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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Yep, they are. The also cause chaos at the same time (that's what their page says). Makes perfect sense Careful, Elsa. Shroom is quite insidious. Treat him with caution.
  2. Your gonna need it. The Feathers will come after you in a storm of ... well... feathers. But it won't be fluffy.
  3. There's always the Observer's guild, Lurth And the Farmer defected and started a new clan. The Wafflesworn, I believe, are what they're called. Ashiok and Kobold are the members. (Finishes bisuit and cookies) They make nice food, too.
  4. Hey, @Quiver, I got your profile picture, Like it?
  5. Mmm... I think the trigger happy guards are gone now. (Elsecalls back to Newcago) (Finishes tea) Hey Swim, wanna join us in our tea party?
  6. Oh, we also do stuff. We just sit in the sidelines and laugh at the conflict And we Elsecall.
  7. i was also going to say Shinovar. The land their is more... normal compared to our world (Grass do't shrink away, for one). Read Rysn's interlude in WoK. Wonder if pandas live in Shinovar...
  8. Aha! A new Clan! (Or you could join the Observer's Guild. You don't have to make food. You can just steal them or get provided food by sending us a request. And you get more items. )
  9. ... Why do I suddenly want to make a rude joke? (sips tea in different dimension) Mmm... Nice. How did you make it, Ashiok?
  10. Aaaand we have our new Clan! The Wafflesworn (I dare you to make a thread about this, Kobold)!
  11. Argh! Beaten to the first joiner! Jain, the traveller with the panda fetish is back for more!
  12. Sadly, without Elsecall devices, Balefire-level Blades and a limitless supply of fruit and sweets.
  13. Arrrgent, we may be peasants, but least we can have fun. Besides, you could just join the Observer's Guild and laugh at everyone.
  14. Hmm... Partaking tea with a bear... Why not? (Elsecalls Tea party into a nearby dimension)
  15. Sorry for the double post, but I've decided to introduce some new items and ranks. All members of the Observer's Guild now have : An Elsecaller device that lets you teleport between Clan/group threads at will A Blade that has the power to completely cut a person from reality, instead of just cutting the soul, quite like balefire from Wheel of TIme. Restraint in usage is recommended. A constant supply of fruit/sweets The new ranks are: Leader (me) Master Worldhopper (Porridge) Member: (we're open!) Feel free to make up new ranks.
  16. Oooh, thanks. (takes one and replaces it with a Elsecaller device of the Observer's Guild) Lets call it a (involuntary) trade, hey?
  17. (Hm... Lets try it out! BullThis post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules) We are safe from the spammer for now. But when night falls... Fluffy bunnies don't come out.
  18. (looks at Delightful and Elsa's account picture) Things are going to get preeeetty confusing. btw, Kobold, the Observer's Guild has plenty of fruit (mango, kiwifruit, banana and even pomegranate) which can easily be made into fresh and delicious ice cones and ice cream.
  19. GOD HELP US THE SPAMMERS HAVE ARRIVED. Hm... 5 downvotes = Lifeless
  20. (Jumps down from rafters, takes a white chocolate and Lashes self back to rafters) Sorry. Couldn't resist doing that. I like white chocolate too much. (Proceeds to stuff face with delicious white chocolate)
  21. The last punishment is aimed at those who break the first 2 Ideals. Least we have some rules. Anyway, I'm fairly lax in regards of infringing (but not totally breaking) the first 2 Ideals. We're not all that scary and serious.
  22. Call it Rainbow Puff or Jacked, Lurth. Best name for a legendary sword ever For those of you who can't or don't want to pick a side, feel free to join The Observer's Guild. We are dedicated to simply observing, watching and commenting. Oh, and we've got kiwifruit, pomegranates and even some mangoes. Hot chocolate is coming in, too. (Advertise on my thread and I'll advertise on yours, Delightful ) (Dammit, I like these emoticons too much )
  23. Khyrindor, if you don't want to pick a side, feel free to join the Observer's Guild
  24. It might be more than your ordinary ice blade. It could be an Ice-Shard Blade.
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