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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Jee... Wicklander, you've been a member for less than a day and you already have 13 upvotes. Good job.
  2. Awesome Dragonball quote there, bartbug. Thats... beyond Shard level. Even more than Adonalsium..
  3. Awaken Chocolate Easter Bunnies to make Easter Bunny real. Soulcast cheese into butter for no reason. Forge and Soulcast yourself into a panda.
  4. Lightsworn is an archtype or series of cards in Yu-gi-oh (yes, I also play a lot of Trading Card Games like Magic the Gathering and Yu-gi-oh). The body of my profile picture is one of my favorite cards: Wulf, Lightsworn Beast. I photo-shopped a panda head on top of Wulf's face (I also have a fetish for Pandas, even though I'm a guy ). Combine the two names, and you get Lightsworn Panda. My old account name was ST4RK, which is my favorite gamertag. But since this is a forum, I changed it,.
  5. Name: Reflection Primary power: I can copy your appearance, your powers, even who your mind. Any damage done to me is done to you too. What happens to you, also happens to me. Secondary power: Prime invincibility Weakness: I can only copy one person. My abilities do not work on pandas, and I lose my invincibility when fighting them. Evilness: Since anything that happens to me also happens to whatever I am copying, I have a very emo and sadistic way of fighting: I stab myself and reflect it on whoever I am copying. Unlike me, they probably can't regenerate. I delight in that tactic, and use it for fun. In short, I'm a sadistic person. Costume: Whatever what the person I'm copying is wearing. Ways to kill me: Get a squad of angry and ravenous pandas equipped with Wolverine claws to attack me.
  6. Wait a second... That means Hoid has a brother/sister! I'm doing a massive reread now to find him/her.
  7. You really do want to stay nice with them. They can get quite unhappy with your posts/profile, and they do have the power to edit your online profile.
  8. Actually, there is. Go to the Home page and scroll down to the bottom. It'll tell you what members are or have been online. Randomly check them out. 4 out of 10 are male, and another 4 are not telling. Only 2 are female.
  9. Oh, yes. He'll be a barrel full of laughs and humor . But hey, he's awesome.
  10. This is, by far, the most active "new member" thread I've ever seen (and taken part in). Maybe it's because of Elsa's account name. Or maybe it's because we haven't had any prominent female new members for a long time.
  11. After reading these predictions, I don't feel like reading Stones Unhallowed when it comes out. Everything sound so gloom and doom. Least we get to see Szeth's POV. Time to look at puppy images and memes to cheer myself up.
  12. Wow... this is really good work and effort, heronz. Magnificent work. Keep making em.
  13. (Sniff) Everyone has iPads and iPhones. And I'm just sitting here with my sad little Samsung Galaxy Ace 2. But yeah, I can still see chat. No Probs.
  14. So long as they aren't all pennies, that's enough coins to hire a squad of mercenaries or two Mistings...
  15. Good job, Veil! keep going Now this is sounding like some pronunciation class for a foreign language. Nice Challenge Accepted picture usage, btw.
  16. Now that I think about it, a lot of fairy tale characters are kandras (sob). My childhood is ruined.
  17. Oh yes... Here's a list of some cosmere/fairytail characters: Big Bad Wolf (3 Little Piggies) =Mistborn Evil witches = Voidbringers Puss in Boots = Kandra? Jack (and the beanstalk) = Edgedancer Rapunzel = Soulcaster 3 bears (Goldilocks) = More kandras Beast (Beauty and the Beast) = Another kandra And many more!
  18. This is quite like the battle between a bear and a wasp. The bear is Dallinar and the wasp is Kelsier. The bear has plenty of fur and can lurch quickly if necessary (Shardplate). A single blow is lethal or crippling (Shardblade)The wasp is fast and mobile (Allomancy) and can rain down small but annoying blows (coins). Eventually, both will tire. Both can make mistakes. So what's the outcome? Simple. A hunter comes, shoots the bear and swats the wasp.
  19. Hmm... I've always wondered what would happen if a chalkling (a 2D creature) met a tesseract (the 4D version of a cube).
  20. Grr... Arf! Arf! (Joking) Anyway, you know you're a Sanderfan when you love collecting wax stamps. And printing them on yourself.
  21. Wow... A Frozen thread in a website like this... Did you actually watch it 7 TIMES, Elsa Steelheart!?
  22. First, I'm quite sure the population of worldhoppers isn't very high. The actual 17th Shard organization wouldn't be too happy about it. Also, I think the Iriali are only a nomad population that ended up settling down in a fourth land. Their almost Adolnasium belief may be just Hoid or some other worldhopper meddling around.
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