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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. When we get to see the drawings of the lack for a better term flying ships that Navani was having designed I started think of all kinds of amazing epic battles scenes of flying ship armadas Riding the Storm into battle against the fused. I very much think we will be seeing these in the future books

  2. 5 minutes ago, aemetha said:

    I think it is likely that any sapient spren can theoretically be bonded. I think a larger issue in this instance is compatibility of the radiant with the spren. From what has been shown, a necessity for forming the bond is an alignment between the radiants actions and ideals and the idea that the spren represents. These oathgate spren seem to be very rigidly embodying a very specific idea that might be very hard to find a radiant to pair with.

    Very good points. I was thinking in the lines of if there could be a new order of KR that could bond a oath Gates friend could one of their abilities be instantly open a teleportation device with just Stormlight kind of like the portals in The Wheel of Time just thinking bit now but the way that Brandon Sanderson use the portals in the final battle in Wheel of Time was epic and would love to see something like that later on in the series maybe in the back 5 books. But with saying that I don't see Sanderson doing something that he's already come up with especially when it was in a different book series he's too smart to do that in my opinion

  3. Do you guys think the two oathgates spren could be bonded and if so would that create a new type of knight radiant I just have the feeling that we're going to see all kinds of newer things that were never possible in the past for the KR . I feel like for it the Desolation to not be completed we're going to have to see evolution of the KR and the singers. 

  4. 2 hours ago, mariapapadia said:

    Hahah! I would cry if someone else would ever touch my Copic markers :ph34r: I wouldn't necessarily recommend them for kids, as they are quite an investment, but there are a lot of alternatives out there, that won't make your soul hurt if one gets destroyed.

    That being said.. Copic markers are one of the best products out there, so if you ever want to spoil yourself @bdoble97, that's a way to do it. Also, if you are interested, I would recommend you an youtube channel that focuses a lot on drawing characters and scenery! It's called Draw with Jazza and the guy is actually a Sanderson fan as well :D he has a lot of stuff on construction, proportions, colours and things like that ! 


    Thanks so much going to go follow him now on YouTube 

  5. 9 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Rad! I really like what your doing with the Parsh eyes and eyebrow ridge. Kind of predator like, but more interesting. I think your sketches are great, but for the gemstones in the beard, I always visualized them as thinner dready strands. Just my two cents, the faceted gem like carapace ridges look outstanding too.

    Thanks man I'm so new to this stuff so any suggestions or critiques are more than welcomed

  6. 3 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Ahhh, that's so sweet! I have 2 daughters and I've found out that there is no such thing as EXTRA cash, it has to stay around for awhile to be considered extra I think.

    You could get one of your daughters a Copic marker set for Christmas and then borrow them or have your daughters try and figure out how to do the marble skin patterns. I would suggest a set that has lots of shades of gray and red of course. They look pretty awesome going over a pencil drawings, here's a sample of what it looks like (this is from a thumbnail sketch of an exploded Lytro camera for Make: magazine):


    The Copic marker's pick up the lead from your sketch and kind of blend it. The effect is pretty awesome, and if you have 3 or 4 shades of gray you can do some pretty subtle shading.

    I love that last sketch you posted! The faceted, crystal like ridges that simulate the rough shape of hair looks great. As to how to draw the rough cut stones interwoven into the Parsh beards, I would just think of them like beads in dreadlocks:


    Great idea 


  7. 1 minute ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Do you have Photoshop? If you do you can set your sketch up as the top layer, and set its layer mode to multiply. Then you can add color on layers below your sketch (it's kind of like painting over a sketch with watercolors, except with unlimited undos). I did a quick marble color study using your sketch above, I think your Parshendi design is freaking awesome!


    The beard-esque marbling on side of the jaw is probably too much, but if you do have Photoshop you can easily try out a ton of different marbling patterns.

    Dude you just made my day. No I do not have Photoshop and I don't buy any stuff for myself  I have 4 daughters so all my extra cash goes to them. I'm happy you like it dude I'm doing this one right now. The one that you like and colored was supposed to be Rlain I just don't know how they really do the uncut gemstones and their beards it's kind of difficult I'm trying to figure out a way right now and this one to put where the mustaches darker in color make that look like it's braided into a gemstone but it's probably going to look nothing like it hahaha


  8. 5 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Those are rad! The carapace skulls are really well done, and how their brows go directly into their nose is an awesome design. I especially like the first one, and would love to see a front view of that Parshendi.

    Thank you very much a front view is a lot harder to do than a profile drawing. My favorite part to do is the carapace skulls.  I have tried to do the marble skin but I only use number 2 pencils and really don't know how to figure that out

  9. 1 hour ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    I'm totally not double posting here (you can tell that I'm not because I explicitly state that I'm not), but I think these casting calls are really good, here's a link to my post that's on page one:

    It's totally worth checking out just to see Hercule-Son-Son-Poirot (for realsies).

    I sense some sarcasm in this post

  10. I was just listening to the shardcast today and they were saying that Dalinars flash backs spended about 50 years and the farthest back flashback I would say he was 20 something years old so is he in his 70s and is that make sense especially with the Roshar years being longer and then standard earth  years.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, Personification said:

    That disappoints me. I actually really liked the ending, but I might also have enjoyed seeing the wedding, and looking at the forum has made me realize just how much got glossed over after the battle, especially Szeth, which I hadn't noticed at first. This led me to hope that the beginning of book 4 would back track a bit to cover the aftermath of the battle as well as the wedding and the Alethi reaction to Jasnah becoming queen. Now all of my hopes and dreams are shattered, OH WOE IS ME!

    Maybe we can get a edgedancer it type of short stories going over all that type of stuff

  12. 4 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Keep in mind that the current plan is for there to be a one year gap in-world between OB and the next Stormlight Archive book. Therefore, by the time we get back, the wedding will have already been a done deal.

    I did not know that I mean Shallan could have had a kid and be pregnant with her second . I forget how long a Roshar year is but I know  it's much longer than a  standard Earth year.  I have a 9 almost 8 year old 6 year old all back-to-back-to-back pretty much in a three month old


    8 minutes ago, IllNsickly said:

    I have a feeling that something unfortunate is going to happen with/during the wedding.

    That is why we didn’t see it in this book.

    I was thinking that too but didn't want to say it. 


    5 minutes ago, Ookla the Grey said:

    The wedding was in the past tense for Dalinar's final scene in the book; it's already happened.

    Yeah but Dalinar is old so he might have left before the party was over but not if he's like my father he was up for the duration drinking a million Miller Lites

  14. 4 minutes ago, Randall Thor said:

    Mr. T for me: Willoughby Gray. I imagined his (feigned) kindly attitude matched the benevolent old King from the Princess Bride.



    That's good for fanart, but when I read a book I imagine the characters as actors or other people from other things I've seen. Though I do imagine original looking characters based on descriptions from books, the imagery is a lot stronger when I can put a familiar face, with its own unique voice and expressions, behind a character in action.

    Great guy for Mr. T. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    I was actually really looking forward to that, too. After all the mayhem and battling I wanted to see the characters in a bit of a lighter and more celebratory environment. Some characters, like Renarin, we didn't get to see at all after the battle and I wanted to see the family interactions. :(

    It would of be great. Im loving Renarin more and more also by the way

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