalker message. Unless this is a coincidence, I find that a little too connected, since both are troll messages. (Hmm... can't think of a RP)
  10. Yeah, I know, Chaos. Besides, I suck with excess power. I mean, every time I get a Trinity Rocket in CoD or a boost in troops in AoE 2, I have to somehow waste them.
  11. Carpe diem, they said. Seize the day and the opportunities they hold, they said.
  12. What's the qualifications of becoming spiked into an Inquisitor a Moderator? Extra power is always appreciated
  13. I was pretty much raised on Age of Empires 2 (with the Conqueror's Expansion), as well as with Heroes of Might and Magic 4. My Turkish Janessaries-Scout combo will mulch your armies Yeah, you should get a desktop. Even the worst desktop runs games better than the best laptop.
  14. Someone has watched too much zombie movies, it seems . Highly unlikely though. As unlikely as I am of getting a girlfriend.
  15. Talk about strange intervention... Jain looked up. that was strange. He was sure someone had said his name. In a very deep and baritone voice. Shaking his head Jain went back to idly juggling his rocks, his toy panda blessedly not in the circle of whirling rocks.
  16. i need to know where you hide those spikes... and spare members to spike.
  17. Uh, I'm not sure if we are taking turns, because I got downvoted last time for bombing in. If so, please excuse this intrusion. Jasnah's "Soulcaster". More spren or food (you know, the two scholars in the WoK interludes).
  18. See, this is why trigger-happy power hungry people shouldn't be given the power of the Well of Ascension. Hey... Since when was Moogle a Moderator?
  19. Nah, I don't want a MtG online game. I'm not fantastic at it (I'm much better at Yugioh).
  21. Rubix doesn't look like the sort of person to be engaged, much less married... They attended BRANDON'S OWN CLASS!?
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