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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. I find it funny how Nale is so intent on butchering every Surgebinder, even though he's the Herald of Justice. The Skybreakers are meant to be people who follow the law no matter what, while Windrunners are more impulsive and do what is "right". Shouldn't it be the other way round?
  2. Okay, to re-rail the topic. Vasher mentioned he had many secrets about his powers, like giving someone breath but not his Divine Breath. Perhaps the same applies to this question.
  3. When you have to keep reminding yourself not to swallow o chew metal cutlery.
  4. WOW! REALLY!? THERE'S GOING TO BE A 3RD MISTBORN SERIES!? My life is complete. It sound even more awesome.
  5. Wow... i feel so sorry for you Joe. Nearly every time you post a topic, it always seems to be already taken. Here's an upvote to your efforts.
  6. I was just thinking the same thing Kobold King. And so was I. I came in because of that, actually.
  7. Welcome to 17th Shard! Just saying, if you haven't read about 50% + of Brandon's cosmere books, then get reading quickly. Otherwise, you might not understand most of our topics. Stormlight Archives (an ongoing series) is a good series to pick up after Warbreaker. Here's a few links that will help you with your Cosmere and realmatic Theory. Don't read it until you have finished Mistborn, since it contains spoilers: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Realmatic_Theory http://coppermind.net/wiki/Shard Here is a list of abbreviated book titles you will find useful, listed chronologically: From the Stormlight Archives: WoK = Way of Kings WoR = Words of Radiance From Mistborn: tFE = the Final Empire WoA = Well of Ascension HoA = Hero of Ages AoL = Alloy of Law From Warbreaker: Warbreaker = WbFrom the Books set in Sel: Elantris = Elantris Legion and the Emperor's soul = (not sure, it's also only a short novella) From the Alcatraz series (a series of children books, but still good) There's no abbreviations I've found, sadlyLook out for an awesome character called Hoid or Wit. He appears in nearly every Brandon Sanderson Book, like a cameo, although sometimes not. Best wishes and may the Storm bless you!
  8. Okay, to clarify: What I mean is to store the very essence of death. You will have to constantly and continuously store death, and you will be a bit like a pseudo-immortal, since you neither grow nor decay. You will have to be on the brink of or near death to store death, unfortunately, so one mistake and you could genuinely die. Think of it like channeling water from a tap to a bucket with a hose. Death is coming in, but instead you're storing it in another (undying) object rather than let it take and wash over you, pun unintended) Hmm... This does lead to the interesting idea of storing life (not youth, like he Lord Ruler).
  9. When you live in a canyon and run indoors every time it rains screaming "highstorm!".
  10. I've always imagined power armor were like power armor from Fallout...
  11. When you breath in deeply everytime you pass a light.
  12. Okay, so we know that feruchemy can store qualities like strength, eyesight, even weight. Rashek stored youth in his metalminds, So can feruchemy store Death? Would storing Death make someone immortal (since death is being taken away and saved?). What do you think could store death? How could you use them?
  13. Oh wow. I feel sorry for you Joe. Try searching up possible topics before creating them.
  14. Just read about all the other characters from a wiki, then read the last book (A Memory of Light). Skips the boring politics with maximum thrill.
  15. This really is going to take some time. Search programs and index lists are hard to program. Archiving them yourself will take even longer.
  16. Maybe the little light-spren that was bonded to Tm was one.
  17. I can see these pickup lines totally working on anyone.
  18. Heh. The black orb reminds me of the Tesseract from the not-so-recent Marvel movies (Thor and the Avengers, mainly). It's important, it's powerful, and you have no idea what it does or why it's even important in the first place.
  19. Brandon has to be pretty old, since he was at the Shattering. Maybe he lived many lives. Maybe he was famous people like William Shakespeare! Best case of topic derailment, by the way.
  20. Um, well, this is an awkward topic. I don't think they exist. Sex slaves are used for their emotions and reactions to... stuff. Lifeless mindlessly obedient and as vibrant as a zombie. I don't think any pleasure or profit would come from them. Okay, now I have to wash my eyes out. This moment has to be unseen.
  21. Kobold, you are suggesting immortal, superhuman (and super-sized) zombies with an insatiable hunger for Breaths. THAT, would be a true and unstoppable apocalypse.
  22. If you get the reference in my profile picture and name, you are awesome.

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