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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. By the way, would Returned be affected by zombie bites? They are, after all, immune to diseases ordinary humans suffer. If they were immune to zombie bites, I would become a Returned. I wouldn't have to eat (except for the Breath a week. Maybe I could do what Vasher did), and I also would have super strength. King of nowhere, you know almost as much as I do about Dragonball damnation, this really should be made into a video game.
  2. There is actually a massive difference between Goku and Chuck Norris Cognitive version of Chuck Norris: Can take on whole armies without breaking a sweat. Cognitive version of Goku: Destroys whole planets - by throwing a star at one.
  3. Hmm... If you could do that, I would carve soulstamps that would transform me into (at least, the cognitive version of) Superman. Or Hulk. Or any other overpowered character from cartoons and anime (Goku form Dragonball, example) .
  4. Okay, so we know a chancellor of some sort (I don't have a permanent copy of WoK) wrote the Glossary at the end of Way of Kings. However, at the end Words or Radiance, no author is stated. The author, however, seemed to know of other Shardworlds, especially when he/she compared Lightweaving to: So it probably isn't the same author from WoK, although they used the same descriptions for some topics. So who wrote the Glossary at the end of WoR?
  5. We really don't do much. We do "leave" things behind.
  6. Wait, so Horton SPLIT into 16 pieces!? And Odium will become nice? (sob). Childhood ruined. (sniff) (wait, green eggs and ham exist in the spiritual realm? Does that mean pink bananas do too?)
  7. wtfspren? That opens up a whole new category of spren, like: yolospren afkspren twerkspren gtfospren stfuspren
  8. That was a slow-Burning pun. (yes, I know my pun is pathetic.)
  9. How many Splinter threads are we going to get from the Order of the Stick!?
  10. Lightflame, you can spot a Hoid in almost every book. Try finding Hoid in a Doctor Seuss book.
  11. All these puns. They're nerve-Shattering. In fact, my mind has been Splintered. Not a Shard is left.
  12. Okay, it appears I made a few mistakes in my previous post I had intended to create a hyperlink to http://coppermind.net/wiki/Shard not the Shardworld link. I have also made an error in my facts. There's a part in the coppermind wiki that goes like this: I somehow managed to remember it as "humans had already developed their culture when the Shards arrived.". So I apologize for my mistakes. This does, however, does sort of answer the question about why people from Sel are quite similar to people from Roshar. the Shards possibly created humanity using the same design as the humans they saw in Adonalsium.
  13. ... ... His? Oh yes, it probably is a male. You never know what gender an anime character is.
  14. I'd say Scadrial, since the magic is more accessible and its a more "equal" place compared to the other worlds.
  15. I come from the Splinter Sect of Leaves, which is connected to the Main Branch of the Church of the Stick.
  16. Here's a link that should be helpful. http://coppermind.net/wiki/Shardworld According to it, the inhabitants of the Shardworlds already were developed and inhabited before the Shattering occurred. Good job on your first topic, anders12.
  17. Go on cleverbot.com. It's a AI program that talks to you like a human. Besides, I didn't mean teaching a computer in a human way. I meant you could program an AI to understand words.
  18. I just realized that Odium can get Nightblood now, since they're in the same world. THAT is not going to be pretty.
  19. I'm not sure Nightblood is good for the world, even in Vasher's hands. Besides, what if it fell into someone else's hands, someone who was strong enough to resist the violent urges but still evil?
  20. Well, may the Storm Father bless you with good topics and upvotes.
  21. Maybe Calamity is a Shard that not only world-hopped but system-jumped from the Cosmere into another system. Just speculating.
  22. You could successfully cut the Lord Ruler's head off by simultaneously cutting his head off with multiple koloss battle axes, but setting that up would be pretty hard Maybe you could immobilize his brain through pain to stop him from reflexively activating his regeneration, then cutting his head off. Hmm... Seems like the only sure-fire way of killing the Lord ruler is by using Nightblood to cut his head off.
  23. Well, if we're dealing with those sorts of zombies, then Wayne's or Marasi's time-altering ability from AoL would be definitely useful.The coinshot ability wouldn't be effective, since the zombie from World War Z are very resistant, to the point where they can still live and attack people while decapitated. Altering their behavior would be neigh-on impossible, and Forgery is pretty much useless, since the zombies have no Cognitive presence.
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