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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. After I did my reread of Words of Radince I really wanted Kaladin and Sly to become a thing. Some how Syl evolves and able to takea physical form. I would love to see what type abilities a half human half spren would have.
  2. Hmm ok. Thers goes my idea haha. I need more Cosmere boos asap haha Sanderson is so good
  3. Some one probably has brought this up already. But could the new star chart be any hints showing us the future of the cosmere. To me i think it looks like Roshat will be leading the fight against the Scar and what ever will be coming from that region of sapce.
  4. What would you compare them to with is cosmere books
  5. I hope he does. I am so interested in Szeth now. Was never a big fan of his on the 1st 2 books. But now him with nightblood and the idea of him going to the good guy makes him so much more appealing to me.
  6. That sounds cool. I love Wax and Wayne Mistborn books and you could say Wax is the same type of character you just described.
  7. Thanks going to look him up right now. Hmmm Stephen King I have never read any of his books. Is ita scifi book or fantasy
  8. Well I just finshed all the Cosmere books tbat are out as of now. What should i read now. Need somthing that really involved. I have already read The Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Name of the Wind books, Lord of the Rings and middle-earth books, try to do Steve Erickson's books but they could not keep my interest. I am about to read so e ne cannon star wars book but I k ow they are going to be a disappointment compared to the epic awesomeness of Sanderson books. So what should I read
  9. That sounds cool. I wounder if that will grant him abilities. Do you think he will join the good guy eventually.
  10. Is Szeth a ghost half dead half alive? Or is half his soul in shadesmare and the other have in the physical realm. I really like the idea of there being a ghostly image of him when he moves around thats just cool. I dont think he is a ghost bc his hair would not be growing right. I wish we got to hear nightblood talk.
  11. Ok good beacuse I was saying to myself is horrible for the UK Publishers to do that to the sandersons fans if they made you wait.
  12. Well that is annoying. What is the time frame of the releases of the two parts. Because I would get really upset if I knew it was originally one whole book finish the first half and had to wait months for the second half.
  13. Why do they split the book up in the UK
  14. Thank you for the Insight these are things that I don't know about. When do you think they could possibly show up cover April Maybe. Or in the summer
  15. Ok thank you. As most of us if we could get the book tomorrow we would be happy. But if I do have to wait till November, December or even 2018 to get a amazing 1300 pg count Stormlight book with more art then we have had in the 1st 2 ill be happy. Well mabe not 2018 that would be to long haha. I am hoping for the 4th Wax and Wayne book by then. And is 1300 pg count even possible I remember Brandon Sanderson stating that own Words of Radiance pg count was the largest they could do with the buying machines for their books at Tor.
  16. I was just over on Brandon Sanderson's official website and noticed that the third draft of Oathbringer is at 54% I believe it was stated that the book will be coming out mid-to-late November of this year. With it being halfway done on its third draft is there a possibility the book coukd come out sooner then November. Now I know nothing about publishing a book I know this book is unique from other Series in which this has a lot of covers art. Correct me if I'm wrong but did Sanderson state it's going to have the Maine cover and then like Words of Radiance have a second cover and possibly a third back cover art. You also have to think about all the interior artwork which I hope is even more Than Words of Radiance because I love that aspect of these books. so I guess I'm also asking well Brandon is working on the actual book are the artists working on the art at the same time and if so could we possibly get this book before November. I would really like to because I only have Arcanum Unbound left to read before I have read all the cosmere books.
  17. Cool so many characters I don't know how people can rember all the names
  18. Is the old mask lady in WOR drom the ghostbloods a Southerner/hunter from the 2nd era of Mistborn. I have not read WOR since this past August but I think her description was the mask and look like her skin had grown around it.
  19. Very well said. In my line of work I occasionally I interact with with people that have mental health issues or learning disabilities and it takes a special type of person to work with them
  20. Just be advised there may be some spoliers from some other cosmer books in this comment. Well I just finished the book absolutely loved it. I kind of had a feeling the masked people's Lord Ruler was going to be The Survivor. Whats up with the red eyes. Are they some how related to the Parshendi who get red eys when they take stormform. And how about that ikd lady from the Ghostbloods who where's the wooden mask is she a World hopper. I was thinking we were going to get to see Marsh again in this book but sadly we did not. How long do we have to wait untill book 4, 2 years. Man o man thats a long time. I have not read the Mistborn secret history. I started abd only read 4or5 pages and rhen decided to read Wax and Wayne due a recommendation by someone on this site. Just love love. The Wax and Wayne books
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