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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. I still do read and like the latest Bleach manga. The latest arc - the Vandenreich - has made a lot of big advances in plot and character design since the good-for-nothing Xcution arc. For Example, (and Spoilers up ahead. I don't know how to hide them) Spoilers: Kenpachi (the really spiky haired maniac) learns his Shikai Ichigo's mother is a Quincy Zangetsu is actually the main antagonist of the arc - Yhwach, the King of Quincies - from 1000 years ago. Zangetsu becomes TWO SWORDS (vomits rainbows of adoration) The Captain General dies (Breaks down crying). End of Spoilers Anyway, its a pity that the author of D Gray Man hasn't released a new chapter since last year.
  2. Residing in Australia: it feels more like home compared to China. Besides, the folks are nicer. But if it doesn't bother you, I'd like to have "Residing Chinese" next to my name. I'm also quite proud of my heritage.
  3. When you find yourself purposely falling down a staircase in an attempt to fly ... for the third time.
  4. DO YOU WANT TO PUSH IT DOWN A STAIRCASE (Proceeds to break down crying)
  5. I live in Melbourne, Australia, even though I'm full Chinese . And no, I DO NOT have a kangaroo in my backyard. I live in suburban areas. They are pretty tasty, though. Elsa Steelheart is also Australian, I think. (Yes, even Orients read Brandon Sanderson books! My nationality also explains my fetish for pandas, I guess)
  6. Awaken a parachute, Command it not to fall, then hurl it off a cliff.
  7. (Looks at OnlyJoe's account picture and raises eyebrows) I don't think luck would exist, or even work, in the Cosmere magic system. Besides, there is no such thing as luck. If you look at life in a very scientific and scrutinizing way, luck is really a series of coincidences leading to a certain point. Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? It's a bit like this.
  8. You can't fly with Aons, or stick things to each other. ... Wait, can you? (Hmm... Power Aons pointed at the ground and attatched to you.)
  9. Which Lightsworn card should I Pandarize next?

  10. Stick is probably the best spam thread I've ever seen in this forum. It was funny at first, but then it got Sticky. (What a terrible pun) Edit: Argh! Ninja'd
  11. Favorite animes and mangas, hey? (Clears throat) Death Note Naruto (Shippuden) Bleach Hellsing Black Cat One Piece Blue Excorcist Fullmetal Alchemist Shaman King (and Flowers) D Gray Man Dragonball (all of them) Kuroshitsuji (or Black Butler) Yugioh (original) And all the abridged series.
  12. (Looks at own rank and jumps in surprise at the coincidence)
  13. I will join for the first time! Yay! Please don't gang kill me (but I probably still will die) I am Jain, a noble that comes from the land of Shin and travels a little too much. I have been almost everywhere on Roshar. I have a peculiar fetish for certain black and white bears - so much, in fact, that I have an unnamed toy black-white bear. I also have a set of apparently fortune-telling tarot cards, that never works. Unsurprising really. I got it for a single clearchip.
  14. Shows you how talkative the Dark Side can be. Maybe its because it has cookies. Also, I can't see the picture anymore for some reason.
  15. (Looks nervously at Kurkistan's account picture)
  16. Soulcasting a toilet into cotton fluff while someone is sitting on it. It'll be very happy to oblige to your persuasions.
  17. Hmm... Conflux has a very Hoidish personality. Wonder if he is...
  18. Yes, I changed my profile picture again. Another Lightsworn Card has been Pandarized

  19. Hmm... How would the Lifeless Mistborn burn metals then? Their digestive systems would be largely useless, and most of their system composes of Ichor.
  20. ... How about a rainbow-trippy colored alley? And is that Jorji Costava talking?
  21. Here's an interesting link about dust and lungs: http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/lungs_dust.html
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