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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. I don't remember that happening. I think rember reading and one of those little quotes before the traffic starts at the barn Smith will rule them all or something to that equivalent so maybe Dalinar will become the true leader you know you already has been leading this is the true leader already if that makes sense
  2. I just finished my reread of Words of Radiance. The stormfather tells Dalinar that he will be shardless. So he will be able to use stormlight to add him in a fight. But other then trying to find more KR what will his roll be. Will he fight along side of Kaladin, Adolin and Shallan. I want to see the blackthorn in action with stormlightas a wepon for him. Could he use the honorblade that Kaladin got from Szeth after killing him. He is definitely my favorite character of all the SA characters. I think his flashbacks should be great.
  3. Still not convinced that he will use shardplate. Just finshes my reread of WOR and still dont think he will use shardplate. To me it just seems so non Kaladin to go into battel with shardplate. So I guess I read in a SA book that Kaladin will use shardplate I dont see it happening.
  4. I cannot agree with you anymore. He does not have that mindset of a tank just run in there and do as much damage to the enemy as possible even if it does damage to yourself. I think shardplate would inhibit his fighting style and skills too bulky he needs to be able to be fluid in his motions.
  5. When Kaladin is fighting Szeth above the two storms. Syl appears to be almost reading Kaladin's mind. She starts off as a shardblade and them turns her self into a shardspear. Better fitting his fighting style. Latter on in the fight Syl transforms in a shardshield, hammer and even a knife I believe. Does this mean that for the other future KR can have different Shardweapons. Imagine a massive shard battel axe. A Horneater in Shardplate and shard battel axe would be somthing to see.
  6. Sorry sorry using voice to text I'm at work. Haha I guess it's just a gut felling that he will not use shardplate.
  7. Kalidian never puts on a full set of sharp pain when doing shot bears and refuses to use one of the Kings blades. He only uses a shard helm on his fist whem helping Adolin on that 4 against 1 duel. I think he only used Shallan blade beacuse he thought he was going to die down in the chasm and her blade is pattern so its not wrong and there is no screaming. Hey just finished part in the book when he uses Syl to creat the shardspear she also turns into a shard hammer,swaord,sheild. I am thinking that Kalidian and Syl are lurimg to ways to fight with the bond. But who knows.
  8. Both excellent points but I guess it is fall back on I don't feel like the character himself likes the idea of wearing Shardplate. I know that's not a great argument but that's just my feelings about this matter.
  9. So with the two books together we are looking at about 3 months 150 days. If i read your response correctly.
  10. I am almost done with my read read a Words of Radiance and I'm on chapter 78 were on pg 1140 Shallan is drawing a picture of Jasnah as she'd been on that night just over a month ago when Shallan had last seen her. To me so much has happened in yhis book it seems hard yo think roughly only a month has passed during the events of this book. I would of thought there would of had at least three or four months past by the point that Dalinar's grand army actually head out onto the shadow Plains. Makes me wonder how much time has passed between the two books we have so far in the SA surely there was much more time passing in The Way of Kings.
  11. That sounds amazing as well let's just hope we get to see a drawing of it someday and one of the books. That is one of the many things that make The Stormlight Archives books better than most other fantasy series as we get these amazing drawings
  12. I myself would definitely use shardplate in sports (hockey, lacrosse) and i life in general I have always had the tank mind set just gear up and slam into the problem. But for Kaladin he is much more of a skilled fighter and will be lethal force with no Shardplate just a shardpear next to Adolin who can be the tank.
  13. I like idea of Kaladin use shardpear and mabey some tpye of shardsheaild. With using stormlight and fughtinf along Adolin I think Kaladin could be lethal even fighting thunderclasts and eny of the stormforms. I am hoping that Kaladin can form a new way of fighting as a KR
  14. Excilent points but the shardspear was Syl. He totally tust Syl and the spear is her. But the shardplate will not be from her. Plus his fighting style total lense it self to no Shardplate. He is nuch more of a martial artist type of fighter.
  15. I just dont think Kaladin would be into wearing shardplate. After what had happen to him and his friends. I think the shadeplate discuss him.
  16. U never thought about the wind spren following him aeound when he was flyingin the sky. That definitely suports the lesser spren theory.
  17. He did use Shallan shardblade when they were in the chasm. But for soem reason I just dont see him ever using shardplat
  18. I don't know if this has been talked about before. But does anyone else think that Kaladin will never have shardplate. I am unsure if all KR have shardplate but to me Kaladin even if it us a talentyou learn to creat you're own shardplate I just can't see Kalidian wearing any. The only way I could see this happen is if Syl makes him. I can see him in the rest of the books just using his stormligjt and shardspear.
  19. This is excellent. For the coloring
  20. The coloring is perfect I also imagine them much more massive and smooth kind of like caverns of the Grand Canyon have been smoothed by water. I can only hope that we could get it on a cover of one of the future books. I would love to to see Shallan do a drawing with all her designs are black and white in the book and Kholinar and the wind blades would have to be full color.
  21. There's a quote "Some said the Almighty himself had drawn Kholinar in rock, scooping out sections of ground with a fluent finger." Pg 1076 paperback. It goes on to say "Oh the citywas beautiful, but it was the beauty of an artist who wasn't quite right in the mind. The rock took the shape of rolling hills and steeply sloping valleys, and when the stone was cut into, it exposed thousands of brilliant strata of red,white,yellow and orange." This to me paints quite the epic high fantasy Kingdom and City. To me it sounds like the city itself was carved out of a mountain side high above the plains. It also says the most majestic formations With the Wind blades and enormous ,curving spines of rock that cut through the city beautifully line with colorful strata on the sides the curved, curled, rose and fell unpredictably like fish leaping from the ocean. Just with this brief description it sounds more epic than anything we've seen in movies. Do you think we could get some illustrations of the city itself in book three and has anybody seen any illustrations online and what the city looks like. I am very much looking forward to reading more about the city in the upcoming books and hopefully get to hear about it impossible flashbacksof Dalinar.
  22. Thanks but i did not do the art i commissioned it. From the artis @venamis over on Instagram he mainly does star wars but he can do anything
  23. Great work I wish they had more armor though. Don't understand why they can't give their darkeyed sparemen more armor. What do you think the sheild would be made out off.
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