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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. You know you're a Sanderfan when you prefer metal culinary items to wooden or plastic ones, since they give you an unexpected power rush.
  2. Don't we all just love necroed threads? If Kaladin was a Misting, then Scadrial along with Roshar would have to suffer his whining (Why do I have to be a Misting? Why don't I get my spren?)
  3. Notting understanding the talking of Eastern Slang(ing)
  4. They'd have to be Elantrian to use it in the first place, though. Hm... Elantrian (Mistborn) Duralium Gnat. Must be awkward to introduce yourself.
  5. Jain raised an eyebrow as the messenger continued telling the news of the King's death. He had only wanted to survey the warcamps and explore the Shattered Plains. He hadn't expected much of a ruckus. The king just had to go and get assassinated, didn't he? Sighing, Jain took his toy panda out. The toy was scuffed and battered after years of travel, despite Jain's best attempts to keep it in the best condition. While Jain had a fetish for all pandas, and as a result had an entire collection of panda toys, he had always been more partial towards this toy. He had never named it, and it didn't seem to want to be named. It's face, even though it was forever frozen in a smile, sometimes seemed to show deeper and darker emotions. Right now, the toy panda was only staring blankly back at him. Putting the toy back into his pocket, Jain went back to his rooms in Highprince Sebariel's warcamp. It looked like some exciting things were going to occur.
  6. Well, at least we know we might get a clash of Shards. That's going to be interesting.
  7. Buy. Stuff like this tend to be common Odium won't be Shattered. (damnation, ninja'd again)
  8. Hmm... Allomancy may make riding pandas a possibility (proceeds to vomit rainbows at the ingenuity of plan)
  9. I'm at the stage where I'm just waiting for the new episodes/chapters.
  10. Welcome, Vanavel, to the fun bunch of 17th Shard. I recommend you to change your account, like having a profile picture.
  11. Okay, so Titanfall has been out for 2 months or so. I got it fairly recently, and man, is it awesome! I'm currently level 38, and my favorite loadouts are Pilot: Primary Weapon: R101 Carbine with Extended Mags and Holosight Secondary Weapon: Autopistol Tactical: Cloak Ordnance: Satchel Charge (quick way to kill multiple grunts/spetctres without breaking a sweat. Might even get some pilot collateral.) Tier 1 and 2 kit: Extended Parkour kit and Minion Detector Titan: Chasis: Ogre Primary Weapon: Chaingun with accelerator. Tactical Ability: Electric Smoke (gets rid of pesky rodeos.) Ordnance: Cluster Missile Kit: Nuclear Ejection (for the lols) and Big Dome Shield battery I'm trying to unlock the Spitfire LMG. What's your Titanfall account like?
  12. Okay, now I'm really desperate. I've read almost every good book in my library, even reading Stephen King and H.P Lovecraft books (and I paid the price with many nightmares). I'm not going to prestige in any of my video games, and all I can do now is wait for the new Lightsworn structure deck to come out.
  13. Sell, because unless someone overwrote his commands, an awakened object cannot get smarter. Kaladin will become less whinier and accept himself.
  14. Hmm... A thread that has been necroed, and has died again. Why not necro it again? I'm fairly new to MTG, since I only started last month. Being the cheap person I am, I've only spent $55 on it, so my decks aren't awesome (another 10 on some awesome Guy Fawkes Mask card covers). I have a black destruction deck, white/blue flying/delay deck, a white/green swarm deck and a very bad red/blue burn deck.
  15. (Sigh). There goes Jain's sleeping habits.
  16. What about having the Aon for Punishment as a tattoo? it looks sick.
  17. Hmm... Here's some (very useless) ideas: Aon Nuke Aon bomb Ultrasound Aon device Aon slingshot Cloning Aon (works like a virus) Aon armor Aon War Panda
  18. And there I was thinking this was a "New Member" thread.
  19. Hmm... I'm going to reside in Sebariel's camp.
  20. I would say compounding them increases our laughs tenfold. (Collapses from all the bad puns and references)
  21. (Spits out drink in surprise) I need to meet you all personally! Hari is from India, so we have our first Indian.
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