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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Yeah, I figured that out, and edited my previous post. Since you call me a Little Panda, then I think I can call you the Dodgy Dice, ey?
  2. Interesting, the Feathermancers and the Lord Ruler have declared War upon the Newcagos... the War that was prophesied to be waged, but not on the Shroomies, as we interpreted, but on the Newcagoans.
  3. Congrats, Kobold. You have the 600th post.
  4. I flipped a coin. It says Heads. you go first, Newcago (We're not going to have the Centers clash over the puck)
  5. Peng, Kurkistan has founded a new Clan called the Catquisitors. You claim to be one. Who do you owe your alliance to?
  6. Pardon the double post, but a New Clan is up! The Catquisitators! A new target to observe.!
  7. ^ I I I This man is a trigger-happy cook who keeps throwing his weight around.
  8. Team 1. NC Team 2. WS Goalee: Leftinch Contrary Captain: Queen Elsa Goalee: Kobold King Center Forward: Erai Left Wing: Ashiok Left Wing: Swimmingly Right Wing: Jason Players, you may now summon your 3 Lifeless/Awakened Objects/chalklings. You may not Forge yourself into a sportsman, or use and form of Allomancy, Metarlurgy or Feruchemy to enhance yourself. Aons are strictly forbidden, and becoming a Svrakkis is an instant disqualification. You may not use Surgebinding during the match at any time, even if you are about to die, nor may you hold/keep Stormlight inside of you. Shards may not influence or participate in the match. Epics are not allowed to use their powers. Smedries may not participate. Saidin and Saidar and the One Power cannot be used. Multiple Legion disorder is permitted. Right. Heads or Tails, Newcago and Wafflesworn?
  9. It's too late, Feather. The characters are you now. MWAHAHAHA (cough) Since when did Vedans work as guards?
  10. (Everyone shuffles out of room temporarily from flirting)
  11. (Coughs up blood at suggestion) Who's the GM panda?
  12. Jain watched the two men. They seemed to be pretty able to defend themselves. Indeed, one of them had broken a thug's neck with - oddly - a sphere. Jain jumped down from his ledge, landing behind the fellow with the club. Jain tapped Asphodel's shoulder and stepped back. As expected, Asphodel jumped, turned around and swung his club at Jain, who had stepped out of reach. "Hold it there, my trigger-happy friend. I'm the person who saved you from the thugs. How about we take this to your home and discuss it while eating some of your admirable food that you've so helpfully stored up?" Amicitia?
  13. Jain looked at the crowd from the top of yet another rooftop. A request for some breakfast had turned into a mini-riot for food. He had barely escaped the crush of people, scrabbling at the door with zombie-like mindlessness and determination. Peng must be having a hard breakfast. A man streaked down the street, screaming for help against some armed men that were chasing him. No one paid him any heed. Another man followed, battered and bleeding, also screaming for help. He was followed by a group of thugs, waving cudgels and a sword. No one paid the man any attention either. Jain sighed. Damsels in distresses were getting quite common these days. Stooping down, Jain picked up man's first weapon, the weapon used by Monkey 1 in retaliation when Monkey 2 pushed him, and the weapon that all humans used at some point in their life. More specifically, a rock. Even without a sling, a rock could be devastating if thrown correctly. Jain flicked the rock at the first man, catching him square in the middle of the head. He went down, and didn't get back up. The second one went down with a rock in his gut, the third with two in his chest and the fourth was already running away. Both men barely gave Jain a glance, much less a thank-you, as they scrambled towards Peng's house and, with the strength of desperate and hungry men, supported by the mob, broke down Peng's door. It'd be so funny if Brandon was reading this for Stones Unhallowed ideas.
  14. I'm not a member of the Wafflesworn. I am an Observer, proud and true (and annoying)
  15. Not even for a genetically enhanced panda, a volatile penguin, a fish-head, a pair of loaded dice and Bane in a Shardplate?
  16. I do report the bots. I just slam them with downvotes before I report them
  17. Jain knocked on the door. He had smelt breakfast getting made from the house, and, while he did have food in his bag, he didn't want to waste it when he could freeload. What was the inhabitant called again? Ah, yes. Peng. Short for one of those queer animals that lived in the Oceans of the South called penguins. Quite like his toy panda, except they could swim and were birds. "Hey, Peng, mind if I have some breakfast? I swear I'm not a bandit or mugger! I just want some smoked chull meat!"
  18. Fantastic map, contrary! I'm sadly not on the right spot on the map. I live in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. Funny how America is just a massive mess of pins.
  19. Hoid is Meedas. That's what coppermind wiki says. I reckon Hoid isn't really evil. If he broke Adolnasium, and is the writer of the Letter, why would he want to stop Odium so badly?
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