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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. Ok good points. I will say i have not been her bigest fan. I was hoping I would like her the more I read Bands of Mourning but have not. The list thing is more like OCD.
  2. I dont know I have two identical twin cousins that both have Asperger's one is getting his Doctorate in astrophysics the other one is a high school math teacher. They both are extremely awkward in public gatherings. But if they both achieve in the field that they have chosen with a disability. I feel like a fictitious character could do this if my two cousins can.
  3. Excellent point I love all of them. I am about 400 pages into Bands of mourning and love the twist that are happening in it. I cant wait to finsh this book but also don't want to bc ill have to wait about what 2 years untill the 4th one comes out. I briefly remember reading something a while back saying that AOL was going to be a one and done book. So happy it was expanded on. Wax and Wayne are just so good to me. Luring about the evolution of the other races and people of the world is very interesting as well.
  4. Excellent points. I also didn't fell that the characters didn't feel faxe. Wax has definitely become my 2nd favorite character in all of the cosmere next to Dalinar Kholin. Wayne is just great as well I have just finshed Shadow of self yesterday and have started Bands of Mourning tonight.
  5. In the back of my mind i was thinking also. But was saying to my self no way, and when you Lessie face i was like you monster you took the guys dead wifes body just to taunt him. But they when she startstalking about thw 1st time they met I was saying to myself good thing no one awake at my house to see me reading this right now hahah. I was never a softy but being married with three daughters has turn me into a push over when it comes to love stores hahah. Just started Bands of Mourning today Good points Im still upset with Sazed though.
  6. Yea I guess you are rightbut i loved Sazed from Vin and Elden story and I am pritty pissed at him now hahah.
  7. I commented on thisbis the shadow of self thread but i dont rhink people will be looking at the thread. The reval of Bleeders true identity was hart braking I felt so sad for Wax. To be used like that was horrible. I was pissed off at Harmony big time. Like I have said be fore i am a big sucker for a good love story and this was killer. I finshed Shadow of self late lastnight and went to bed right after fishing the book. I then had a dream of the book ending. I have never had a dream about any of the books I have read so ether it's bc the book struck such an emotional chord with me or just bc I finished it right before I went to bed and I stuck im my mind either way I love to this book even though it's depressing at the end. Wax has become a favorite character next to Dalinar Kholin. I can't wait to to start The Bands of Mourning latter today
  8. God damit the ending with Bleeder reveal killed me. I was so upset and felt horrible for Wax. I finshed the book late lastnight and went to bed right after fishing it. I then had a dream about the revaeling of Bleeder it was kind of crazy hahah i have nebr had a dream about i book that I have read. I guess the ending realy hit me more then realized Wax jumped up right next to Dalinar Kholin as being my favorite cosmere character. Going to start Book 3 today
  9. That is an excellent. What's the saying the funniest people have the darkest Secrets or past something to that effect. Yea I think Wayne is the way he is beacuse it makes it easier for him.
  10. I love Wax and he is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in the Cosmere for people that say they don't seem real I can't understand that. I agree with you saying hes a my way or the highway lawman. I love that about him it reminds me of my father who was a detective for 35 years. Wayne is excellent I can't pinpoint it but something about him seems very familiar to me and love him.
  11. bdoble97

    Hoid book

    I want to click on the link and read about it but I feel like I should read all of the available cosmere books before I look at any of that stuff.
  12. bdoble97

    Hoid book

    So Mistborn, Dragonsteel and Stormlight no Elantris. I do remember reading somthing awhile back about the space age Mistborn. But the space opera would be a diffrent set of books connecting all the worlds of the cosmere. Right. So ee would get a Mistborn space age triolgy hopefully and then a different space opera saga man that sounds so epic.
  13. bdoble97

    Hoid book

    That sounds amazing. I was wondering if the space opera route was going to be the way he put all the worlds together in the Cosmeres sounds absolutely fantastic. Even though I want to know the two stories of Hoid books I am in no rush SA is probably my favorite book series ever. The space opera sounds so good I just picture amazingly epic looking Gothic type of spaceships kind of like the Necromancers from Chronicles of Riddick movie as the the ships from the mistborn books. Hahha this has gotten me to excited
  14. bdoble97

    Hoid book

    Im reading The Wax and Wayne Mistborn books right now. Im iabout 150 pgs into book 2 and Hoid showed up. Love seeing his name on the page. So I guess I have 2 question is Hoid inmortal bc there is a 300 year spand between the two mistborn book series, and will his book be after everything thing or will it be a prequel to all the books in the Cosmere.
  15. Man i cant disagree with you more. I love Wax and Wayne I finished book Alloy of Law in two days and it's only 300 something pages but I couldn't put that book down. With Vin it took my 3 separate time to even finsh The Final Empire and took a long brake and read most of the other cosmere book before I started The Final Empire for the 3rd time. I guess Wax and Wayne just speak to me having a father that was a detective for 35 years and myself being in law enforcement for the past 10 years the character arw familiar to me with a cool epic fantasy twist to it. I was not a fan of Eldelin at all until halfway through Wells of Ascension but loved him in Hero of Ages. It is so cool to see the world progress in the 300 years. I believe Brandon has said that the next series he wants to be in the eighties I hope the world as a Gotham City of the Tim Burton Batman movies to it.
  16. BOM is sounding etter to me the more i read the comments. Indiana Jones Style, with youbsaying a good amount of cosmere stuff. Sounds wicked good. Im nevusre nkw with you saying SOS is emoto ally wrenching some is going to die. I amd about 150pgs into it and I am just loving all the characters so I know ill be pissed whem one big 3 dies if they do.
  17. Ok still sounds interesting. Thanks
  18. I love a good love story. I guess I'm a big softy so loved Elden and Vin but Dalinar Kholin definitely my favorite character from the cosmere. I just love Wax and Wayne probably bc I have been in law enforcement for 10years now I really like the lawman aspect in this book. I usaly only read epic fantasy or scfi so I dont see to much "cop" stuff in the books I read. I just ordered Bounds of Morning today so you saying that it was a let down worries me I am about 150 pgs into Shadows of Self and I am loving it.
  19. I am a sucker for a good love story hahah. Always wanted them to have a kid. Before i finshed the original trilogy I was thinking that Vin and Elden descendants would be involved in the 2nd series of books. Just started Shadow of self to day loving it. Thats is a wicked good question all the fighting that Vin was involved in there is no question that she could of had a miscarriage. But I think Vin would of felt somthing diffrent when she was burning hwr metals
  20. I am only one book into the 2nd Mistborn set of books but I am loving Wax, Wayne and Marasi. I have always been a bigger fan of epic swords and orcs typ of fantasy like Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time and SA. I much prefer the close combat of the massive armys fighting on a battle feild then lone gunslinger. But the idea of seeing the world 300 years after Vin and Elend is so cool. To me I picture Elendel as a 1930s Russian/ steampunk Gothic city type. I may be completely wrong but love of the the idea of this city. Also I love how Wax and Wayne are lawmen. Marasi reminds me of myself during my 1st semester of college takeing criminalnalige. So i guess I want to know what set of books do you guys like more. I know Wax and Wayne still have one more book before thier story is over. But what you guys think.
  21. @skaa @Tsidqiyah thanks. Brandon Sanderson books are jusjust so amazing the cosmere is epic in scale and cant imagine how many more stories are they still within this galaxy. I am pumped
  22. Thank you. Didn't Sanderson say that he eventually wants to write a mistborn Trilogy as a Sci-Fi Space Opera in the burning the metals will be the way they do space travel. How will they be able to do that if they are away from thier world/shard
  23. Thank youbthat is interesting
  24. Ok thank you. Why can Zahel use stormlight.
  25. What if Vin world hopped to Roshar and was able to get some shavings of some shardplate. I am not sure that shardplate is even probably some typ of dead spren. I also have thought that the Mist and stormlight or alot a like. So vice versa what if Kaladin ended up some how over on the Mistborn world (sorry dont remember the planet's name) and tryed to use the mist or consume some metals.
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