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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Wait, Patrick showed that to you? Wow. You're special. How did he show you it (personally or online)?\ And, as Kobold King put it,
  2. I'd probably come across boredom spren. Whether its at school, at work, or pretty much anywhere. My neighborhood is a pretty sleepy and nonchalant place. Non-sentient life should be able to attract sprens, since they can feel emotion. The dog would feel pretty glorious about his success, attracting glory sprens. A rock, however, wouldn't, since it can't feel emotions. Funnily enough, this wasn't mentioned a lot in the Stormlight Archives. There doesn't seem to be a part in the book that mentions non-sentient life attracting spren. Good question.
  3. Nah. Probably just fashion. Would you turn down a glow-in-the-dark beard-bead/ring/bracelet? Wait, a glow-in-the-dark beard-bead!? I just realized how strange that sounded. Or maybe an innovative Surgebinder thought it would be funny to have their possible enemies wear a Knight's Radiant's source of power on their bodies. Or maybe the Parshendi have nothing to do.
  4. What happens if you are not an official member, yet still a stick at heart, and come across a Firebringer? What if they recognize you for who you are? That would be a sticky situation.
  5. Hmm... That depends. A zombie's urge to eat you would be PRETTY strong. By the way, what are the zombies like in this apocalypse? Do they rise from graves? Can they spread the disease/love through bites or oter ways? How mindless are they? How resistant to damage are they? Can they swarm or World War Z a defense?
  6. I think Hoid would be harder to kill. And less pimpish. And more smart. But still, good idea.
  7. Hello everyone. This is my first post, so please correct me on beginner's mistakes. Also, please notify me if this topic has already been done. Anyway, lets get onto the topic. After reading Calamity (multiple times), I've started to wonder what Calamity is. It has the qualities of a Shard, but it isn't in the Shardworld system. So what is it? That's the topic of this discussion.
  8. This is assuming that our world physics apply to the Shardworlds. Even if it does, I suppose "magic", in the form of Allomancy/Stormlight/whatever can break the laws of physics. Good job, Neotharin, by the way. you have a pretty good grasp of Cosmere theory.
  9. From what I've read, Hoid has appeared in nearly everything but the land of the Jindonese. Such a pity Vin never met Hoid. It would have been quite hilarious.
  10. Does it necessarily have to be Odium? True, he's running rampant Splintering Shards and all that, but what if Hoid had/has a master that he defected from? What if he has an even bigger enemy than Odium?
  11. Well, we know that the Shard changes the personality of the holder. It doesn't break their minds, however. I think the two differing shards may put Sazed under stress, but Preservation should preserve him... Wait, then Ruin would ruin him. Who knows. Maybe Sazed might crack. Maybe he won't.
  12. Wait, who said Jasnah went to Scadrial (or Garth Nix's universe, for that matter)? What if she went to Sel, or some other Shardworld? Sure, that doesn't explain the bandolier, but this topic is built upon the speculation that she could world hop. So what if she went to another world and got another object that's not necessarily a gun?
  13. Calamity does have the qualities resembling a Shard. Not sure if the Reckoner series actually counts as part of the Cosmere Shard system. It does have a unique sense of humor, giving power to humans so they can bring calamity upon themselves.
  14. Hmm... well, if you count Epic powers as a Cosmere ability, I would choose that. If you discount Epic powers, I would choose a Twinborn/Coinshot ability. Nothing beats shooting down a zombie horde Wild West/Red Dead Redemption style with mere coins. Or bottle caps, if the world has gone Fallout.
  15. HELL YEAH! Finally a fun topic. My primary power would be the ability to control the 5 senses, a bit like Aizen in Bleach. My secondary power would be superspeed. My weakness would be cheerios. My cheesy name would be... Micky Mouse? People would really hate me for being excessively cruel. And cheerio hating. Costume: Aizen's suit from Bleach.
  16. I think the Ars Arcanum might be written by a Shard. Or maybe a character we've never seen. These are only speculations.
  17. Umm... That does not sound like Patrick Rothuss a all. First, the writing style is different. Patrick's style is more... flowery. Also, the ending wouldn't make sense. Why wouldn't the box in Kvothe's room that apparently holds his head open? You don't need a magic box to hold a head. Why would this phony Kote even know, much less be a master of a goat-fairy-thing? I think it may be a prak or fake.
  18. Well... Lets see. You can teach and program a computer to read and learn languages. It might be smarter than you, but it really only is a complicated machine made of silicon, steel and a bit of gold and programmed by binary. Its nothing but an object that has had its power molded. It really depends on how you define "intelligence"
  19. I don't think its possible to forge an ancestry. Sure, you can imitate, but the basis for Forging is that you have to know something well enough. I don't think you can "know" an ancestry.
  20. Nightblood was formed when it was Vasher and his pals decided to make a weapon, but with only the command "Destroy Evil". The sword attempted to follow the command as best as it could, but could not understand what was evil and what was good, thus its destructive side effects. Sentence commands take a lot of breaths, so short simple ones are the most effective. Also, some words won't work in commands. This is my first post, btw
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