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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. ... I'll be honest, it could look much better. What program did you use? Kas, you're an arbiter too
  2. It's funny how I've always die on the 3rd day in the 2 games I've played in. Wel played, everyone, and good GMing, RUbix Just asking, how did I die? I was the Merchant GhostBlood. Knifed Kas twice on the first two days then knifed Grey Pilgrim (Kas got attacked 4 times on the first day)
  3. Sure, I'll do it (partly for the lols) Joe, I see someone has put your picture onto photoshop and flicked the opacity meter.
  4. This is going to be a nightmare to renavigate...
  5. I see that Fungus and Feather have quiet a relationship going one (collapses laughing at conflict) Funny how Feather is registered as a friend of Fungus. (Still thrashing from laughing) Mind you, Feather hasn't denied the accusation. She merely labelled it as "misinformation". And, take my advice as a gamer who gets the occasional sneak peek, not addressing a problem or denying information is not the same as blatantly turning it down and saying that it's false. Feather, I suggest you address this topic directly.
  6. Yay. Thread necromancy. There's a reason why I like to play necromancer in every high fantasy game if possible. About bringing a person back from the dead, I have to disagree. The unlucky fellow that had his throat cut had at most 1 minute between getting injured and healing. Full brain death takes at least 6 minutes to occur, and around half a minute at fastest to start shutting down. Regrowth only healed his injuries, and possibly gave him a boost in blood supply. He was not dead yet. He may have lost a lot of blood, but not enough to be completely fatal.
  7. Also, remember, all humans are partly Ruin too. Just because you wield the power of Preservation doesn't mean you are more non-violent. Indeed, Allomancy is, in the long run, a preserving power (protecting others and such) Protection is quite a common theme in Brandon books, it seems. And fantastic name, OdiYum.
  8. "Invent cheese for the good of Nalthis." or "Scratch my back" or "Kill every quickscoper, camper, proner, C4 maniac, kamikazer, turtler and rusher in every video game."
  9. Umm... doing stuff like this will only get you A+ or A if your teacher understands Sanderson. If your teacher doesn't, quote Martin. (Trust me, it's from personal experience)
  10. (Ashiok, it's Jain the Panda Man. And don't disrespect the toy panda)
  11. Mmm... Nice soda indeed. Pandas love soda. Soda makes them hyperactive (and better at video games).
  12. It's fun being ref So we're not having a MtG or Yu-Gi-Oh duel? Just a knuckle down last man standing? Pity. I'm not against this duel. Let the two bash their heads against each other until one faints.
  13. ​Let the accusations and murders begin, then. Jain watched everyone preparing, idling juggling a few rocks. His toy panda was among the rocks being flicked through the air. Jain could positively sense an air of resignation emanating from it. While everyone had more or less been conscripted into the town militia, Jain had managed to slip pass the call of duty. It was funny watching prosperous and haughty merchants forced to spar with ordinary serfs. Some were taking advantage of the situation already, beating debtors or bankers quite soundly "by accident".
  14. It's a bit hard to have a mercenary guild, especially in a forum. How about the Mercenary Guild gets favors for doing favors for others? Like, for example, the Observer's Guild hires the Mercenary Guild (Mind blown) and as a result, has to do something for the Mercenary Guild? (I'm not hiring, though)
  15. This ranking system is awfully similar to my Guild's system of: Leader/Founder Master Journeyman Apprentice (based on traditional guild system) But hey, least you guys have some sort of order in your ranks, ay? ... Order in Chaos ...
  16. "Others" being? And 17th Shard had a major database?
  17. So even the Lord Ruler has to investigate some minor economical instability...
  18. When you're surprised that after a thunderstorm, every house is still intact. (500th post. Yeehaw. 4 Dots)
  19. You see, Adobe Photoshop (any good photoshopping program, in fact) requires cash to get ($80 for Adobe).
  20. Meanwhile, all the soda cans had mysteriously disappeared, last seen with a certain Panda and a very, very large truck.
  21. ... The very topic name blew my mind.. Where did you get those Yelignar quotes? Very good theory, Moogle (and very nice account picture). Hmm... I wonder if the "spark of life" is some sort of investiture we haven't seen yet? Sudden irrelevant thought. What if the Shard that Brandon says we've seen but didn't recognize was Life? Hmm...
  22. You need Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator Version 6.0 or 5.5. Even then, it's quite hard to use. I think you have to pay, too.
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