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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. I am so excited I can't wait till November I know they have 2 more draft to go through but I just want the book to come out sometime in the summer it feels like everything's wrapping up so quickly. The rumors I've heard there is going to be it interior recover and then a back cover as well I know they have to do the interior at work but I'm sure that well within the process if the book covers already done
  2. This gets me so excited. Jasnah is one of my favorite characters who who am I kidding I love all the characters from this book series period but I love on tour.com Michael Whelan shows his process and explains things it's so interesting. It sounds like this is going to be some absolutely epic battles in this book. And just think if the rumors are true we're going to get a second and third cover for the interior of the book. And all the in book art. O man this so exciting. Brandon Sanderson book are just simply on another level then all the other Epic Fantasy.
  3. I just watched a new Q&A/readings from I beluve Boston on YouTube last night and said when asked about the Animated Series for one of his books. Saracen stated he would love that but the interest is not there for an adult animated series. He went on to say that he would be interested in a stranger's things type show on Netflix for one of his books series.
  4. Well i just watched a new YouTube video of Sanderson in Boston I believe and he did say that the books have 5 drafts. So I guess it wont be out untill November. He also read from a interlude that was extremely funny.
  5. @maxal thanks it can be extremely frustrating when people don't understand what you're trying to say because you can't write it out properly.
  6. I can't spell to save my life and would be lost without spell check at my work period my grammar is horrible as well not on this site plan other sites have been accused of being a little kid or poorly educated because of my spelling and grammar issues.
  7. Im sorry what is IIRC Haha fanboy Shivers thats great. You are killing me with all logical reasons why it will take untill November to come out haha
  8. So exciting I've mentioned this before but feel like I should say something again now that the third draft is 81% done. How can it take till November for the book to come out. I'm sure that the artist Michael Whelan is in talks about doing a cover for a while now. Even if he does a front cover inside cover and back cover like I've heard rumors about. Will it really take him 9 months to do 3 covers. Most of the artwork inside the book is done by Sanderson's long-term collaborator (apologizeI forgot his name) so I'm sure a lot of that stuff is already planned out and possibly some done already. So unless Tor will only publish it in November I can't see how the book would take another 9 months to be published if it's already at 81%
  9. Shadesmar geometric head yea for pattern. Action scean would cost some big $$$
  10. @stonedshaman I was think about asking the artist to do Patterns in shadesmare and then as a shardblade with Shallan next. What you thinkhe does Dalinar, Kaladin and Adolin so far.
  11. I love all the in-depth response. Is a spren a spliter that has a vessel with that vessel being the Knight Radiant it is bonded to.
  12. He is over on Instagram name is @venamis he does mainly Star Wars
  13. Thanks guys. The artis basically just had what I told him about thw characters he never read any of the books. Sobthat my bad if they look more like stormform.
  14. I have been looking on line for some cool looking Parshendi and only been abke to find some just okay ones in my opinion. So I had venamis do this for me the guy is such a great artistsand cool guy. What do you guys think.
  15. This is why love asking questions on this website you get such indepth answers. Great points
  16. Good point. The Shardblades are the spren as a weapon so that further proof that the splinters/spren can be touched and held. I guess a splinters vessel could be the kight radiant that this spren bonds with in a way
  17. Ok so a spren is a splinter right? And if so why can Lift hold onto her spren when climbing up walls when he's a vine.
  18. So what if all humans are refugees from Yolen. In that the original vessels were trying to save the people of Yolen. But were not able to save the planet and were only able to help do a mass Exodus sending the people to different planets throughout the cosmere then populating those planets.
  19. If a shard can have a vessel and a splinter is a part of a Shard can a splinter have a vessel in a lesser form.
  20. Yea its a great book. Mabey im just to stupidand need a cosmere for dummies book haha.
  21. I really feel like the cosmere should have a companion book
  22. Thanks for all the input from every one. I have just strarted to listento the shard cast ast night whwn i got order to work thw overnight. Man o man I literally feel like I just understand a sliver compared what the rest of you know about the cosmere.
  23. I just finished reading Arcanum Unbounded hipster listen to this shard cast. So if if the human on Roshat are not originally from there in a from either Ashyn or Braize. How did thwy gwt over to Roshar. I know this isn't a guarantee that the humans are from a different planet but sounds like it to me.
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