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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. I say Jasnah gets plate first like you said she has been with Ivory longer then any one els has been with thier spren.
  2. Hopefully we get alot of her in Oathbringer. Do tou think she will clash with Shallan. Shallan has become so much more from the last time they were together.
  3. I know oathringer flashback character is Dalinar my favorite character of the two books so far and possibly one of my favorite characters in all of Epic Fantasy. But the Oathbringer has his niece Jasnah on the cover. If you stop and think of it she has been connected to her spre the longest out of any of the main characters. Pluse the time she spent in shadsmar who knows all the knowledge that she has gained during her absence from Words of Radiance. If we just Judge Her by the cover of Earth bring her she looks like she's going to be pretty much a badass. But how is Brandon Sanderson going to be able to fit her along with all the other main characters in book three good thing this books going to be well over a thousand Pages because he's created so many Fantastic characters that you don't want to get robbed "screen time" with. On a side note I know I've mentioned this before but Olivia Wilde is Jasnah in my minds eye.
  4. O man just think if Gavlinar came back and was pissed at Dalinar.
  5. Are you saying tge spren may be sone type of ghost. And shadesmar is sone type of afterlife?
  6. Thanks were did I get Rebecca from hahah. I belive when asked if she was also on Roshar Brandon did not give a straight answer but gave hints that she was also on roshar.
  7. Never thought about Jasnah meeting up with Zahal/Vasher. What happened to Vasher lady friend from warbraker sorry forget her name Rebecca? Love yor idea about Dalinar and his wife. I just can't see Kaladin in shardplate
  8. Could this Stone shamans be The Stormlight Archives versions of warrior monks ninjas because that would be awesome. Another thing that I would like to see happen isa in world drawing of the parshendie . I do not want to see Kaladin and Shallan become romantically involved I would much rather see Shallan stay with Adolin and help him struggle through his actions that he did.
  9. Like Dalinar deciding about the about the parshendi. Did not even think about the Vorn church Dont like the Kaladin not being there and Dalinar being responsible for the death od his wife.
  10. As like all of you I'm eagerly anticipating oathbringer. It would be great to see a shardcast of them talking about their top 10 theories going into the book or even top five theories what do you guys think are the most likely scenarios to happen in the next book. 1. Adloin awakes his shard blade. 2. Syl learns to take physical form. 3. Shallan lerns some badass old tec from the 4. Szerh kills all of the guys that made him a truthless 5. Rock turns out to be more then he said he way. 6. Jasnah showing up and being a boss.
  11. So they're were less sentient beings before The Shard
  12. @Crucible of Shards is there any hints on who the vessel is on Roshar. I have reread WOR but still to many questions haha
  13. Ok cool I thought the spren were created due to the shards being on Roshar. That sounds cool.
  14. May be stupid idea but could the stormfather be the shard on Roshar
  15. I did not know he said that about Adolin and Spook that's huge Spooks role in Heroes of Ages was excellent. Especially where his character was left off at the end the book that instantly gets me more excited gor Adolin future. The idea of adolin being exiled between book 3 and 4 is much better than 5 and 6 in my opinion I too would hate to see him in Exile during a 15-year in world jump. Maybe if he goes into exile between book 3 and 4 he will only have his shardblade as a companion and that's how he could awaken the spren within the shardblade. If that were to happen that better be a big big short story. Have it as if he thinks he's going insane because he hears a voice in his head but it's actually thile sprrn starting to be awaken
  16. @maxal if Adolin does go into exile and there is a 15 year in world jump from boook 5 to 6 Adolin could go on a huge amount of adventures much more than in a short story. He could probably have a trilogy of books. But why would they exile one of the best fighter during the biggest wars in Roshar history. And if Adolin is not a main character in Sanderson eye why would he spend his time doing short stories on him. Dont get me wrong I would love to see as much Adolin in the books as possible. I am thinking mabye Adolins patient may be having a Shard plate taken away from him that would be devastating to him.
  17. I really really really dont want Adolin to be band. But if he were to be band I think a short story would be wicked cool. Adolin is such a great character and would love to see him as a focal point in his own book
  18. 4 I cant agree with you more The Wheel of Tome was my favorite for thw longest time and then Stormlight started these books are just epic in every way. Rock would be cool. Butyea how about a short story between ever Stormlight book hahah
  19. What do you think of Jason Momoa as a young Dalinar. ( small Spolier for Dalinar flashback) When Dalinar pulls out the arrow from his armor and then runs on horseback and finds the sniper/Bowman I definitely thought of a crazy Warrior and with what we've seen from his Aquaman in the trailers of the new Justice League movie I think that would fit perfectly. I still absolutely love a mix of William Hurt character from Robin Hood and his General Thunderbolt Ross as a older Dalinar .
  20. This is what I'm going to picture for now on what I'm reading about adolin and his brother. Good point about his mother in his skin being lighter than his father's have picture his mother is Michelle Pfeiffer don't know why I like cuz I think she's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Thought they described as a small blonde in the sample chapters of oathbringer even if they didn't I'm going to picture Michelle Pfeiffer as her cuz she's been one of my favorites for years
  21. I would love ro see Dalinar with his sons. I saw this today for tbe 1st time and loved it.
  22. O man i hope not i hate spinders. Dalinar in present day you are probably rightI
  23. That would be cool bc I have no ide what the Nightwatcher looks like.
  24. I know we have seen them cover of holding but with Words of Radiance there was a second interior cover. Does anybody think that the interior covered could be Dalinar maybe a young version of him because we're going to have a lot of his flashbacks or him as the bond Smith and some cool epic looking clothing.
  25. Isn't that art just outstanding I hope we get an interior cover in oathbringer. Maybe one of a young Dalinar
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