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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Jain watched the man with the bow. Quite the trigger-happy fellow, kicking him off the roof before he could even introduce himself. Sadly, the fellow didn't seem to know that the building's foundations were badly scorched, and may collapse at any moment. Taking the hook and rope he had found earlier today, he turned to assail one of the strange plateau-like windblades rock formations that made up a large part of Kholinar. Jain had always wanted to know how the view from the top looked like.
  2. The Pirate Monkeys are largely composed of absent admins and members... This is like looking at an architectural site, really. A thread that has died for 2 years, with fossils and absent members encased inside.
  3. I've always wanted to know when the Pirate Monkeys will finally come out of hibernation and actually do something...
  4. When you are introduced to cheese and you laugh at the idea of such things as cows and milk.
  5. Dear sweet God... The spam bots have come for us in the middle of the day! Hmm... looks like you have a maximum downvote quota of 7... and that makes a Lifeless.
  6. Well, you could say everyone (except for the dead) lived happily ever after. The Nobles had trumped the Ghostbloods. A new king was selected. And the toy panda was loose. Great game, Malliw. Thanks for GMing it
  7. I would use atium to increase my reflexes and be able to predict the future so I can finally shoot the quickscopers that ALWAYS POP UP FOR SOME REASON when I turn a corner in a FPS game.
  8. The toy panda sat on the windowsill, smiling. Smiling in a very eerie way. Smiling in a way that was definitely not normal. The smile had almost literally reached its ears. The Shin was dead. That was regrettable. He was an interesting companion, partly because he was an interesting person. Partly because he was a fool in the game. Such a grand game. The toy panda turned towards the West. How was his cousin doing? Of all the nights I had to die on, it was the night I wasn't paranoid about. Well, I really did genuinely noob this round. Hope I do better in QF 2.
  9. I will eat all bamboo and cheese I will support my panda fellows I will Pandarize every picture I see
  10. Hokay, here we go. Rules: Since there are only 3 players per team as of yet, there will be no positions. Everyone is Center and can go anywhere. You and the puck may go behind the goals (real rule) Each player may summon/bring a maximum of 3 Lifeless/Awakened Objects to support them. All rules apply to them. Contact is allowed, but only with the player with the puck in their possession (no shepherding). That's about it. I may add some later.
  11. Well, so nice of you hot-headed trigger happy fools to declare a hockey match. I know SOME rules about hockey. I will set some rules down later.
  12. Jain stood on top of one of the tallest buildings in Kholinar. It had taken him the better hald of an hour to get up there. His toy panda was propped up on a pile of rocks. Below him, the city burned. Recently, he'd seen an insane "priest" preaching about his new found religion of Chaos. Surprisingly, there were a few followers. Three factions had been formed in the anarchy and chaos of the Riot. The Nobles, the Darkeyes and the Merchants. There as a rumored 4th faction. The 17th Shard. Not much was known about them. Jain turned to go, picking up his toy. He frowned. He was quite sure the panda hadn't been facing the city when he had been placed him. So sad how there's so little blue-text discussion. Edit: Grammar
  13. Welcome to the fun bunch, Kal Is that picture of who I think it is...?
  14. Sell. In 100 years, genetically enhanced pandas will be writing books . Cheese does not possibly exist on Roshar (think about it).
  15. Sadly, we Observers don't participate in any side. We can referee, though.
  16. Shiver, now that you're here, I'm assuming the Pirate Monkey clan has been revived?
  17. Jain jumped to another rooftop. He really liked heights, for some reason. Probably because he liked the view. He also liked climbing and parkouring across them. Below him, a woman ripped of a safeglove and threw it into the crem-infested ground. Yet another sign of a decaying order. Jain had been in plenty of riots before, but never in such a large and city-wide one. Riots were fun and interesting, but awfully inconvenient. Food prices would skyrocket and there were always thieving bands roaming the streets. Jain checked his sword. It was a simple and humble one, but it killed. Besides, few people could chase him, especially on the rooftops. The next roof was too far away to jump. t was raining virtually non-stop now. A lot of people had their hoods up, both to hide their identities and hide from the rain. Sighing, Jain backtracked his route to find a more accessible path. Something told Jain the toy panda was smiling at his frustration in his pocket.
  18. Careful. Before you know it, she'll be Soothing or Rioting your emotions to make you give her more milk.
  19. Jee... why the hostility? Besides, whoever said I had a face
  20. A pity you have to leave us, Joe. That Game 5 reference level... it's over 9000! Jain blinked. That was NOT an ordinary event, even at these times. That man... had he just Elsecalled here? He also looked quite familiar. One of his cousins - who also had a fetish for pandas - had told him about a similar man in a letter. Jost, that was the dead man's name. That cousin was also now 6 feet underground. Below him, the soldiers marched the protesting man away, ignorant of his pleas. It still surprised him that there was still some order in the city of Kholinar.
  21. Welcome to the fun bunch, Frosty. Mind if I ask which company you work for in game designing? Or do you go solo/Indie? It'd be really nice if you could make a game for the Brandon Sanderson books
  22. Bug? What bug? I swear to the Other God that I did not put a bug in it. ... Did the panda put the bug inside itself? ... (The toy panda's smile looks a bit wider than usual)
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