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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. That was nice. You're lucky we abstain.
  2. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ADDED WHEN YOU ADDED THE ASIAN FLAVOR!? But yeah, thanks for the offer. Sadly, I don't feel like eating a panda-face-shaped waffle. It'd break my heart to. (Reverently places waffle in a case on top of a shelf)
  3. I thank you for your generosity, your highness, but I am already the leader and founder of the observer's Guild. I'm thinking up a new design...
  4. Alright, I've finished a (admittedly pretty bad) design (I spent only 10 minutes on this). Whaddaya think? I may have accidentally given you guys a motto. It also sounds suspiciously like a certain House's motto.
  5. A Newcago emblem, hum? Hmm... I think me or Tempus can make one. I've already made my Guild symbol, which is shown below for those who want to admire it
  6. Very well. Sunshine, you are now a member of the Observer's Guild. I name you an Apprentice (once you display enough experience or are active longe enough, you can be promoted to Journeyman status by one of the Masters or me. Once you display exceptionally awesome behaviour or get a popular post, you may be promoted to Master level) Take your items: Elsecaller, Blade and food and go troll (cough) observe other groups!
  7. So, do you wish to join? Or are you a member of another group?
  8. Oh, we don't resist it. We just introduce it to others, get them to make some then nab (sough) i mean order it off them
  9. (Casually turns the cloaks of every guard in the hall for the fun of it) (Get it?) Do we really need all the fancy talk?
  10. Well, I messed around a bit with Argent's old account picture, and here's what I got The first picture is a pink Argent. I was rather bored. The second was a distorted and ethereal (and boss looking) argent. The third (my favorite), is ... self explanatory
  11. Nah, we use it as a symbol to identify ourselves. The Feathers have theirs, we have ours.
  12. Sorry for another double post, but I recently created our Guild Symbol. The Feathers have their feather blade, we have our pentagram. The symbol at the center is the interlude picture from WoK, meant to represent Hoid, who is pretty much the patron saint of our guild. Now, if someone could tell me how to add it to my signature... Also, how do you paste pictures to a post? The "paste" icon doesn't work for me.
  13. ... Jaeger footprints? Is this a Pacific Rim reference or a German quote? Mary, you sure you don't want to join the other groups? There's the Newcagos, the Wafflesworn, the Observers (my fun bunch) and even the Shrooms. Wait, why are you posting this in the NEWCAGO COURT THREAD?
  14. Serious, Rubix? Are you serious? How much time did you waste doing that? (how much time did I waste opening them?)
  15. Mmm... a pity. (Thinks between a bite of a cookie) Wait, Dear Panda? Lwd, I'd really appreciate it if you went back to your original and didn't copy Lurth. Because I just might be the Dark thing in the night (finishes eating cookie)
  16. (Looks down at the massive kneeling congregation in interest) (Drinks another - I think I'm drinking too many cups - cup of tea) What's the grand entrance for? Why the kneelers? Lurth 2/lwd, you are showing exemplary Observer behaviour. Sure you don't want to join?
  17. For all the chest-beating, displays of power and such, war has still not been declared and ensued.
  18. Order or nab some from the Wafflesworn. Upvote to you for that fantastic reference.
  19. (Embarrassed cough) Thank you, Khyrindor.
  20. Sure. I hearby announce Mozy as the Master Observer. Take your items (don't forget the hot chocolate) and go troll (cough) I mean observe some threads. Don't restrain in using your items, especially the Blade (cough) I mean refrain from using them.
  21. Hey, we Observers are lurkers. Just with more abilities.
  22. (Worldhops back with an exact same replica and a kiwi as an extra) Got one too. Bank security never notices.
  23. Hello, Rain. You can always not pick a side and join my Observer's Guild. We pretty much observe, Worldhop around topics and laugh at the conflict. You know you want to
  24. (Worldhops back from New Zealand holding a kiwi) Got one. Animal protection never notices (Chucks it to Swim)
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