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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. WYRM YOU PLAY HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC TOO!? (HoMM) YEAAAAAH! Could you tell me your favorite race, might or magic, skill development and play style, please.
  2. Yak meat... Frog meat... Snail flesh... All quite tasty. Tried them all. I haven't tried dog, though
  3. Lol, sure. Makes an interesting addition in our menu In fact, I may make you Honorary Chef.
  4. Well, there goes our Lyev Skyknight (anyone get that reference?). Least we didn't lose someone too important to friendly fire, but a Whitecloak is important nonetheless. Have fun being Mayor, Wilson. Edit: Color
  5. So sad how we nerds rarely get a good relationship going. Bachelors for life, I guess. Did they legit get engaged? (sorry, being Asian makes my social skills and such quite bad ) Oh, Eric, how ya going in your relationships?
  6. Someone has obviously not played Darksiders You don't "recruit" or corrupt death, contrary. Death is not the slightest bit chaotic.
  7. Reckless Revelry in return (i never thought I would use that card)
  8. I'm not saying I will, but I may turn a blind eye on infringements . And you may get a Shardhammer. Indeed, it may be a certain MAce I stole from a certain game using a toy panda.
  9. Make sure you don't join in in the middle of a game. You have to wait for the next game to begin (Quick Fix Game 3, I believe) As for nerd, we have everything. Magic the Gathering, Yugioh, Risk, Diablo, Titanfall, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, we've got 'em all. Hmm... It's been a long time since I've been called Lightsworn. Most people call me Panda
  10. I drop Traumatize and get Millstone rolling. Say goodbye to your Battle of Wits
  11. Welcome, reiyeka it's great to know there's more nerds like us in the world. I second Kobold's notion. Warbreaker is the newbie's 101 to the Cosmere and Sanderson, but it's also a good read. Now, if I can get my hands on Alloy of Law, that would be nice.
  12. Umm, Death, if you keep going like this, an admin will be up your nose quite quickly. Please refine it a bit, please?
  13. There's a quote I quite like: "Laptops nowadays are for little girls. Facebook, Facebook and Facebook" (Nerd3, Youtuber) In other words, laptops aren't for work or games now. They're for social media. If you want a $300-$400 laptop for games, then I'd try something like a really cheap Alienware laptop. If you want to play really ancient games like Age of Empires or Fallout 2, then your conventional and typical laptop would work. Just make sure they have a good graphics card, Intel core and don't melt when turbocharge/overclock (I have had personal and second-hand experience with them all). Anything older than, what World of Warcraft 3 is starting to push the laptop. (Make sure the laptop supports discs. Made the mistake with the current laptop ) If you like old games (rpg's), then I should probably give you a list of recommended games, shouldn't I? All the Age of Empires and expansion packs. All the old Warcrafts All the Heroes of Might and Magic up to 4. All the Fallouts up to and maybe including 3. Diablo 1 and 2. More coming!
  14. I'm slightly uncomfortable about this conversation. It's slightly creepy. Death, if you want an epic entrance that isn't instantly defused, I recommend going to the Lords of Chaos. Things going as they are, you'll end up a clown.
  15. A rushed game isn't really fun, New One. Not much plotting and fun. A moderately long game contains all that, along with a few twists.
  16. Oh yay. Death is here. Who'll prepare the funeral service ?
  17. When you just wish an already Lifeless thread would stop being reAwakened.
  18. Jain rubbed his forehead with his toy panda. People had started to accuse him and the other traveler of being responsible of the Town Mayor's murder, just because they were travelers. So much for taking a break fro traveling in a nice, peaceful town. While the toy panda was fairly battered from years of travel, its fur was still soft. And cuddly. So far, people had been throwing accusations and votes around blindly. Jain had no desire to join in the conflict. Such things were too tiring. And lethal. So yeah. Abstinence. I'm not going to vote or lynch vote anyone, until I'm sure who's who. New One, you really are burning the house down with your accusations. You're going to rush this game, aren't you?
  19. Every time I hear that Stones Unhallowed is due in Fall 2015, I die a little. Seriously. A year for a (admittedly 1000 page) book, that is quickly devoured in a matter of days. (Sigh). Least Sanderson is faster than Martin. Or Age of Empires, for that matter.
  20. The amount of words have blown my mind. I can see that I'm in the presence of some very hardcore forum users. I've hit my upvote limit just upping you all. Skaa, you have way too much spare time. WAAAAAY too much. I don't think I can contribute anymore. Such content. This is like Einstein's Grand Unified (Something I forgot) Theory.
  21. It's a bit sad how the duelers have not arrived at all, yet the refs and spectators are all set and ready.
  22. Awesome but unlikely. Hoid is too pacifist to engage in anything more volent than verbal banter. Adolnasium is already Shattered.
  23. Asphodel, hands off the toy panda. Do no name it. You may only use it in your RP if I give you expressed permission, and I haven't. Maybe you'll get it. In fact, if I die, Kas can use it, or, if he's dead, Ashiok can use it.
  24. Okay, I'd understand it if everyone went for Kas, since he proved himself to be a skilled turtler/planner. But why me? Feather, I'm sort of sad how you didn't continue the toy panda RP. I gave it to you the day before I died.
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