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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Carrier has arrived... DO YOU PLAY TITANFALL!?
  2. Jaysus, it was the GB that attacked Meta!? I thought it was an individual action. (Slaps face repeatedly in stupidity)
  3. S'il vous plaît (and I mean it in the most literal way), madame. Mon français n'est pas très bon. En fait, je suis nul à français.
  4. LEt me explain myself a bit. I know that innocents kill each other 95% of the time. What I'm slightly miffed about is the fact that the GB did not use their night action. It's almost as if they're taunting us. I don't think I can make it through this night alive, so could the painrial holder protect me. I'm a sitting duck as it is. Awesomeness, look at your account picture and your reputation level
  5. (Looks at topic) (Slaps self) (Looks at topic again) (Slaps self again) Sieg Heil, Mien FeatherWriter Fräulein.
  6. You could improve in certain areas. For example: "Trying to pick out a gun in all this metal would be like searching for a needle in a sea of needles." Doesn't really make sense. I think there's a reason straw is used in the original simile. Overall, I like how you adapted Brandon's style and added a bit of your own.
  7. At this rate, the GB won't even have to use their night actions. We're screwing ourselves well enough. Least we know who has (and possibly used) a Pain Knife and a spanreed. I'd also like a spanreed user to contact me. Tion, I'm slightly unnerved about the fact that you have a Pain Knife Jain rubbed his eyebrows when he heard the news. Another person hung, and it was an innocent again. What was more, the victim was a spanreed and Pain Knife holder, which were both now in possession of Tion. Glancing his toy panda, which was now back on its shelf, he was mildly surprised to see that the toy was blank and emotionless. He had expected it to be at least smirking in revelry. Turning the toy panda so that it faced the wall (Jain did not want anyone looking at him sleep, even if it was a toy), Jain hopped into bed and sent a quick prayer to the Almighty or whatever deity that was nice enough to listen.
  8. ... Jee, after a bit of reflection, I feel so immature being excited about a children's book to coming out. I still want it, though.
  9. You sure he'll not snap until then? Last time I tried doing that, I only lasted a few weeks, and that was with video games, manga, work and card games to distract me.
  10. I reckon the only way you could use soulcasting to mind control someone would be to forcibly override their Cognitive influence over their body parts, which should be pretty hard to do. I don't think you could soulcast someone to the degree that they think in a different way, but you could potentially soulcast someone's heart or brain into a lump of rock.
  11. ERMAGERD. These are (vomits rainbows of adoration) awesome pictures. You have a magnificent (Erp. Another Rainbow) gift and skill. Those pictures are (RAINBOWS) fantastic (although Szeth looks a bit lost). And that manga style picture is FABULOUS. You need to do more of them (yes, I love manga). What program do you use to make those digital pictures (RAINBOWS EVERYWHERE)?
  12. She does have those memory banks. Maybe that's how. Or maybe it's just a plot hole. Even the best authors have them.
  13. (Sigh). lwd (actually, everyone on this thread), you may have just earned yourself a spot in Feather's next fanfiction.
  14. Why am I constantly accused of being a GB? The reason the GB didn't knife me in the middle of the knight was probably because I was a useless player with no value. That, or because I'm a potential suspect. My clairvoyance is just a coincidence. You can see that I posted later, and that's because I was influenced by the previous post. Jain walked through the market, juggling the fruit he had just bought and his toy panda out of boredom. It didn't look particularly happy, sharing air space with a dozen exotic fruit. Earlier today, Jain had been officially accused of being a Ghost Blood. Needless to day, he was quite unhappy. All he ever wanted to do was to observe, and it seemed to always end like this, this being an angry, bloodthirsty mob screaming for his blood. Realizing that his juggling had caught more than a few eyes, Jain quickly replaced his fruit and toy into his pocket and hurried off to another warcamp.
  15. I get what you were intending, but I think it's a bit unfair to suddenly grow wings, enlarge yourself and gain a sexy deep baritone.
  16. Hmm... I wonder what object or role requires a rope? The thief? So, it was you who had the Shardplate, Tion. I suspected you were the victim of the attack, considering how active you were. Someone was bound to get you. I'm afraid I'll have to put down your Torturer of Heralds thing, since it is infringing some rules. Jain was startled by the sudden ruckus. Someone was claiming they were they Torturer of Cheerios or some other nonsense, and at an indecent level of volume, too. An angry and obviously befuddled Tion hurtled past him, clad in a cracked Shardplate. Looked like he had sustained an attack that had tilted his senses a bit. Tion continued down the street, knocking pedestrians and ornaments aside in a blind rage. Jain took his toy panda out of his pocket. He had a habit of taking it out whenever he was perturbed. The panda was blank, although its smile seemed to be a degree larger than usual.
  17. Welcome, lwd24era. If you want some fun and danger, I suggest you go the Role-Playing Section (it's the last section at the end of the Forum page) and join the next Sanderson Elimination game. It's a bit like Mafia, or whatever you call it. Real fun, with plenty of plot and lies flying around. Yes, my picture is a panda photoshopped onto a Lightsworn Paladin Jain.
  18. To sum up the Starks in SoIaF: Jee, steelheart, you've only got 1 post, but 13 upvotes already.
  19. (Slaps self). I didn't die in the night? I thought I would get knifed by the GB or at least someone else. Well, looks like we know someone attempted to murder someone else with a Shardblade, but managed to get real unlucky. Neither I nor Macen possess either items, since we've already revealed what we possess. Jain opened his eyes. Surprisingly, he was still alive. Looked like the tarot cards really were worthless. Getting of his (admittedly quite uncomfortable) bed, his gaze met the toy panda. It looked vaguely disappointed, like a predator that was denied his kill. "How long have you been staring at me sleeping, you creep?" asked Jain as he reached up, grabbed the toy and placed it back into his pocket.
  20. Not bad. Maybe it could be less... Random and rambling.
  21. About the Yugioh card: I Special Summon Cyber End and discard Honest (slightly redundant card, Awesomeness. You win the game when you have the full Exodia set). Awesome account picture, Kobold. Tempus, here's a profile picture I found for you. Look carefully at the Brand, I know its not very clear.
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