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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. 2 hours ago, randalthor said:

    I totally miss that when I read the story. Yeah, I think he somehow gonna turn into helping the good guys. Szeth is a very interesting character being controlled and that in the past but not anymore. Now he also have Nightblood, a sword with conscience. It's gonna get very interesting where Mr. Sanderson gonna go next with his story.

    I hope he does. I am so interested in Szeth now. Was never a big fan of his on the 1st 2 books. But now him with nightblood and the idea of him going to the good guy makes him so much more appealing to me. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Quiver said:

    Fantasy-western would be the best way to describe the series. The protagonist is a very Clint Eastwood type character; the first book in the series is even titled 'The Gunslinger'...

    But the series is complicated to describe, because of spoilers :ph34r:

    That sounds cool. I love  Wax and Wayne Mistborn books and you could say Wax is the same type of character you just described. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Weltall said:

    I started reading Jim Butcher because Brandon was asked what he was currently reading at a signing I went to and recommended his newest book. Haven't regretted that choice since and you've got a couple of series you can pick from. That would be my first recommendation.

    Thanks going to look him up right now. 

    11 minutes ago, Thunder_93 said:

    I could also recomend The Dark Tower Saga from Stephen King. So far I'm only at book 3 of 8, but it's really good so far 

    Hmmm Stephen King I have never read any of his books. Is ita scifi book or fantasy 

  4. Well I just finshed all the Cosmere books tbat are out as of now. What should i read now. Need somthing that really involved. I have already read The Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Name of the Wind books, Lord of the Rings and middle-earth books, try to do Steve Erickson's books but they could not keep my interest. I am about to read so e ne cannon star wars book but I k ow they are going to be a disappointment compared to the epic awesomeness of Sanderson books. So what should I read 

  5. 35 minutes ago, jofwu said:

    I think Brandon described it saying it's as if his cognitive self is lagging behind his physical self. Having died and been brought back to life, the reconnection left a little wiggle room between the two.

    That sounds cool. I wounder if that will grant him abilities. Do you think he will join the good guy eventually. 

  6. Is Szeth a ghost half dead half alive? Or is half his soul in shadesmare and the other have in the physical realm. I really like the idea of there being a ghostly image of him when he moves around thats just cool. I dont think he is a ghost bc his hair would not be growing right. I wish we got to hear nightblood talk. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Krandacth said:

    They get released at the same time, and there is a note in the back of the first saying "If it feels like this book ended abruptly, it is because this is not the whole book, but rather one book split into two for printing purposes. It is not intended to read as a whole story in itself." This was the only option for WoK paperback, but I believe WoR paperback was available whole. It was later made available in two halves for those who prefer a less hefty reading experience, or those OCD enough to want every book in a series in the same form (like myself).

    Ok good beacuse I was saying to myself is horrible for the UK Publishers to do that to the sandersons fans if they made you wait. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Rasarr said:

    Same reason they do this in other countries - for one, they might think that readers might get spooked by a bigger book, and for other, they can make more money if they split it in half. For example, where I live, the book the size of WoK costs about 60 PLN, while a book half that size costs about 40 PLN, so if the publisher split WoK in two (which, thankfully, they didn't), they would make 20 PLN more on every copy.

    Well that is annoying. What is  the time frame of the releases of the two parts. Because I would get really upset if I knew it was originally one whole book finish the first half and had to wait months for the second half.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

    Here's his editing process. Things have been a little accelerated for book, since they've been sending each of the 5 parts through on its own. So, Part 1, 2.0 was being done while Brandon was writing Part 5, 1.0.

    I know Peter mentioned they were already at the beta readers stage on Twitter, so I suspect they're doing that piecemeal, too.

    But even aside from writing and art, there's printing and distribution. Getting a book cleaned up and ready is a much more well-defined process than outlining and writing, so when they say November, I believe them.

    Thank you for the Insight these are things that I don't know about. When do you think they could possibly show up cover April Maybe. Or in the summer

  10. 17 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

    Brandon recently said that this was very very unlikely, as while the writing may get done early, his team was already running on a very short time scale production-wise for a book as ambitious as Stormlight and that any time made up would just be added to the production (like the art work you mentioned).

    Ok thank you. As most of us if we could get the book tomorrow we would be happy. But if I do have to wait till November, December or even 2018 to get a amazing 1300 pg count Stormlight book with more art then we have had in the 1st 2 ill be happy.  Well mabe not 2018 that would be to long haha. I am hoping for the 4th Wax and Wayne  book by then.  And is 1300 pg count even possible I remember Brandon Sanderson stating that own Words of Radiance pg count was the largest they could do with the buying machines for their books at Tor.

  11. I was just over on Brandon Sanderson's official website and noticed that the third draft of Oathbringer is at 54% I believe it was stated that the book will be coming out mid-to-late November of this year. With it being halfway done on its third draft is there a possibility the book coukd come out sooner then November. Now I know nothing about publishing a book I know this book is unique from other Series in which this has a lot of covers art. Correct me if I'm wrong but did Sanderson state it's going to have the Maine cover and then like Words of Radiance have a second cover and possibly a third back cover art.  You also have to think about all the interior artwork which I hope is even more Than Words of Radiance because I love that aspect of these books.  so I guess I'm also asking well Brandon is working on the actual book are the artists working on the art at the same time and if so could we possibly get this book before November. I would really like to because I only have Arcanum  Unbound left to read before I have read all the cosmere books.  

  12. 3 hours ago, UpLifted said:

    It's called Sandersonitis. A neurosis characterized by an obsession with the fictional Universe known as the Cosmere invented by mad genius Brandon Sanderson.


    2 hours ago, Bromo_Sapien said:

    It's an offshoot of wotanian flu (scientific name: A. Sedaitis).

    These are great.

  13. 52 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

    I have a non verbal learning disability which, for me, presents a lot like aspergers (which presents differently than many other ASDs). Steris' experiences felt very similar to my own. I also have no problem expressing emotion. I have also learned to do things (such as making eye contact) by rote.

    Actually, many people with Aspergers are very self aware and find it easy to express their thoughts and feelings. The problem is doing so in an appropriate manner and setting. The other problem is trying to make sense of people who don't say what they are feeling, but couch it in social mores and cues which is where the difficulty lies. (This is one of the reasons Aspergers being put on the ASD list is still being argued. DSM 6 may switch it up again.)

    I don't know who you know with Mental illness or disability, but the ones I have worked run through a rather extensive spectrum. Some are self conscious, some are not. People with Down's Syndrome tend not to be self centered. One of the nicest people in my school had terrible Cerebral Palsy. Just as people without Mental illnesses or disabilities can be selfish, so can those with.

    FYI, I'm training to be a therapist, and have worked about 150 hours in different psychiatric settings. I've seen a lot of different people with different types of mental difficulties and they were each unique and different.

    Very well said. In my line of work I occasionally I interact with with people that have mental health issues or learning disabilities and it takes a special type of person to work with them

  14. Just be advised there may be some spoliers from some other cosmer books in this comment.  Well I just finished the book absolutely loved it. I kind of had a feeling the masked people's Lord Ruler was going to be The Survivor.  Whats up with the red eyes. Are they some how related to the Parshendi who get red eys when they take stormform. And how about that ikd lady from the Ghostbloods who where's the wooden mask is she a World hopper. I was thinking we were going to get to see Marsh again in this book but  sadly we did not. How long do we have to wait untill book 4, 2 years. Man o man thats a long time. I have not read the Mistborn secret history. I started abd only read 4or5 pages and rhen decided to read Wax and Wayne due a recommendation by someone on this site. Just love love. The  Wax and Wayne books 

  15. 1 hour ago, Rob Lucci said:

    It's not about intellectual pursuits. It's about how the character interacts and feels like. Steris, overall, doesn't feel like anyone with a mental disability I've ever known. A common thread there is reclusivity and withdrawal, resulting in extreme levels of self-centeredness. Steris, on the other hand, is incredibly aware of what she does. She says she's learned to do these social things by rote, but it doesn't feel like that. In how Brandon writes her, she doesn't have a problem showing emotions. She doesn't have a problem expressing her thoughts. She just has a thing with lists.

    Ok good points. I will say i have not been her bigest fan. I was hoping I would like her the more I read Bands of Mourning but have not. The list thing is more like OCD. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Rob Lucci said:

    Steris is cool, though I find her somewhat unrealistic. I don't buy it that someone with a genuine mental disorder of the scale of Aspergers (unless it was very mild and non-debilitating on the spectrum) would be able to behave like she does. She reads more like an extremely OCD person to me.

    I dont know I have two identical twin cousins that both have Asperger's one is getting his Doctorate in astrophysics the other one is a high school math teacher. They both are extremely awkward in public gatherings. But if they both achieve in the field that they have chosen with a disability. I feel like a fictitious character could do this if my two cousins can. 

  17. 5 hours ago, robardin said:

    I sort of agree in that I enjoyed the Wax and Wayne story arc, but found it lacking in comparison to the first trilogy at first, for similar reasons as you give.

    For one, it took me a while (and a few re-reads) to "buy into" the idea that the world of "Mistborn" would not, in fact, have any Mistborns in it, or even Feruchemists, "only" Mistings, Ferrings, and the occasional/rare Twinborn (who nevertheless were not one, not two, but three of the main characters in Alloy of Law). For another, it felt a lot like Alloy of Law was what it in fact was originally intended to be - a standalone writing exercise to "catch us up" on how Scadrial had developed after Harmony's Ascension, including the dilution of the Metallic Arts, and to keep a thumb on Scadrial's pulse with respect to the Cosmere's overall on-going Grand Unified Epic Saga.

    It'd be very hard for a one-off novella to measure up to how each of the three books of the original Mistborn trilogy had its own "twist" with a satisfying ending, and how the biggest jolt was when it turned out there was an even larger "twist" spanning the entire trilogy all along. And so, it doesn't.

    Given the "less deep sketchwork" comparison between the two, I agree that Wax and Wayne could come off as cardboard versions of The Lawman and his Comic Sidekick. Yet even in AoL, on re-reads, I can see hints of the deeper character issues that would come to the fore in Shadows of Self, and especially in Bands of Mourning.

    However, I disagree that having more of Wax/Wayne's "back story into how they got to where they are now" would be the tonic. What we're seeing play out starting with Shadows of Self is doing just fine. Because where Vin and Elend go from uncertain of their place in the world to being confident in their roles to build a new one as they grow in experience and knowledge, Wax in particular experiences the reverse: the more he learns, the LESS certain he is of his faith in Harmony, of the true nature of his personal relationships (Lessie, his sister), and so on.

    Vin's growth involves realizing that Reen never betrayed her, that she CAN learn to trust and to love people, and learning the true nature of Ruin. In contrast, Wax has to come to grips with "everything I thought I knew was a lie", and goes from proclaiming "I am not Harmony's hands... I'm his sword," to essentially saying, "I put my faith in Harmony all my life and He rusting set me up to get kicked in the nards, TWICE". (Until he has a literal Take A Walk With God moment.)

    Meanwhile, Wayne's sometimes overtly comic shtick is being shown as a kind of defense mechanism. The Robin Williams analogy is on point.

    Good stuff. And only getting better with the whole Trell thing and off-world tidbits.


    Excellent point I love all of them.  I am about 400 pages into Bands of mourning and love the twist that are happening in it. I cant wait to finsh this book but also don't want to bc ill have to wait about what 2 years untill the 4th one comes out. I briefly remember reading something a while back saying that AOL was going to be a one and done book. So happy it was expanded on. Wax and Wayne are just so good to me. Luring about the evolution of the other races and people of the world is very interesting as well. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Djarskublar said:

    I personally loved era 1 more. I of course love both. I didn't feel the stock character aspects of W/W. They are more farfetched, for sure, but they aren't impossible people by any means. Wayne in particular is... out there. I could still see someone like him being a real person. His compulsive thievery made me think of Kender the whole time (not to be confused with Kandra). Having read Dragonlance made it much easier to understand him. He is a kleptomaniac who totally rejects standard societal ideas of monetary value. That alone makes him interesting. His scenes with Ranette, particularly in Bands, showed his hidden depth indirectly. He appears to do stuff randomly, but he is actually a good planner. His gun phobia is totally realistic. Not exactly highly probable, but still possible. The only reason for saying he is unrealistic is how many unlikely traits have been crammed together in him. There isn't really anything wrong with that though. He honestly reminds me quite a bit of Mat in WoT.

    Era one were simply more fleshed out because of the nature of the stories, so I like them more. I am also the cold calculating type, so the end of HoA was... pleasing. I like it when authors have the guts to kill important people, or just depict and discuss death in general. It bothers me when TV shows or movies cut away from people dying, or the whole 'bullets hit the dust around their feet for no good reason.' The take away is that HoA is one of the best books of all time. Didn't see that end coming, and it still blows me away to think of how well it was pulled off.

    Excellent points.  I also didn't fell that the characters didn't feel faxe. Wax has definitely become my 2nd favorite character in all of the cosmere next to Dalinar Kholin. Wayne is just great as well I have just finshed Shadow of self yesterday and have started Bands of Mourning tonight. 

  19. 2 hours ago, Andy92 said:

    The ending was a pretty good shock the first time I read that book. When I saw that Palm had left her old body behind, the possibility hit me at that moment. I spent the last few pages thinking, "oh no, please no" lol.

    You'll have to check out Bands of Mourning soon. I think you'll get some new perspectives on the whole ordeal after reading that book. But the ending is still pretty tough in Shadows of Self. 

    In the back of my mind i was thinking also. But was saying to my self no way, and when you Lessie face i was like you monster you took the guys dead wifes body just to taunt him. But they when she startstalking about thw 1st time they met I was saying to myself good thing no one awake at my house to see me reading this right now hahah. I was never a softy but being married with three daughters has turn me into a push over when it comes to love stores hahah. Just started Bands  of Mourning today 


    1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

    Well, BoM has a nice love story... It should be pointed out that Paalm was supposed to guard Wax, not marry him. That was her own choice. And Saze didn't cause Lessie's death, and had Paalm wished to tell Wax the truth I doubt Saze would have stopped her. So, Saze may have manipulated Wax, but Paalm lied to him first when she chose not to reveal her status as a Kandra. Had she done so neither would have had to suffer.

    Good points Im still upset with Sazed though. 

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