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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Look at your reputation level, Grey. Coincidences are quite common, it seems. We really can't investigate or guess who are the GB. We have no hard evidence, and they've not let slip any clues or giveaways. Maybe we should investigate the ones that don't post a lot.
  2. Buy. Makes for and interesting story. Stick actually may make a reappearance.
  3. Tion, no one has voted you, even though you were the most active and gun-ho person of the group. Who are you, I wonder? Edit: FRAKKING POSTING ISSUES
  4. "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want... I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you" Yep, definitely will work with no possible casualties.
  5. Jain shuffled the cards in his tarot deck, purely out of amusement. They never actually worked, no matter how grave the situation. Unsurprising, really. He'd bought them for a single clearchip at a cheesy vendor in Alethkar Proper. At random, he drew three cards and set them aside. Jain frowned. This time, the draw was quite ominous. The Hanged Man, The Fool and... Death, the Grim Reaper. Looking up, though, Jain saw something much more ominous. Some people would dismiss it as a trick of the light. Jain, however, knew it well enough to suspect that it was something that no trickery of the eye could create. The toy panda, which he had placed on a shelf, was smiling back at him with a expression of pure, evil, relish. It was a face that was filled with sadistic excitement, as if it was anticipating and enjoying the killings that would occur and had occurred. A wind swept into the window through an open window, toppling the toy panda onto his tarot cards - right onto the card of Death. Sighing, Jain replaced the toy back onto its shelf. The evil look was gone now. "You're a positive little fella, aren't you?" Jain asked the panda. As usual, the panda didn't reply, but it did seem to snicker. Edit: Grammar and Posting Issues.
  6. Thank you, Awes, for that magnificent list. You deserved those upvotes. I admit, my previous decision was slightly adrenaline fueled (I'd finished Cod Ghosts Alien Extinction for the first time), but there still was a plan behind it. Let me explain. If I was killed by the GB, they'd gain nothing. I have heired off my item, the Painrial, which was useless to begin with. Sure, they'd kill a Noble, but they wouldn't kill a useful one, like on with a Shardblade. Even if Jost was a GB, he wouldn't be able to effectively use the Painrial, given the nature of the GB. If I was killed by an individual, nothing would be gained. My items have already been heired off. If I was lynched, nothing would be gained. I present no harm, and it would only be friendly fire. In fact, those who vote me are most likely GB. If someone tries to rob me, I have a useless item. Besides, I have a little surprise. In short, I am a "useless" player, with no value gained from my murder. Here Edit: POSTING PROBS AGAIN!
  7. (Pretend the below text is blue. I have posting issues) Looks like sub-factions have already been made, and I'm all by myself. Looks like the observer also dies. Even not voting can cause people to attempt to lynch me. Very well, Wyrmhero. I shall discuss what I will do if my contributions aren't enough. Like all cases, we have suspects. We have plans. We have plots. We have lynch attempts. We even have people taking justice and injustice into their own hands by using their items. We have people who hide in the dark, we have active contributors and we even have a person who tries to make as much out of this mystery as possible (the thief). Each have their virtues, and each have their downfalls, as this is a game of chance, lies and guesswork. How do we tell the liar from the paragon? How do we know if our allies have a knife poised before our heart? Sometimes, we choose not to take part in such complexities. We sit back, watch and hope to survive. We try to nudge things in certain directions, whether for amusement or personal gain. Sometimes, we become the observer. I am an observer. I will contribute and support my side, but at a safe and minimal level. I will make jibes, I will make jokes. I will try to survive and enjoy my ride. Oh, by the way, since I didn't vote, I can choose an heir. (End of Blue text) Jain wandered through the camp. Where was he now? People just had to run off when he needed to find them, didn't they? After many hours of fruitless searching, Jain spotted his target. "Jost! Hey Jost! Ex-Soldier-Shardbearer-whatever!" Jost turned around, confused by the sudden (and queer) attempts to catch his attention. Spotting the source of the noise - it was that crazy Shin again - He tried to slip away. "Not so fast," muttered Jain. Lunging forward, grabbing Jost's cloak hem. (Red Text start) "You see, Jost, I've chosen you to be the heir of my Painrial" (Red Text end) (I have no idea why I wrote all that. Maybe it's because I had a cup of really strong tea. I didn't break any rules, did I?) (I also just committed suicide, didn't I?) Edit: Posting Issues and Grammar
  8. Aspren, are you really sure about making it through with your request? Looking at your track record, you don't seem to have survived much. (Edit: Pretend this text is blue. I have posting problems)
  9. Okay, I don't know if this is the right place, but this problem is really annoying. I logged on to 17th Shard today, only to find my posting box missing the editor. To be more specific, the place where you can choose whether to bold, underline, or change the color of your words. I can't tag or make emotion faces. This is really annoying, since I'm in Sanderson Elimination Game 5. I don't know if this has to do with me or it has something to do with the website. Help please?
  10. Argh! Sorry Tempus. I was trying to upvote you. Somebody please fix my mistake!
  11. It's a pity that my profile picture is already a parody. I'm open for parody attempts, though.
  12. Hmm... Another list, this time about Roshar Pastimes: 1. Chull Racing! (Absolutely thrilling) 2. Windrunning 3. Shardplate tennis 4. Bond-the-spren 5. Hide and murder (the person that's it has to wear white) 6. Capture the chrysalis
  13. (Whistles) Nice profile picture you've got there, Vanavel. Try changing your Signature (the little bit of faint text at the bottom of a post. Mine's is "And Boom Goes the Dynamite". Don't copy it, please) and your Member Title (the text bellow your name) now.
  14. Jee.... You really have nothing to do with your spare time, don't you? All in all, nice poem and lyrics, by there's nothing "special" or particularly memorable in it. 8.9/10, my friend. By the way, you changed your picture (and in quite a strange way, too)! Is that your face photo-shopped onto the (poor) fish?
  15. Alcohol by Timeflies Tuesday (it's Vanossgaming's outro, for those of you who know him) and Wouldn't it Be by Upper West (Not "Wouldn't it Be Nice") If no one minds classical music, then I recommend: The William Tell Overture Beethoven's 5th Symphony Comptine d'un Autre été (sad but good piece)
  16. Jain raised his eyebrows, for the second time that day. First an assassination, then a suicide request. Things were getting interesting. Jain drew the toy panda out of his pocket. Still emotionless. Putting it back, he walked away from the crowd. He would watch and wait, for now. So I won't vote today. Interesting request, Aspren. Quite smart.
  17. Until now, I though Laral and Tarah was the same person.... I just realized how many mistakes I made. (facepalms self at own stupidity)
  18. More (totally ingenious) ideas: Aon Tank Aon Death Star Aon Doomsday Machine Aon Rocket Launcher Aon Missile Aon Lightsabre!!!!!!!! Aon Cyborg Aon Neuralyzer (Men in Black reference, hey?) Aon Raygun Some non-weapon but still awesome ideas: Aon time machine Aon computer that DOESN'T LAG
  19. (Mind proceeds to explode from complicatedness.) (I do understand it, though)
  20. Explaining Thanking, PorridgeBrick. Upvoting has you.
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