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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. Kaladin being the hero of Roshone sounds good to me. I really dont want his mom to be dead. If one of them hase to be dead I rather see it be his father. I can't disagree with you more about Shallan. About hating pattern but like the idea of her struggling to know who she truly is Shallan or Veail. I realy want Renarin have more screen time in Oathbringer. I personally would hate to see Adolin become an assassin he's too important in my opinion in the overall story arc even though he's not a POV. He needes to right in the thick of it with his father Right with you on Jasnah being a vig part in saving alot of places from the voidbringers. I also hope we get a lot of Scholarly time with Jasnah. I hope she knows so much more cool and interesting things from her time in shademare.
  2. @Rhaegar'ElinDo do you think Dalinar killing his wife would be a crime of passion because it seems like he was very passionate in his younger years and still is. I really dislike that idea of him killinh his wife. But I vaguely remember Sanderson the saying that we will find things out about Dalinars past that we wont like. Vivian has to show up in this book in my opinion if knightblood and Vasher are she got to be around I wounder how old she is now. Wit and Eshonia would be great. I think he would frustrate the hell out of her. I think Adolin and Shallan stay togethers. And he confides in her his secret which only strengthens their bond together. Shallan has haf plenty of secrets in her past as well.
  3. It looks like Jasanh to me. This makes me think she has to fight her way across Roshar I think she has going to have some pretty epic battle scenes. What gets revealed next the u.s. second cover or interior art
  4. As a father myself of 3 sone to be 4 daughts if one of my kids died I go batshit crazy. He could regress just become the Blackthorn again for a period of time in the book
  5. I love some of your points I really hope adolin doesn't die but I don't want his brother to either. I see Renain being a big part in the second five books Kaladin traveling to shadeshamer never even thought of that. What will Syl look like there she's one of my favorite characters. I think I'm the only one that wants this but I want her and kaladin to end up together eventually maybe when she's in Shadesmare she can gain a physical form . Kaadins parents sold into slavery would be a really interesting storyline guy never seems to get a break
  6. @NinjaAlligators Dalinar giving the honor blade to Adolin is cool. But I cant see Adolin just changing swords I would like to see him keep his shardblade due to the fact I really want him to awake the spren. Szeth is never gwrring a spren in my opinion so I agree with on that but why do people say knightblood is such and abomination. Nale showing up Im not %100 behind. I do think the truth of Adins actions will be unveiled but I would like it to be done in a detective type way someone's slowly putting the clues together. I guess that could be Nale. I dont want Jasnah and Kaladin to have a thing. I really want some how for Syl to gain a physical form in her in Kaladin fall in love I think that would be really cool if they had an offspring's it could be a new species. Szeth vs. Zahel would be epic somebody else mentioned Vivian showing up this would be a great point for her to show up. Im not sure about the rest bit great ideas love reading them.
  7. She's a very interesting character and really looking forward to seeing her back story. I also want to see it official painting or picture of her and the Parshedi themselves.
  8. Yes her sister. Her mother escaped to that General that I was speaking about. It would be interesting if she can shed some light on Eshonai. I remmber really hoping that Rlain would become a bigger character in Oathbringer it after rereading WOR. Is book 4 suposes to be Eshonais flashback book. Haha dont even want to think about book 4 yet Oathbringer is going ro be so epic. I wish it could 2000 pgs long
  9. See to me I camt ever see a Parshendi being a KR. But who knkws. Venli is the genral that ran off wirh all the non storm forms right and Rlain is the former spie. I have not reread WOR senses last Augest so I am litalle rusty on names
  10. That would be cool. I just love the name Odium
  11. But can she even become a KR. That would cool if she could.
  12. Eshonai what makes you say that.I think Lift would xrive Jasnah crazy and it would ve great to read hahah
  13. @Pattern I I definitely think adolin is going to revive his shardblade I think it would be cool if most of oathbinger he hears a voice in his head screaming and he thinks he's going insane but its actually the spren traped in the shardblade form. Never even thought about Vivenna meeting up with Szeth that would be great.
  14. I think a true kight radiant shardpate would not be heavy even if parts break off because it is from their powers of using Stormlight that creates The Shard plate in my opinion The Shard plateput that regular humans use on roshar have the gemstones that power it the night Radiance don't need the gemstones because they can pull on The Stormlight and generate the sharply on their own. Just my thoughts could be completely wrong
  15. @Extesian good find. But I kust camt see shard chain mail. Tbe more I think of the less I see Jasanh or Shallan even using shard plate.
  16. bdoble97


    William Hurt as Dalinar Kholin art done by @venamis the guy is a amazing got check him out on Instagram.
  17. Now that's a cool idea
  18. Always been a sucker for a good love story but don't want this love triangle at all. I would love to see Kaladin and Syl become something maybe somehow Syl could gain physical form I want to wear offspring of them to would be probably super powerful
  19. Sorry I guess I shouldn't post well driving and doing voice to text my apologies. Hahah it's more me just brainstorming out loud and posting it. I'll try not to do this anymore
  20. Hmmmmmm very interesting I would love to hear more of your theories. Hahaha
  21. I really want to see in at least a couple chapters of Jasnah on her way to the shatterplaind and mavye figbting some voidbringers on her own before she meets up with everyone els. There are going to full armies of voidbringers Kaladin and the others are going to have there hands full.
  22. I fixed earth beinger haha sorry. I suck at grammar so don't know how to fix the punctuation.
  23. That's a great point I never thought what his reaction would be other than excitement for having children. Makes me think about when i had my first kid 9 years ago whem I was 22. Kids chang you alot I wonder if we will see the difference in the Black Thorn within the flashbacks after he has his children. I know i changed a hell of alot hahaha
  24. I know how much would it suck if Dalinar killed shshshsh. I would love to see Jasnah be like this is how its done to Kaladin and just own everyone haha.
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