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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. If I had a choice to die from AIDS or get controlled by Ruin, then AIDS loses be many, many miles.
  2. Okay, the next person that vandalizes/commits property damage has the to pay the repair fees, an has to to personally fix it without using their powers.
  3. When's it going to start and where?
  4. AHAHAHAHAHAHA (Dies Laughing) Tempus, you keep beating me to making pictures.
  5. I'm not really a hidden message person, Dodgy Dice Unlike that duck humping loving dodgy and trigger happy pair of dice above me.
  6. I'd much rather everyone telling their dark pasts than not even talking about it. makes for entertainment. If we're working on it, then say that.
  7. Okay, can we stop with the "mysterious past" thing? Can we have some originality? Some imagination?
  8. Take my advice as a manga website veteran. It's probably the website. You could also do this to find and uninstall any malware you accidentally downloaded. Go to “Control Panel” à “Programs” à “Uninstall Programs” (The exact series of links may differ. I'm using a Windows 8 laptop. Worst decision of my life) Any program that looks suspicious to you or was downloaded when the problems started, you should delete. Hope I helped
  9. (Sigh). I knew someone would eventually bring this up. This is probably the only faction I have virtually no desire to observe. I still will, though.
  10. Chatbox RP, hey? Admittedly, they are pretty cheesy at times, but when everyone participates, then... let's just say that funny is an understatement WHOEVER IMPERSONATED ME YESTERDAY COME FORWARD AND RECEIVE JUDGEMENT. THERE IS ONLY ONE LIGHTSWORN PANDA! ONE!!!
  11. Next time, try not to put the date in the title, especially if it's a long one. I thought you were a spam bot for a second, and almost reported you.
  12. Agreed, McMillion. The Turing Test is quite exaggerated in use. Cleverbot passed, I think, simply because you can get hilarious answers from it. It's also got the mood swings and memory of a unicorn on crack. Example: Me: What gender are you? CB: Female (Two questions later) Me: What gender are you? CB: I am a program. Eerongal, great to know someone also plays Xbox online . If it isn't too much, can you tell me your account name? Don't get me started on 12-year-old noobs and their surprisingly wide range of curses and knowledge of my relationships.
  13. Chaos, what you did to Leftinch was just Overkill and Buzzkill.
  14. Right, considering that everyone has pretty much contributed in a RP of some form, I think it's time to start a backstory/profile thread. The format will be like this: Edit: You can't say that you have a "mysterious past" anymore. Current Name Gender: Original (if any) name: Faction: Position: Backstory and History: Powers: Weapon(s) of Choice: Likes and Dislikes: Mine is: Current name: Lightsworn Panda Gender: Male Original name: Unknown Faction: Observer's Guild Position: Leader and Founder Backstory and History: Panda's past is clouded and mysterious. Some rumors are that he was raised by pandas, since he sometimes acts like one and has a fetish for them. Powers: Panda can slightly alter the very matter of reality, allowing him to remove objects and use Ether magic, and has experience and skill in nearly every Cosmere power (excluding Hemalurgy, Forgery and some areas of Surgebinding). He is particularly skilled in Aons, able to draw dozens without using his hands. Panda is also a weapons specialist, and can wield almost any weapon. Panda can also perform Hollowification Bleach-style. Weapon(s) of Choice: Observer Reality Blade and twin ARMS 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol, capable of shooting from Hemarlurgic Spikes to standard explosive rounds (Alucard's Jackal, in short. Google that up). Likes and Dislikes: Likes Pandas and watching confusion and destruction. Dislikes (working on it)
  15. (Illusion Panda fades away from slap, revealing the real Panda sitting a few steps back) Chaos uses Balefire to defend contrary, hey? Interesting. (Chuckles)
  16. (Facepalm) I thought it was to be posted here on 17th Shard. One day, I'll have to get Advantageous Proclamation or Traumatize (Hate and love that card). Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental Is probably the best card name ever
  17. Great. Another sad salesman . Next time, I should be a (Toy) Panda Salesman
  18. Jain raised an eyebrow. "Quite the trigger-happy fellow, aren't you?" he asked. "I don't really like losing body parts, even if it is a small hole of flesh, sinew and possibly some lung tissue. However, while you do look quite trained with that 9-inch of steel, I think you should know that slamming a person against a wall without restraints is only something done in novels" Jain lashed out with a foot, taking the woman in the knee. She instinctively loosed her grip on his throat and clutched her knee. Jain grabbed the woman's wrist, jabbing a thumb into her wrist-nerve, paralyzing her hand, before winding her - for the second time - with a kick to the stomach. As the woman doubled over gasping, Jain brushed himself off and walked towards the exit. "I have no idea who you are, or what your "works" are. I'm just a traveler caught in the middle of a riot." Jain took something out of his pocket and dropped it onto the floor. " As a sign of trust and peace, you can hold this for safe-keeping. It's very dear to me. Take good care of it, or it might get unhappy." It was a toy panda. I don't think I can make it through today, so continue this legacy Even if I do survive, you can keep it. I'll want it back if you die.
  19. "Long time" being half a year Happy birthday Joe ST and Macen! Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Joe and Macen Happy birthday to you Hip Hip hooray (break out the party poppers!) I'm one of those unlucky people who have their birthdays very close to Christmas (23rd December) and as a result I get my birthday presents which also counts as my Christmas presents. If I got birthday presents, that is.
  20. I think I died laughing from the thought of Marsh suffering from AIDs or syphilis and having to explain how he got it to Ruin. (btw, I can't precisely remember, but did Marsh die in the end of Hero of Ages? I don't think he did)
  21. Wait wait wait. Since when did Elsa become made out of And was made again out of:
  22. Mm... Tempting, Jerric. I'll see how many will Join your extraction. For now, I'll watch. Jain watched the encounter from the rooftops. A woman with a sword... Jain had always found it odd that men were always so touchy about things like eye-colour and gender. Just because a person was a woman or had dark eyes didn't necessarily put him ahead or above others. The man with the bow yelped and scrambled backwards. Archers were virtually unbeatable on the rooftops, but in the confines of a room, they were hopeless. The woman slipped into a stance, murder in her eyes. Jain decided to break up the confrontation before things got messy and blood became the new wallpaper. Hefting two rocks, he flicked them at their midriff. Both went down gasping for air. Deftly jumping into the room, Jain picked up the man and tipped him out the window, right into one of the new lakes that formed due to the Highstorm. It was a long fall, and a hard one, but the man would survive. "That's for kicking me off a rooftop", muttered Jain as he climbed out of the room.
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