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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. Going to starting Mistborn tonight
  2. Yea I started with SA and loved WOK and WOR. I read Elantris and then stop. After doing a reread of WOR I told my self that im going to read all the cosmere stuff before SA book 3 comes out. Sanderson books are just amazing
  3. Man I fell like everyone els ob this fan pages knows so much more then me haha
  4. Whats Zahel going to do when he see Szeth with nightblood. I think this going to be sweet show down if ut happens
  5. ok sorry. Did not mean to spoil anything for anyone. My bad.
  6. Are you asking me to do that Or telling me that you are moving it beacuse I have no idea how to do that.
  7. I wonder if when he uses Stormlight his abilities would be different. And if je uses Stormlight does that mean nightblood will he use up stormlight instead of breath. Hmm thid makes me think of so many new thoughts. Im sure once I read Mistborn I will have even more.
  8. I really think he will be given the proper amount of time to grow as a character evwn if it with Shallan, Dalinar and Kaladin POV chapters.
  9. If Vasher wad 300 plus years old in Warbreaker how old is he when hes he's Zahel in SA
  10. When does he use stormlight.
  11. Ok cool I did not know that. Not to sure I like the idea of Eshonai book.
  12. HerPosable spolier for Warbreaker. So I just finshed Warbreaker loved it. I have not read the cosmere books in order mainly due to the fact that when they 1st started coming out I was still reading The Wheel of Time and didn't want to be bothered by anything els. But damit I wish I read the cosmere book in the order they came out. Getting that out of the way. Zahel is Vasher right. Going into the book I was told by people that there was alot of cross over between SA and Warbraker and I think I may have read in the past that Zahel was in the book. So how the hell does Vasher/Zahel get to Roshar snd does he have any breath. Now I have only read the two SA books, Elantris and now Warbreaker to this point I have started and restarted Mistborn 2 or 3 times. So there may be answer to how he can world jump. Now with the belief that Zagel is Vasher (I hope I am right other wise I am going to fell really stupid posting this.) Were is Vivenna and how did he lose nightblood. At first I did not like Vivenna I really only started to like her once she was with Vasher. Without making this all about Warbreaker bc I k ow Im writting this in the SA section. What is Zahel going to do he has to help out with thw KR he can't just be sitting around doing nothing. Once he finds out that Szeth has nightblood o man to much stuff to think about.
  13. Hmm do we know who the flashbacks character will be in book 4 and 5. I know that Szeth was suposed to be book 3 but got bumped out for Dalinar. So I'm assuming book 4 will be his book. But what about book 5.
  14. @maxal with you saying that Sanderson refuses to give answers about Adolin it make me think that he may have a extremely large role and may become extremely important character later on in the books and that he doesn't want to give any hints. To me this gets me excited that his character growth could be huge in the next books and become a huge main character later on
  15. Could Adolin become the leader of the KR army's. I know ue is jot a KR as of the end of WOR. But totally believe that he is going to awake his Shardblad. Some people say that most of the KR have to be broken in some way. Well I was thinking that afyer the murder that he commites he may have regrets in doing so. He even could have on going nightmares about it and paranoia while the investigation goes on not wanting to disappoint his father. While being intusted with leading the armys against the voidbringers. I love Adolin and really want his character to grow in this upcoming book.
  16. Watanab was so good in The Last Samurai. Only other thing that definitely know that I saw him in was one the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Did not like his character in that movie. I think Hiddelston would be a excellent choice for Wit/Hoid. I am reading Warbraker right now and loved Hoid as the stoey teller. I'm not done with Warbraker am hopping he has another scean in the book.
  17. God there is so much SA have become my absolute favorite book series and its only two books in. I can't wait to see what Dalinar is going to do. Dalinar is my favorite character juat love his character. I really hope his flashbacks are brutal action-packed battle scenes. Other things about Dalinar and the stormfather I think thier things will be quite argumentative. Next I am really looking forward to see Kaladin and Syl relationship grow and expand I don't know if I'm the only one but I eventually want Syl to take a physical form and them to fall in love. Jasnah and Wit I want them to have a long journey together traveling to the shatterplains. I want to find out what she was doing in Shadsmare and what she may have learned from being in there for so long. Foes Wit give her any clues to who he truley is (probley not) Shallan and Adolin I want Shallan to discover vast libraries and forgotten technology. And I also hope she really goes deep in the ghostbloods. Adloin I would like to see him awake his shardblade and mabe have nightmares after the murder he committed. I think that could help him grow as a character.
  18. Hmm I must have made up the half asian half Caucasian my fault sorry. I just been reading so much stuff that maybe it was someone's comment I don't know. So if it half asian half Hawaiian that badass hahah that made me instantly think of Junior Seau as a huge New England Patriots fan I loved that guy correct me if I'm wrong what he was Hawaiian. Who would you like to see play The Blackthorn Dalinar Kholin
  19. O man! @Argent I want to have the artis to do a Dalinar blending William Hurt and Ken Watanab but juat make him bigger. But I really want to have him the artist do Adolin next in his uniform talking to his sharddlade and then in full shardplate.
  20. @Argent what would you think of tbis Dalinar with a blend of Ken Watanab
  21. I lovw the I love the actual actor they chose for Dalinar he was amazing in The Last Samurai. But he looks nothing like the Dalinar I have created in my minds eye that I had commissioned as well. With Brandon saying the difficulty of casting people to play characters that look nothig like people on her that's why I bring up the motion-capture / CGI idea of crafting a face on top of the actress face that can create what Brandon pictures the characters to look like.
  22. 2As most of you, I love SA the two book are just amazing. So when I saw that Tor had done a article on dream casting WOK I emetaley went to look who they had chosen. I have to say other then the chooses of Wit, Jasnah and Syl for the main characters extremely dislike the actors chosen. It's not that i don't like some of actors its just they dont even come close to what my minds eyes has created when reading the characters. As some of you have said to me after I posted the two characters commission I had done of Dalinar Kholin and Kaladin Stormblessed that they were to Caucasian and that Alethi are a mix between caucassian and asian with a middle eastern skin completion. The udea of the Alethi are humans that dont look like any things too simaller to humans on earth is such a cool idea. With saying all this do people think that when they do the SA movie could they take the actors and do a motion capture/ cgi hybrid and take the existing actress face and morphe it into a mixture of Caucasian and Asian with a middle eastern skin tone and their characteristics. I dont know if this could be done or even if it would look good.
  23. Cool. Would love to see Dalinar on the cover along with his spren the Stomfather
  24. Ok cool that sounf like it would make sense. Maybe that's why she was going to execute all the other there were questioning the transformation.
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