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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. I hope the murder isn't solved quickly in the next book I would love there to be a story arc of somebody trying to investigate it. The more I read your comments about Adloin and you thinking that there will be less Adloin in the OB do you think they ever could be a novella for Adolin. I really think he is a fan favorite. On a side note I spoke to thw artist doing my Adolin commission he told me he will have a rough sketch done today can't wait hahha
  2. I can't agree with you anymore with what you think Dalinar would do. Mabe Adolin could escape an live in exile with his shardplate. But I dont think Adolin will be executed I think the murderer will not be solved and he will have to live with the guilt of murdering somebody
  3. Even though I love that cover I think after WOR and seeing shardplate from Shallan dwarings we need a better representation of them on a cover soldier in armor looks too skinny makes you think he's just a regular infantry light eyes. Shardplate is much more heavy duty looking
  4. Sorry haha Shallan would lose her rust. I sent out the money for my commission of Adloin I also sent a litell extra to the artis so hopefully he dies an amazing Adloin. If anything happened to Adolin I Kaladin would be pritty pissed off as well. But could Adolin cousin the king pardon him.
  5. It would make for an amazing epic emotional scean. Dalinar wanting ro save his son but being hand tied due to the laws. I can already feel the lump in my throat. Hahah I still dont want it ro happen at all but it would be some amazing writting if it happened
  6. If they execute Adolin I will be fing pissed.
  7. OB haha love it. Can't wait to read this book. Dalinar is going to all about being a badass warrior. He worked hard amd played even harder. Reminds me of myself in my early 20s. Only thing that got my act together was having kids I really want to see what helped him get his act together other than his brother's death
  8. I love the font they use. The coloring is great as well.
  9. A cover with Dalinar and sons would be fantastic to me. After seeing the news that Oathbringer is done I was so pumped i just sent money to thw artist that I commission to do SA art to do a new Adolin. Mabe I will ask him to do Dalinar and Adolin together
  10. I bet the cover is not even done yet. Probably sone rough Concepts but nothing concrete yet. I hope we get the cover then a inside flap like we had with Shallan and mabe even a 2nd back flap art of mabe of Adolin
  11. So exciting. This book series is most definitely my favorite ongoing series. Sanderson books are just so good his characters grab onto you and dont lwt go. Dalinar is my favorite character and seeing how this is going to be his book and it the bigest of the 3 I cant wait to dive into it next year and spend probley over a month in Roshar. I dont have the time I used to too many kids never seem to have time to read. Just want to thank Mr. Sanderson you are an amazing writer
  12. 1st thing I saw when I got out of bed what a way to start the day.
  13. Haha I can't wait. I have about $50 buck set asise for the Adolin commission.
  14. Thank you. I remember reading that he changed the planets so they could desolve the ash. The more I read the more it makes the Lord Ruler seem like a better guy then they made him out to be in the beginning
  15. Maby I should not ask this question yet because I have not finsh Hero of Ages. But on one of the littel info dumps before the chapter it said that the Lord Ruler had changed the humans so they could live in the atmosphere with the ash. Does this mean that humans from Mistborn could not go world hopping due to the difference in the atmosphere. And a nother question who is Wit in Mistborn and again I probably shod not be asking theses queation untill I finsh the book but have not been able to read any in the past 3 days beacuse my daughters have been sick.
  16. I know i did a reread of the 1st 2 SA books started back at the end of August and have been reading all of his other cosmere stuff on Hero of Ages right now
  17. I have thought this before. But I really like the idea of Kal and Syl relationship growing to something. Mabe she coukd some how gain physical form. I have thought it would be cool if they had a child and in the later 5 books thier child could be a character 15 years latter following a half human/spren cold he cool what type of powers they could have.
  18. I would love a good epic space opera. I wounder if we will see thw other plants of the cosmere. Will we meet new alien races that are not from shard planets. Could be amazing
  19. They ones that escaped were led by one of the Warform leaders. I think will meat up with Rlain who trust Kaladin and they will fight along side the KR
  20. Man I would have been embarrassed a lot in high school then
  21. This exciting news. Will we get any hints about the cover or official title. I know its been called Oathbringer. But I need more information haha
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