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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! jist have to get my daighters off to school hahaha
  2. Well I was hoping my wife's going to surprise me with the book seeing how some people have been saying they have gotten at their house via Amazon Prime pre-order but she didn't surprise me........ but have any of you seen this parshendie fan art and my try
  3. That's just not fair hahaha I went to pre-order on Amazon and my wife is like do you really need that book so I just said to myself I'll go to the bookstore in the morning of and now I wish I preordered it if it could be at my house right now maybe my wife surprise me I doubt it though
  4. @Ammanas YES!!!!!!!!! This is excellent absolutely perfect
  5. I remember my senior year of college I purposely scheduled a 3 hour gap in between classes so I sould go to the library and read Wheel of Time. I was on midnight for 7 years and I used to bring books to read when I was on the desk or when it gets really snowy here in the winter I just bring the book and read but once both bring is out it's going to come with me to work everyday hahaha
  6. Sweet I'll bring the Miller Lites hahaha
  7. This is excellent. Can your wife call my wife and took my four daughters with them
  8. I can't wait for tomorrow I just called my local Barnes and Nobles to see if they had it out already or if they're going to be open at midnight it was an extremely awkward phone conversation. The woman on the other line didn't seem to know what I was talking about at all hahaha I cannot wait for this book. I've been drawing nothing but Stormlight characters for the past 4 days
  9. Well that's annoying you have to wait to get it if you pre-order it should be there the day it's released. I hope you know how much you not a Montreal Canadian fan hahaha. Myself being from Boston I'm a huge Bruins fan but I can put that aside for now . This also will be my last time on the website for a while I would hate to be spoiled by something it's going to take me awhile to read oathbringer having four daughters and full-time job I never can read anymore so probably take me at least a month to read this book
  10. I have a 2 mouth old so I understand your pain. Hahahah I already told my wife when i get Oathbringer I need alot of alone time hahah. It probly going to take me a month to read I havr 4 daugjters and neverhave time anymore
  11. I get that cant do 24 hrs shifts burt i do 16 hrs all te time. Im in law enforcement Ill be brimg Oathbringer in my crusier bag hahah
  12. I can't wait to go get home Oathbringer tomorrow plan is drop my three oldest daughters off at school and take the new baby with me to Barnes and Nobles and then spend my day off reading it during the babies napping times hahahah. Wpuld love to know what everyone else's plans are
  13. I cant wait to hear from Jasnah about her rime in Shadmare or haow ever you spell it. I really don't think this gave me any Fallout or very little Fallout Shallan and her were in good terms when she thought Jasnah had died. I really want to know who's the group with her. I think Kals time away with the parshmen is going to shed new light on the whole situation. I was never a big fan og Szeth but now that he has kn9gjtblood with him its going to be 1000× more interesting for me. I really hope that Shallan and the night mother have two more confrontations. At least in this book
  14. Good point see another thing I forgot about the end of word of Radiance but doesn't he have the honor blade which is obviously different thing
  15. Interesting what level gets shardplate level 5 full radiant? By the way I was thinling Kaladin was getting Shardplate when the wind spren were sounding him duri g the gighstorm in the last set if chapterpn tor. What makes you think that not all KR get sharp blades.
  16. I like how you assign her a level. What level would you say Shallan and Kaladin are compared to Jasnah level 2. I was thinking that Hoid may have taught her a lot and she's going to know all kinds of Secrets. And then I went back and thought no he probably didn't tell her too much. Man Hoid is such a interesting character I wonder if you told her anything about world hopping. As I'm writing this I wonder if Vivian could be one of the people with her. More likely the people with her r new candidates for KR. Or whatever those people are called that start gaining Powers when they're around KR . I totally forgot about her speaking with a great spren. I last Rewritten Words of Radiance two summers ago. I'm sure there's a lot I forgot.
  17. I'm assuming that at least one of the people with Jasnah is Wit who may or may not have given sone pointers. Even if he did not being in shadsmaer (sorry for the incorrect spelling) for as long as she was and in the way of Kings she already was knowledgeable ahead of everybody really so just imagine how much knowledge she has now. I'm sure she was holding back even to Shallan in the beginning of Words of Radiance on what she knew. She had she met her spend the night her father died correct that was what 6 years ago no stuff that's going to put everybody to shame hahaha.
  18. The fan art is going to be great but how about the actual art that's going to be in this book it self. I hope we get a whole bunch of Shallan art. I just started drawing this past year and just recently started trying to do shardplate. I hope you get to see some more sets. I have been Google Imaging all the main characters to see if anybody's done more fan art from the chapters that have been released. I haven't been able to see anything yet so I hope there's a huge tidal wave of new fan art.
  19. But imagine if the midnight mother and pattern were bonded to her it could create a new type of radiant. Or even something more a hybrid between kr and a void bringer does that even make sense.
  20. Could Shallan bound Re-Spren or what ever that sprens name was. It would be cool and wicked interesting to me in a way It could possibly give her a split personality even though it looks like she may be getting multiple personalities with all her creations
  21. I hate to say because he's my absolute favorite character Dalinar. He probably voi g to be to old if he doesn't die sacrificing himself in the first set of books in some epic end battel
  22. Yea this my quick attempt on drawing Shardplate from Words of Radiance. Its not good haha. Would love to see some in Othabringer so I can try and draw it
  23. Thank you. Now I would love to see some artwork of it
  24. whenever reading about the bridgemen guarding Dalinar they're always described as being in uniform. But when they're fighting on the battlefield do they have any type of armor.
  25. Going to try and put Ezra Millers face in this.
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