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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. I Loved that book. Claudia Gray did such a great job interweaving her story with the original trilogy was amazing I could not put that book down. Just started The Alloy of Law about 150 pgs in and love Wax and Wayne Marasi reminds me of myself when I was in college taking criminology classes
  2. Thanks man I read those back in highschool10-15 years ago.
  3. After Disney bought the books. I got After math lige debt and the Asoka book. But they never seem to be as good and in depth as Sanderson books.
  4. O man. Ok thanks they way I have been reading I feel like its been taking a month to read each book just never have time to read any more so with the 3 Next Mistborn set of book and unbound book im lookingtonbe set till April. Plus i got some new cannon star wars book as well. But nothing compares to Brandon Sanderson books in my opinion.
  5. Ok thanks. O thats good to know. Is there a release date for the fourth book then
  6. I started the secret history. I think I want to juat stop reading it for now and go right into the 2nd Mistborn triolgy.
  7. Ok thank you about to start it now
  8. Both excellent points. I was about to read the secret histories or should I read the next trilogy before I read the secret histories. I really want to read the secret histories so please say I can do that first with out spoling anything hahha
  9. I just finished Hero Of Ages very upset that Vin and Elden died. I really thought that Marsh would have turned and helped us out and he did that slight little bit which actually was a huge part the pulling Vins earing out. I just don't know I love the trilogy I just wanted Vin and Elden to rule together and have some kids hahahh I guess I'm a big softy.
  10. Yea I love Jasnah I picture her as mix of Olivia Wilde and Katy Perry I don't know that probably sounds pretty funny but that's how I picture her. Never Nale/Nalan I never would have wantted a Lord Ruler done but the more i read the original Mistborn Born triolgy the more I like thw Lord Ruler I only have about 70 pgs left of Hero of Ages and love the info we get about him and all the work he did to save the world. It has taken a hell of Lot longer then I thought it would take to finsh the book wife three daught Christmas vacation has really reduced my time to read but mabe after today when i finsh the book the Lord Ruler will be my number 1 choice over Parshendi warform
  11. Blue fingers would be cool. The Lord Ruler is also a good idea. If i had the money i would have him do all of the ideas. But dont have a money tree hahah. Unfortunately it will probley be about a month untill I put aside enough for another commission.
  12. Well yea it's a great deal he mainly does Star Wars art. I've always loved the description of the Parshendi having long beards with uncut gems braided into it
  13. The artis is only limited to what I have read so far from the cosmere. So he can do characters from Elantris, Mistborn 1st trilogy, Warbraker, SA. I really want to see him do a Parshendi warform. I think the exoskeleton armor will look really cool in his style
  14. This is a damaged version of the shardplate. Who should I have the artist do next he wants to do a bad guy.
  15. Szeth is. cool character just feel like you see him alot in fan art and we see next to none of the Parshendi. At least I have mot seen much at all.
  16. Hahah well at least you like the shardplate. The artist says he would like to do a bad guy nexts. What you think I want him to do a Parshindie warform
  17. @maxal let me know what you think
  18. Sweet I am happy you like it. I love the artist style.
  19. @maxal I was going to have him do Shallan but I think I told you I would have him do Adolin next.
  20. Once again. I had the amazing artist venamis do a character commission. This time of thw character Adolin Kholin. I chose the actor Charlie Hunnam for the face template pleas let me k ow what you guys think. I personally absolutely love the detial in the shradblade. For some reason I am having issues putting these up on the gallery page.
  21. So do you think the truth will found out early in the book. And the fall out with play out throught out thw remainder of the book
  22. Hmmmm it would be a interesting story line. But I would love to see a new detective type character doing investigation could be some intense scenes with him and Adolin. A pov with detective could be a really interesting Sub plot.
  23. How far in the future can he see and couldn't that help him in his abilities in fighting. He really sucks at it now. If he is able to see his opponent's move before they strike it will be like a Alchemist when they burn that certain metal right. How could he not win a fight.
  24. 100% shardplate I would paint it jet black and have gold trim. I would go with a massive war hammer and name it death bringer. Going around the battle feild crushing Parshindie skulls with it braking off a peacpeace of their exoskeleton armor to put on a necklace to wear above my shardplate.
  25. The idea of Dalinar doing the the investigation into the murder would be pretty intense. But I think he will be too busy with being a bond Smith
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