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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. 1 hour ago, Innovation said:

    Isn’t lasting Integrity the Honorspren capital? Their capital could be a tower, somewhat like Urithiru, but I certainly think it would at least have windows or an entrance. It is described as a grand city, and this obsidian slate we are seeing isn’t very grand, besides the massive scale. 

    It could be far off in the distance and the lights are not as bright. I feel the lights would be a low dark blue. Could it be a gard tower/beacon 

  2. 34 minutes ago, Lightspine said:

    I'm almost positive those are supposed to be bismuth crystals:

    Pink Shiny Crystal Visions - Blanket Fort Adventures

    They've got the right kind of square shape and iridescence, but they normally don't get nearly that large. Bismuth forms larger crystals if it's cooled down more slowly. I'm pretty sure they can't get as big as we see on the cover naturally, perhaps it could be soulcast? Not sure if there's any significance to it.

    That really cool looking 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Subvisual Haze said:

    An effect of the lighting in Shadesmar?  Without full spectrum light certain colors could appear more muted.  Shallan is the exception here, but she's being directly illuminated by whatever she is soulcasting behind her.

     That's what I was thinking also. You worded it better than I could have. I think she is soulcast the beads of the ocean into rock bc the rocks they are standing on look live waves. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Cheat Commando said:

    My wife recently said that she'd be willing to listen to me summarize the first 3 books before RoW comes out. Currently in Part 4 of WoR. Unfortunately it's taking me forever and I'm losing her interest because I constantly have to backtrack and say, "Oh, wait, I forgot to tell you about this OTHER thing that happened earlier in the book..." 

    Yea I feel bad for my wife. She married a huge nerd and has to listen to me talk about Stormlight archives, Lord of the rings ,Star Wars star trek and my own story and my drawing that I have been writing/drawing for the past 3 years  that will probably never be finished haha but still fun to write and draw. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Ansalem said:

    Could be, but I don't think Azure's blade looked any different in Shadesmar, did it? Though it and Nightblood aren't exactly the same thing they are both Awakened swords. Or at least that's the assumption. I suppose Azure's blade could be something entirely different but there's no reason to think that.

    I wonder what Honorblades look like in Shadesmar...

    Oh good question about Honorblades. Would the person with a honorblade have the some abilities when in Shadesmar. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, SteelShaper said:

    Thoughts: We know normal shardblades don't manifest in the CR, they revert to their spren form.  However, Azure's blade, an awakened sword, has no spren.  My thinking is that either Dalinar had Szeth loan Nightblood to Adolin so he could protect them while in Shadesmar [unlikely to me], or, more likely, I think, we are going to have another run in with Vivenna [sorry, Azure], and she is going to loan her blade to Adolin [along with breath maybe? But why?]. 

    Or it could just be artistic license.  But it probably means something. 

    I like the idea of Azure being with them instead of her give up her sword. Why would she give up a weapon that she had in my opinion  probably spent alot of time creating. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Goatbringer said:

    The more I'm thinking of it, the more I'm sure that it's an Awakened sword. If you look at it, it looks like the rainbow on the rock is coming out of the tip of the sword and there's nowhere else in the picture that has a rainbow aesthetic. Considering how integral the rainbow or the aspect of 'colour' in general is to Nalthis, I don't think this is a coincidence. It also looks bigger and more ornate than any other kind of basic broadsword that Adolin would take into Shadesmar.

    I'm excited about the possibilities!  

    Could the sword be something. Something similar to the heavenly ones spears. I know that's completely opposite what you were just saying but I was just looking at this sword some more and I just thought of this 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Master Silver said:

    One interesting thing we learned last time our heroes were in Shadesmar, is that stormlight is valuable. With Dalinar being able to renew Stormlight, our heroes could certainly buy whatever they want. Weren't there swords for purchase at one of the markets?

    Yea there was some cool chain thing I remember. I loved the chapter I. Shadesmar

  9. 2 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    Aren't drabs actually normal people everywhere else, but since they're so used to having Breath, they feel so different?


    Also, about the cover, call me crazy but that doesn't look like a sword to me.

    What els could it be other then a sword. I think it's a sword but way to thin of a blade. Really would have loved to see Adolins shard blade on the cover 

  10. 14 minutes ago, Bliev said:

    I had two friends (married couple) introduce me to Mistborn about 5 years ago, and it's now me, them, and their brother. That's it. :-) My husband made it through 1.5 mistborn era 1 books and called it quits.

    On the one hand, tis lonely to be a brando sando fan in this house. on the other, I got to totally give a 5 minute spoiler rundown to my husband for Mistborn era 1 and Secret History and it was magnificently satisfying to tell him all the things. lol I look forward to giving him the rundown of RoW when it comes out. For SA overall, I was like: "so yeah, there are these ghosts, right, who keep getting reincarnated into alien bodies and they have different powers and some are insane. and there's an evil god who gives them their powers. And the heroes are human-like but they are all totally psychologically messed up but that works in their favor actually because they get powers from these things called spren which are like thoughts, but you can see them sometimes and they flit and fly around. And the magic comes from this storm that has a big spren that looks like a old man and he sends the magic source down to the people in the form of light that they store in spheres and then use to fuel their flying and healing and stuff." lmaooo

     That's hilarious I tried to explain these books to my wife and she like yeah OK honey. Hahaha

  11. 9 minutes ago, Diomedes said:

    Shallan looks uneasy or disturbed. This could point towards her character arc in RoW. 

    She also holds up a (black?) sphere. I don`t know what to do with this. 

    Oh I think she is going to be jumping on the Crazy train big time in this book with Veil driving it having a blast. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Bliev said:

    Same! The three people I know IRL who are anxiously awaiting the RoW release are dutifully not reading the early release chapters and I'm feeling very stifled on our group chat. lol Thank you, anonymous Sharders, for being my lone source of sanity during this tumultuous time. lol

    Haha I dont know anyone IRL that read Brandon Sanderson so this were I get to talk to anyone one who reads his books. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Innovation said:

    Only people from Nalthis have Breath, so I don’t think the Fused would. Adolin could have gotten it from a Worldhopper somehow. 

    If only people from Nalthis have breath so Adolin would have to have some one on his mother side from Nalthis. Could that explain why his brother's bond with his spren is different. Man soooo ma y questions

  14. 5 minutes ago, Innovation said:

    Adolin seems to have Breath. I highly doubt that what he is wielding is an Awakened sword. As for his hair, what could be a better disguise? Lightweaving his hair to change colors and people will associate Adolin with silver hair, rather then blond and black. 

     I was never a big fan of have one get's the breaths. Could he take the breath from the fused and would that even work.

  15. 1 minute ago, Goatbringer said:

    I think it's most likely Adolin due to confirmation in the Amazon blurb... but I think it could be really fun if it isn't!

    Yea it would cool. The hair definitely looks silver or Gray. Could Adloin not be Dalinar's son and his father be a world hopper and now Adloin finds out he has the ability to use breath hahah that's a crazy idea 

  16. 1 hour ago, Drayal said:

    Well there's azure's sword in Oathbringer which presumably was made after nightblood. Perhaps the sword Adolin is holding is the same type or even the same one?


    Good point but would she give it to Adolin. I dont think so.


    18 minutes ago, Goatbringer said:

    That's my thought as well. Maybe I'm colourblind, but doesn't that hair look silver rather than golden-blonde with dark flecks? Could this be someone with the royal locks of Idris? The rainbow only furthered that suspicion.

    So you dont think its Adolin. Could it be another world hopper

  17. 13 minutes ago, Innovation said:

    I personally don’t think Maya can be revived. Regardless, I do believe that Adolin has Breath. Vasher would never create another Awakened Sword, considering his past. Azure’s blade probably was taken from Yesteel. The only other explanation is some kind of Spren illuminating the stones, or Breath. 

    Oh I want Maya to be revived really bad. I just like how Adolin has talked to her all the time before his duels there is a love and respect for the blade and the spren. In my opinion 

  18. 7 minutes ago, Innovation said:

    Nightblood is one of a kind, but Yesteel is said to have figured out how to make type IV Awakened objects. Either Vasher created more, or this one came from Yesteel. It could be something other than an Awakened Sword...Adolin could have gained Breath somehow. 

    If Adolin gained breath I would hope he could some how help his shard blade come back to life. I loved how she helped him in Shadshamer in OB.

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