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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. 26 minutes ago, GoddessIMHO said:

    But the Alethe are supposed to be slightly Asian looking and the Shin have the round eyes. I thought that was pretty much Brandon playing with tropes. The Oriental like culture has the round eyes while the European medieval type culture has the epicanthic fold and darker tan skin.

    I like the Korean actors listed on the TOR site when they had this discussion.

    Yes you are right that Brandon Sanderson said that.  I remember seeing the actors tor website picked.  I didn't like any of them except for they're picked  for Shallan. I remember recently watching a Brandon Sanderson interview or lecture on YouTube where  he said that however you pronounce the character's name is the correct way in your head and however you see the character in your head is the correct way for you so these are the characters as I see them when I read them. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

    The character (Oberlyn Martell) is not like Kaladin at all, but Pedro Pascal is an excellent actor so I'd guess he could pull off Kaladin. Pedro Pascal is just who I always pictured in my head when I thought of Kaladin. Ironically, I read WoK before he was introduced on GoT. This just reinforced it for me.

    O thats great hahah

  3. 26 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

    Kaladin is most certainly Pedro Pascal with long hair...


    I Love A Song of Ice and Fire but I've only seen season 1 of Game of Thrones so I can't really give an opinion on this actor is it just because he looks like him or his characteristics are very much like Kaladin. This picture is excellent though

  4. 40 minutes ago, Randall Thor said:

    I think Anthony Hopkins works really well as a god character, and whether I made the connection through the names being similar or just how Odium carries himself, it's the strongest imagery I have when reading the book. I can literally hear his voice and picture his mannerisms, as Hopkins can pull off benign wizened old man or menacing terrifying old villain very well, and has combined them in the past. Odium's seductive and corrupting nature, complete with dominating intelligence really fits Hopkins' style.

    I can't agree with you anymore I thought of him as Odium just the way Anthony Hopkins talks is perfect always like he knows more than you he's more intelligent than you perfect

  5. I see it as Kal and Syl  evolving and becoming something othere than just a Knight Radiant and then taking the next level of the evolution of KR if that makes sense. What would a Speb human hybrid Offspring even be the next evolution of roshar. I honestly don't understand how people think it's similar to the Lannisters that's brother and sister Kaladin and Syl are two separate individuals bonded together connecting Souls I really like this idea

  6. I would like to add some more maybe somebody will agree with me I don't know. Qeen Fen- Charlize Theron specifically from Snow White looks like she doesn't take any BS from people just like the queen

    Rock- that artwork and Triple H for some reason plus he's got a really thick Russian accent

    Lopen- Azar Med

    Lyn- instantly thought of Debra Morgan from Dexter I'm being lazy I don't know the actresses name right when she said storm it to Kaladin when he said she could be a scribe made me think of Deborah

    Teft- old guy from The Blade trilogy from the very beginning a way of Kings I thought of this guy as Teft being lazy again should look up that actors name but I'm at work and should be working instead of doing this







  7. 6 hours ago, Subvisual Haze said:

    Syl is like a cross between his imaginary best friend, therapist and guardian angel.

    While I don't think they'll ever get involved in a physical way, I did think it was weird that Kaladin wasn't more excited that he could give Syl a hug in Shadesmar.

    Also I'd be kind of amazed if some Radiant in the past hadn't fallen in love with their spren (in an asexual romantic way).  I think Mercedes Lackey already did that plotline though with her Heralds of Valdemar series.

    Yea good points. Mercedes Lackey I tryed to read her book few years back but could not get threw them 

  8. 9 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Slightly lighter weight paper. I just gave them both a feel, and Oathbringer is definitely made from lighter weight paper (though still high quality, not like the couple microns thick paper they sometimes print the bible on).


    6 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

    The Grapevine is correct. Brandon has mentioned that they were nearing the limits of what their system could bind, so the options were either get a new book binding system, use smaller margins, use smaller text, or use thinner paper. Given that the book is thinner, I think it's pretty clear which option won out in the end.

    Thank you

  9. 4 minutes ago, Ymawgat said:

    I don't think Brandon will go for this, I'm 90% sure we've had several descriptions of Syl with her safehand uncovered but I can't remember a single time Kal has noted that in a sexual or even romantic way, so I think he only sees her as just another asexual spren.

    Good point about the uncovered safe hand I never thought of it as a sexual all romantic thing. Just a extremely strong bond that manifests into love if that makes sense.


    14 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Seems like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell hooking up to me. 

    Hahaha I can definitely agree with your opinion but I still would love it to happen

  10. I definitely thought back after reading  Words of Radiance Adolin was going to awaken his shardblade and was thinking it was going to be some old ancient dude spren who was going to teach him things about Warfare. I guess I was wrong on that one. I loved the description of the Dead spren it was pretty creepy in my opinion so what do people think is going to happen book for with Adolin and Maya. For some reason  I Rose  instantly thought of  Rose Bryne when Maya attacked the fused


  11. Kaladin and Syl are going to end up together. I don't know how but some way they are going to surpass the 5th ideal and Syl will gain physical form on Roshar. I've said it before I'm a sucker for a good love story and never never never never wanted Kal and Shallan to end up together. 

  12. Dalinar-William Hurt specifically from Ridley Scott's Robin Hood I know I know he doesn't have a beard but this is how I picture him. 

    Kaldin-that art work haha. I also kind of pitch johnny boycheck a defenseman who plays for New York Islanders

    Adolin-youg Chris Hemsworth

    Shallan-Rose Leslie still not 100% sure on that one. 

    Jasanh- Olivia Wilde 200% sure on that one.

    Renarin- Ezra Miller

    Navni- Eva Green

    Azura-"V" Keira Knightley

    Wit- Tom Hiddleston pretty sure I'm not the only one that thinks this one

    Moash- Jared Leto

    Evi- Michelle Pfeiffer been in love with her ever since Batman

    Szeth- kind of look like the ancient one from Doctor Strange hahaha

    Syl- a mix between Amanda Seyfried Kristen Bell

    Gavilar-Ray Fiennes








    AN13059911Cast member Keira.jpg








  13. @stonedshaman I know this post from a while ago what do you think of this for War forum. It's my own drawing and I can't really do parties that well whenever I upload them they always on the side I try to rotate it so it looks correct but I can't do it for some reason. I picture this as Rlain I just don't know how to put the uncut gems into a longer beard only been drawing for about 7-8 months


  14. 2 minutes ago, straits said:

    That's really impressive if you've only been drawing for a year. I've got several good anatomy book titles and online tutorial suggestions if you are interested. The Stormlight Chronicles are a really good source of inspiration, you'll have fun practicing :) 

    Thank you again Would love them. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, straits said:

    That's an interesting take on Rlain, will you also color his ridges? 

    Thank you alot. No I have only been drawing for a less then a year and have never even tryed to color any drawing so its just going ro stay this way

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