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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. (Groans) Not another "stick" thread. They stick around for too long.
  2. I think Brandon is just making space for Tarah (or maybe even Laral). He isn't a particularly good romance writer, so hopefully, no Twilight Love Triangles.
  3. You do NOT want to bring the Panda Nation into this battle, Captain Feather.
  4. Jaysus. Now I get voted for inconsistency. (Sigh) Let me Explain myself. I was hoping everyone would forget I had a Painrial. Thanks for putting me back into the limelight, Tion. Just saying, I spent my Painrial last night, and it was on you, Tion. Considering how many people called my act, I might as well tell everyone. Yes, I am playing the noob. Why the GB went after Sphinx, I have no idea. Maybe they actually bought my act. What I'm going to ask next is a genuine noob question (this is my first game, after all). There can be more than 1 Painrial in a game, right? Oh, and don't answer when a person knocks on your door on a foggy day.
  5. You get used to it. Just make sure you didn't leave your dog outside.
  6. Aha! The field has been set. Both sides are gathering troops. Action is imminent. This will be fun (giggle). (btw, I'm not on either side. I'm just observing)
  7. Why does everyone hate Australians? Melbournians like me are quite agreeable and nice (we make awesome coffee). It's the Queensland and Western Australian bogans that are the morons.
  8. (Giggles at conflict from sidelines) Hey, don't dis us Australians. Just cause there's a few bogans doesn't mean we're all bogans.
  9. This is going to get interesting. A battle between Feathers and a Shroom. I like it. (Cackles evilly from sidelines)
  10. He completed the cinnamon challenge... WITH COCAINE
  11. Meanwhile, while everybody was arguing and chasing Lureth, Lightsworn Panda had escaped to the land of pandas (and the lightsworn).
  12. Too true. That's why I watch anime (People drop dead like flies, depending on which anime you're watching).
  13. Can't believe I'm still alive. Hmm... The Grandbow user is awfully quiet. Maybe he's playing cautious. I'm assuming they're a Noble, since a GB would know who was an ally and who wasn't, and would thus use it without limit. The same goes for the Shardblade holder. Jain opened his eyes. He was still alive. Looking up, he was relieved by the sight of the toy panda looking at the wall. He had somehow expected it to turn around in the middle of the night or something more paranormal. He was eating breakfast when news of the murder reached him. The Ghost Bloods had struck, and this time they had hit their target. Another Noble was dead, with few clues left behind. I wonder what importance the silk on the sword has? Edit: Color problems
  14. Jaysus, 22 upvotes already, STEELHE4RT. Good job I have died many times in your eyes, Arrrrgent. I think strange aeons have come. (does anyone get my reference?) Carriers are what grunts, specters and other minions come into the map on in Titanfall.
  15. You have really been caught up by the Feathers, haven't you? I'll notify Feather about this.
  16. Sometimes, my editing box in the posting box just vanishes. I don't know why.
  17. Jee, you must be blown away by all these welcomes. Your friends aren't interested in theories or the Cosmere!? Don't they realize how little, um, I mean, much they're missing out on? Remember to change your signature and your member title. (They're the things above your account picture and at the bottom of your posts) You can find it in "Edit my profile". Try joining the next Sanderson Elimination game. It's in the Role Playing section in the forums.
  18. 1 in 8 booster chance of drawing a mythic rare, they said. Buy one they said. 12 boosters later, no luck (though I do have 1 foil Archetype of courage.) I made a white/black deck with 4 Archetypes of Finality and 3 Archetypes of Courage. Get one of each on the field and GG bro.
  19. Sure was. Just wish they weren't so short.
  20. ... I went through most of this thread thinking that we were talking about the game FTL.
  21. I'm not a Feather. I am, at heart, a true Panda. Nothing can change that.
  22. He is an Awakened Object. With Chuck Norris powers, it seems
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