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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. The Observer's Guild is always open for new members, Theorymaker we've also got cookies and awesome items.
  2. There's also an alternative: grab a chasmfiend, drop it into a vat of ink and presto!
  3. (Feeds waffle to chull.) (Chull grows into a dark chasmfiend) Now THAT was interesting. (Casually pokes dark chasmfiend with Blade. Dark chasmfiend is cut from reality and vanishes, along with some utensils and batter in the Wafflesworn kitchens due to the side-effects of the reality-cutting [ever read about balefire?]
  4. (Elsecalls disorientated and confused mob back) (Takes waffle and runs off, giggling. Wafflesworn staff later find everything in their kitchen tilted at a nauseating angle)
  5. (Elsecalls angry mob into different world) Firstly, Peng only requested to join. He was never Sworn in. Ashiok, just because I'm giving advice about group joining doesn't mean I have to be kicked off this thread. Indeed, you are no stranger to advertising on other's threads While I do wish for a war to observe, I do not want to participate in one. Quitecontrary, keep a level head. Cutlery just doesn't cut it (gettit?) when it comes to war.
  6. Llarimar may suffer sever depression, emotional traumas and breakdowns from witnessing twice the death of a close relative. Close observation is recommended to prevent self-harm. ... Why did I say that in doctor jargon?
  7. I think my mouse broke from upvoting you, Malliw. The reason protagonists don't like guns is simple: Guns would make everything too easy. There'd be nothing to write about. David doesn't like handguns so we can get awkward grapple fights since rifles don't work well at close range.
  8. Peng, before you charge gung-ho into the ranks of the Waffles, please pause and reconsider the alternatives. There's plenty of other groups. Allow me to list them for you: Feathertips: the fandom of Featherwriter. The oldest LIVING group there is and with the most reputable members. Positives: Probably the most powerful group there is, and you do get a sneak peek at Feather's next fan-fic. Negatives: The Feathers are constantly in a state of turmoil and arguing, and they are the most trigger-happy group there is. (Notable) Members (I've lost count of them): Featherwriter (leader) Malliw lwd24era Joe Newcago: Founded by Quiver (an ex-follower of Feather), the Newcagos are dedicated to Elsa Steelheart. They gained power and reputation VERY quickly. Positives: Most popular group, and still gaining followers. Very notable followers, too. Negatives: They are a tad random and goal-less. (Notable) Members (I've lost count of them too): Elsa Steelheart (Leader) Delightful Quiver Swimmingly Grey Pilgrim Observers Guild: My guild. We are sworn to observing, laughing at others and such. We are like Hoid Positives: We get awesome Items, and we are not involved in petty conflict but we can enjoy them on the sidelines. Negatives: Some people call us creepy. I actually don't know why. Members: Lightsworn Panda (Founder and Leader) PorridgeBrick (Master Worldhopper) MozytheHealer (Master Observer) Sunshine (Apprentice) Surgebound Rainspren (Apprentice) Gaz (Apprentice) Wafflesworn: I hope you know the guild you are about to join, Peng.
  9. Make that 2. I bribed Porridge into the Observer's Guild.
  10. ... Since when did Chaos the admin get such a fandom?
  11. Creepy? We only occasionally torture someone to death This some somehow reminds me of Soviet creepypastas (breaks down giggling)
  12. Gaz, you are now an Apprentice of the Observer's Guild. Take your items (and your one-eyed curse) and go troll the other threads!
  13. Looks like there's THREE photoshoppers on this forum: Me, Tempus and Awesomness
  14. Yup. That's definitely better then the one I made. (How do you add pictures to your signatures?)
  15. (Begins uncontrollably vomiting rainbows of adoration) Nope. They continuously waffle one about other stuff. (Badum tsh)
  16. Oh, we don't know. Vasher might have coup de grace'd him
  17. This reminds of how people used to smuggle pandas out of China. While transporting pandas out of China as illegal, the transport of black bears was not. Smugglers would paint a panda black and smuggle it right under border protection's nose.
  18. Seeing that there's been an explosion in the number of groups and members, I decided to start this thread on possible bases/homes of each group, or at least places/pictures that remind me of them. Before everyone starts praising me on the artwork, let me make a disclaimer. I did not draw or photoshop these. I just got these off the net. The first picture is the Feathertip/blade base (this is from Heroes of Might and Magic 6. Awesome game) Glorious, beautiful and feathery The second is the Newcago base (this is a picture of the city of Harbin, which is quite similar to Elsa's Newcago. Beautiful place). I can't think of one for the Wafflesworn other than the kitchen We Observers have no bases, since we travel so much, although we do have meeting spots, like the 3rd picture The last picture is the Shroomite base.
  19. BEST OFFERING EVA! Congratulations, Rain. You're now an Aprentice Observer. Take your items and go troll and laugh at the others!
  20. Seeing that you don't have an account picture, and that you're now a Featherless, I decided to make an account picture for you, lwd. Enjoy
  21. Nope, it's for the Waffles. I've finished it. You can see it below.
  22. Pardon the double post, but here's the finished emblem. It was actually pretty easy. Whaddaya think?
  23. Ha-di-ha-ha. Jee, we Observers and your Waffles have never really gotten on well, have we? Look, I'll make an emblem for you and let's call it peace, hey?
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