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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. This is really cool. Its like test screening of movies.
  2. I had no ideathat tjwy used test readers on the books. I just assumed it was the author and editor that was it. That is intrusting how long have they been soing this. I my self would terrified of somebody read my book my story before my editor/wife haha look at it sue that fact that my spelling and grammar is wicked bad.
  3. You definitely had a part in it. Good work
  4. Makes me think Hoid knows the being that created the cosmere and himself.
  5. Thats a great idea. Im reading Mistborn right now just started the 2nd book
  6. bdoble97


    Thank you very interesting
  7. bdoble97


    If Hoid is in every cosmere book It makes me assume that he's been around since the beginning so is he as old as the cosmere it self. Or is he from a ancient race of humans who were around before the shattering. Sorry if this is a dumb question haha.
  8. Wow. You are way smarter them hahah.
  9. Yes yes, sorry. Did she say how much snow bc I would love to read about them trying to fight in 6 ft of snow I think it woyld cool reading about fighting ontops of huge sheets of ice I wounder how you could keep your footing in shardplate on ice.
  10. Ok off the top of my head I can't remember he talking about snow. But I have been reading alot of Sanderson with in the past 3 months I have reread SA read Warbreaker and just finshed the 1st Mistborn book.
  11. Is there a winter on Roshar and if it does does it get cold enough foe snow. Image a highstorm with snow that could be something amazing.
  12. Some one born in shadesmare now thats cool. I have wantted Kaladin and Syl to become a thing. Some how she becomes a physical being and mabe in the latter 5 thier child is in it. But if Kaladingoes to Shadesmar and Syl is a physical being there hmmm. There child could be so.e crazy powerful hybrid.
  13. No prob. Love talking about this cosmere unavers.
  14. I also thought there was much larger time gap between Warbreaker and SA. The 300 yeats old is how old Vivenna thinks Vasher is she says to her self when thinking about Vasher but he would definitely been well learened in the Bio stuff well before the Manywar so mabe he is more like 350-400 years old during Warbreaker
  15. I totally forgot he also trained Adolin. To me it sounds like Vasher must of jumped to Roshar pritty soon after the events of Warbreaker.
  16. Good point about Siri and Vivenna. I am hoping Vivenna is on Roshar with Vasher. What if Vivenna and Vasher had a child. I think that child would be very powerful with breath. I wonder how long Vasher has been on Roshar and how old he is now seeing how he was over 300 years old during Warbreaker
  17. Ok so what if there was a Rosharan/Nalthian child or can the two species of humans nothave offspring. I know Vasher can't have kids bc he is a returned but what if a normal Nalthian world jumped to Roshar
  18. Can Vasher gather breath from people on Roshar if he wanted to.
  19. So if Vasher world jump to Roshar and can now use stormlight instead of breath to stay alive. Can Vasher now Zahel still use breath to awaken objects. We know that awaken objects will be able to exist in Roshar bc Szeth will be using nightblood in book 3. Another question if the magic system from Warbreaker can be used on Roshar can people Return on Roshar. I would this rather not happen. I just remember reading some wete that there is alot of cross over between WB and SA.
  20. I listen to both of them but it was hard to follow due to the translation missing parts. But I love how cool Sanderson is that must of been difficult for him.
  21. Man I guess I am go8ng to have to reread Elantris. But just started Mistborn after finishing Warbreaker
  22. Post credit scean hmmm what does he do.
  23. Whwn I read Elantris I was not that well versus in the Cosmere and still dont know nearly as much as most of you. My question is who was Hoid in Elantris
  24. How planets are there in the Cosmere Galaxy. Do we know how large they are, how close they are to each other if there is only one Sun can the sun be a red dwarf or a blue Giant do the planets planets have one moon or multiple Moon's.
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