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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Very good theory ceskykure, especially for a first post. Perhaps Dominion also takes a large part in the Sel magic systems, too. Most of the listed examples have their power limited (or devoted) to a certain area, after all.
  2. Wait, WHAT CON!? Have I missed out on ANOTHER big event!? Anyway, If you want a light an sturdy Shardblade, try using aluminium for a base material.
  3. (Sigh) This thread will never Burn or Flare out, will it?
  4. Sigh... I never did one of these "neww member" posts, and I probably never will. And now, let me give you a (very) delayed welcome, Abalidoth!
  5. The first book was very good. Patrick Rothuss is one of those rare authors who can create a good system of magic, which, in this case, is sympathy. The second book however, suffered second book syndrome. Looks like this thread got necroed preeeeeetty badly.
  6. Book hangovers are more like drug addictions. You finish a book you've been enjoying, and you feel depressed. You can't drive the depression away, unless you read another book. This repeats itself, and all the while the craving builds up. Your hair starts to fall out, and you get bags under your eyes from reading at night. Pretty soon, your library loan card has hit the limit, and your friends cant seem to contact you. The only way to break this infinite cycle is to play video games. and THAT starts another infinite cycle. By the way Swimmingly, where did you hide the victim's body again? And the bomb is placed, right?
  7. Hmm... I spent some time googling about this, and apparently, you can change your eye color with honey, certain (rare) eye drops, naturally (through genetics), exposure to light and even through hypnosis.
  8. You know, you could just make a Mistborn by getting a powerful electromagnet and fueling it by burning metals.Program it to predict the future and other abilities. The ram it into someone, regardless of where.
  9. My talent would be stating the obvious. Like, really obvious stuff. Which is like, you know, my Talent. Being obvious is my talent, by the way. It makes me state really obvious stuff. Like really obvious stuff.
  10. In the course of this thread, dozens of Mistings and innocent candidates have been killed, distorted or dismembered and thousands of coins have been wasted, either in coinshot or in buying metals. But hey, no animals were harmed in the making of this thread!
  11. Hmm.. possible things to turn a city into: Cheese Butter Rainbow-trippy colored Chocolate Cake Ice-cream Panda bones Compared to these things, I think steel sounds more awesome and intimidating (except for panda bones).
  12. Looks like when it comes to Cosmere powers and toilets, infinite and hilarious possibilities can occur. Using Steelheart's power of changing inorganic materials into steel to change a wooden spoon into a metal spoon.
  13. Wow... Nice case of topic derailment. There's so many sad possibilities that's been put forward by this thread. Hopefully, Brandon doesn't do a stereotype "hero returns to unhappy home" and instead puts in an unexpected plot twist, like Tien reappearing.
  14. Full-lashing a toilet seat so the next person who uses it gets an interesting story to tell.
  15. Select POKEMON. Select ABRA I choose you, ABRA! ABRA, use TELEPORT! or Select BAG Select FLUFFY TOY Use FLUFFY TOY UNCOMFORTABLE TOPIC is distracted! Safely gotten away! or Select BAG Select IRRELEVANT COMMENTS Use IRRELEVANT COMMENTS The TOPIC has bee derailed!
  16. Welcome to 17th Shard, Hari! May you be blessed by upvotes and attention! Here is a list of abbreviated book titles you will find useful, listed chronologically: From the Stormlight Archives: WoK = Way of Kings WoR = Words of Radiance From Mistborn: tFE = the Final Empire WoA = Well of Ascension HoA = Hero of Ages AoL = Alloy of Law From Warbreaker: Warbreaker = WbFrom the Books set in Sel: Elantris = Elantris Legion and the Emperor's soul = (not sure, it's also only a short novella) From the Alcatraz series (a series of children books, but still good) There's no abbreviations I've found, sadlyLook out for an awesome character called Hoid or Wit. He appears in nearly every Brandon Sanderson Book, like a cameo, although sometimes not. Have fun.
  17. DEFINITELY SAZED. The monk-scholar and the puppy. Perfect pair.
  18. SOMEBODY GET A MEDIC THE BOOKS BLEEDING OUT! I second you, Caleb. In fact, watch the anime Hellsing, and imagine every character that dies is either Edward or Bella. This time, when vampires die, they don't turn into sparkles. That's possible!?
  19. No, I don't think so. Awakening either works, or it doesn't. Besides, I don't think an inanimate object like a rope could have enough sentience to refuse a command. Maybe a Stick though .
  20. i reckon Brandon added the interlude to show us the goal and lethality of Bent Nale (He he. It's pronounced in my mind as Bent Nail). It was probably also to show us that even KR can die. Yep. Waaay too much. Edit: Oh yay! My 100th post!
  21. Heyo! Nice to see another new member. Awesome account picture, by the way.
  22. Wheel of Time is a very long series. Took me about a quarter of a year to finish (and find all of them in my local library). Yes, it will get boring, particularly from book 7-10. But trust me, once you've finished the series, you'll want to read it again.
  23. Welcome, Rekkonging! Nice of you to join the fun bunch. Also, awesome account picture. Is that from Diablo or Heroes of Might and Magic? Oh, and remember to be very active in the forums. Otherwise, you won't get a lot of upvotes or attention if you don't.
  24. Right... So when's the next one going to start? Where do you sign up? I'm new to Sanderson Elimination.
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