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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. (Snorts back up hot chocolate) Since when did renouncing ever solve anything? It always made it worse.
  2. Try reading Bill Bryson's "Mother Tongue". Very interesting and funny book about languages. (Any Bill Bryson book is funny and entertaining. Read them. I highly recommend them.) What is this, Fullmetal Alchemist? Also, Malliw, I'm quite sure you too are jacked and amped up on Hemalurgic Spikes and such. Don't preach about someone being a demon when you are not far from one.
  3. That was waaaaaay too fast and one-sided. No, I am not insane. I just like watching chaos.
  4. Jain was so surprised by what he saw that he almost tripped over himself. A man selling dirt. Jain wasn't sure whether he should cry or laugh. Of all his times spent travelling, he had never seen such a weird product to sell. He'd seen whole frozen pigs. He'd seen dog meat. He'd seen statues made out of crabs. His toy panda, sadly, had not come from a vendor. He would have bought a few thousand toy pandas if he could. He'd never seen a person sell DIRT. Jain looked at the ground to check if it was still made of dirt. It was. There must be something special with that dirt, he thought, as he approached the vendor "Mr Vendor, is there any specialty about your... products?" Jain asked. Before the salesman could reply, though, Jain saw the answer in the hole in the ground. Holding up his hand to stall any answers by the dirt salesman, Jain took out a mark - not a silver one - and handed it to salesman. "I'll pay you for the labor you made in digging up that dirt and actually selling that joke. Don't think you'll get anything more off me." Without waiting for a reply, Jain grabbed a bag, dropped the mark and walked off. He did have a collector's interest in strange souvenirs, after all. Nothing more fun than heaping up contrariness
  5. Pardon me, but I'm going to die from laughing so hard
  6. Jain opened his eyes. He was still alive. Surprising really. He had though he would be killed. Getting off his bed - the previous owner of the room he was in had been trampled to death in the riot - he looked out the window. The Highstorm had passed, leaving behind mini-floods and new lakes in Kholinar. Normally, the city council would have had workers clearing out the water and debris. Normally. If there was a city council. Another reason why Jain stuck to the rooftops. Looking at the shelf above him, Jain saw the toy panda looking down at him. Jain frowned. He was quite sure he had positioned it facing the wall.
  7. Well, I think I have your anthem below: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanya nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanya nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanya nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanya or: Caton of Inquisition Anthem
  8. Finally! A WoT game! I'm joining! Jain, the traveler, is back for more (hopefully, he does better and survives this time)! And so is his Toy Panda! I can see that this game has been quite heavily influenced by Magic the Gathering (Detaining someone, for example).
  9. Erai you lucky... How come you are the only one of us that have a girl friend? Welcome to the fun club, shorty. I recommend joining a "faction", since there's going to be a RP war coming soon (an RP war is pretty much a word war we like to have) You could also join the (Next) Sanderson Elimination Game. It's like Mafia, but with Items and Roles.
  10. High Fantasy as in Heroes of Might and Magic(Ether magic, Pit-fiends, Seraphs, Fate-spinners), Magic the Gathering and Diablo level of Fantasy? I AM SO IN!!!
  11. Thanks for the offer, but I have to turn you down. My Guild is fun and awesome enough.
  12. We Observers Shotgun this corner for ourselves! Time to set up an outpost. The second picture is what the Lords of Chaos outpost could look like. (Both of these pictures are from Heroes of Might and Magic 6)
  13. You know, from now on, I refuse to do (many) photoshop pictures. Either Tempus or Awesomness beats me to it.
  14. We're not negotiating for NC. We're just negotiating. There's no winner in RP wars. The only successful person is the negotiator Is no one going to appreciate how much work I put into calculating and and researching? No one? Not even a "Good Job"?
  15. And Steel. Metric tons of steel. To be more precise: A small city weighs 2.17 x 10e15 pounds (10e15 means 1 with 15 zeros), or 2170000000000000 lbs. A Pound of scrap steel is worth 14 cents. 2.17 x 10e15 x 0.14 = 303800000000000 That's at least $303,800,000,000,000 or $303.8 trillion you have to pay, along with a few hundred trillions+ dollars in wasted labor, now-homeless residents, ruined economy, etc. Small claims? You guys ruined the whole city in your battles. You have to pay the charges. Of course, the loser also tends to have to pay the charges as war reparations Now someone has to pay me for calculating and researching all that.
  16. No, I meant Awes always beats me to photoshopping/creating an image.
  17. Joe, you just had to show that this topic has already been taken, didn't you? Looks like your problem/curse can be spread. Maybe Sel's number is 9. The Jindonese are suspiciously (ok, definitely) like the Chinese, and we do like the number 9. However, that isn't the case for the Elantrians...
  18. Unlikely. Vasher isn't a showy guy, and like to do things directly with glamour and fuss. A mistcloak would be an inconvenience to him.
  19. "But Sir, they have a Baby Poodle AND a Dachshund!" "What!? Impossible! Did they steal the neighbor's dogs AGAIN!? I told them it was illegal!" "It doesn't matter! The squirrels are getting overwhelmed!" "Fine. Send in the Baby Panda and the Honey Badger." "But I thought..." "Never mind. They broke the rules, then so can I"
  20. BRANDON PLAYS MTG TOO!?!?!?!?! YEEEEEEEAAH! Wait... it's the 7th of June here. Is this an upcoming post?
  21. Update Observer's Guild Rosters: Lightsworn Panda (Founder and Leader) PorridgeBrick (Master Worldhopper) MozytheHealer (Master Observer) Sunshine (Journeyman) Surgebound Rainspren (Journeyman) Gaz (Journeyman) Theorymaker (Journeyman)
  22. A larger coalition? Who else could you have in it? And you still haven't paid the damage charges and insurance claims.
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