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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. Spolier Yea but Dalinar is now bonded to the storm father I think he will be in the later 5. If not mabye Renarin will becbecome POV and be war veteran and his early thirties
  2. I did not know the 2nd 5 will be 15 years after the 1st 5. Hmmm how old would that make Dalinar in his 70s. Does stormlight slow down the ageing prosses. Dalinar has definitely become my favorite character in anything I have ever read that includes books like The Wheel of Time A Song of Ice and Fire Tolkien's books, too many star wars book to name them all and many other books both fantasy spy thrillers and stuff like that
  3. I guess your right. I jus thought if he is going to chang up the main characters thebones we have been following would of had to die. Why els would he have to introduce knew main characters
  4. May have spoliers As Brandon Sanderson has said that SA is a 10 book series split into two 5 book sets. Brandon has said that there will be new main characters in the 2nd set if 5 book with Lift being one of the new main characters. Does this mean that all the characters that I have fallen in love with will all die off by the end if book 5. I cant see that happening or at lesthope it does not. In a Q&A Sanderson stated ge has neen writing Dalinar from the age 15 so if any of the main characters do make it out I say its Dalinar.
  5. Those are good points that the plate iand Blade act differently. Someone else said that the plate maybe lesser spin than the blades. I have changed my opinion today because I think that makes sense and they said that's what Sanderson stated
  6. Yes that is exactly what I am saying what if the plate and blade wre sets, both bonded to a individual KR. It would be really cool that the play in the blade could teach the individual KR was of war against the voidbringers. It would be like Adolin was being given the teaching of a long lost style of fighting
  7. If The Shardblades were once alive spren does that mean that the Shardplate also was once alive. Would a Knight Radent have two spren bonded to them and if the individual Spren was part of the plate shardblade were somehow bonded together as well. If the spren ate awaken with the plates and blades would they want to be reunited together for example one shard owners blade wants to be with another Shard owners plate. That may sound a little ridiculous
  8. Thank you @maxal in my 1st read through of Way of King and Words of Radince I was not a huge fan of Adolin but the idea of him having a batshit crazy spren within his shardblade sounds extremely exciting to me.
  9. In addition I have thought that when the blades vanish they may go to Shadesmar. I doubt I am the first one to think of this.
  10. I apologize if this has been brought up before I know I have thought about it in the past but is there a possibility that Adolin's shardblade was once alive and has a spren within the weapon itself. I recall the times that Adeline stated he never gave his Shardblade a name because he knew it had a name once before maybe of foreshadowing of the blade coming to life in educating Adolin of possible hidden skills that Shard blades have. I am roughly 600 pages in my reread of Words of Radiance I've only read it once before when I initially came out. There is a lot of stuff that I totally forgot about that I'm remembering when rereading it so maybe this is explained later on in the book that I just don't remember.
  11. @maxal I say Chris Evans in Capt. American is way to built. Picture Evans Johnny Storm Adolin in good shape but skinny like he is naturally in good shape but doesn't work out. The people saying he is 27-28 are just plain wrong haha.
  12. I love seeing all these renderings of some of my favorite characters I agree with you the Stormlight Archives book is written so well that you can definitely picture it as a graphic novel inside your head when reading if that makes sense haha. For myself I have pictured Jasnah as a mix between Olivia Wilde and Katy Perry I know that probably sounds ridiculous. I can never really put a face to Shallan but I love redheads Im married to one one hahah. The inside cover that was done of her is just amazing. Have you thought about doing warforum there's a severe lack of any of the parshindie (the listeners) artwork god a bunch that races name.
  13. @maxal I also was thinking about a younger Chris Evans I did not realize he was 35. His body type is too large as well. I don't know how old Adolin is I always pictured him in his early twenties 21-22 topps.
  14. @sheep I love how detailed you commit is. It shows you have a real passion for the topic. The artist venamis who is on Instagram real shpuld go look at his art he is more a star wars artis but he can do anything. He had never herd of the books and only went of what I had given him in emails for the commission. I really love the character of Dalinar Kholin he is by far my favorite character in the books. To me I love the vesion of Dalinar he did bc it fits perfectly the mental picture I have of Dalinar. I really want him to do Adolin next. Just today I had seen another artist do a young Dalinar and to me he looked alot like Chris Evans from the Capt American movies. To me as soon as i saw it I thoughtof Adolin. Whpuld love to see what you rhink of Evans as Adloin.
  15. @Jondesu glad you like it other then the beard.
  16. Maxal @sheep has some very nice art of the characters. Very talented artist. I would love to hear their opinion of the peace I posted of th Dalinar commission I posted for some reason everytime I try to post it in the galleries it says uploaded failure
  17. Sorry to sound annoying but can people see the at work I posted
  18. MAXAL thanks man this what i am looking for. I do agree with you that people will probably disagree alot on what they think he will look like but I love talking to people about theses characters.
  19. Hi earlier today I posted a photo of Dalinar Kholin that I had commissioned by unbelievably talented artists @venamis who has a amazing page on Instagram. I had him do a rendering of the the actor William Hurt as Dalinar. The early response and comments do not agree with me and picture Dalinar looking differently that's cool everybody has their own idea on what characters should look like. I would love to hear people's idea of what his son Adolin should look like. I think it would be really cool to get a concessions from a big group of fans of what they think the character looks like and then have the artist create the character. So if people think this is a cool idea please comment below what you picture Adolin to look like. Thanks
  20. This is the piece of art I've been talking about done by @venamis.
  21. I think I picture William Hurt as Dalinar right before read Way of Kings I watched Ridley Scott Robin Hood movie and his character really stood out to me
  22. I am in about 400 pgs into rereading Words of Radince and I think I love it even more then the 1st time around. When ever i read the Dalinar Kholin character I picture the actor William Hurt. Dalinar has probley been my favorite character sense I 1st read book2. I love the character so much haha I commissioned an amazing artist by the name of @venamis to do a peace for me. I have trying to download it to the gallerys but have not been able to. Would love to see what people think of the art wotk you can go see it on my Instagram account Bdoble97. Who do guys picture in your head reading the characters is actores or people in your life. For me it usaley ends up been a mixture of actores, people from my life and athletes.
  23. Thanks Moogle. I got all of Sanderson's shared univers books after reading WOK. I don't want read anyof his other before I finish the mistborn books bc of the world hopers I don't want spoil something.
  24. I didn't think people were going to have so much to say about my spoiler title. Sorry that I may have ruined the ending of Dalinar arc in WOR. I in the middle of book 1 of the mistborn and would be upset if I read a spoiler on this website. But seeing how have not read all the mistborn books I try to stay way from there threads. But if I were to read a spoiler I only can get mad at myself due to fact that I know I'm on a website filled with spoilers. On another note I am having such a hard time with the mistborn book I read WOK and WOR both so fast but I have had put the mistborn books down and restarted them 2 times. Does it get much better in book 2 bc I love Sanderson books Elantrs and what he did with the 3 Wheel of Time were amazing sorry for the wrong for spelling Elantrs
  25. Sorry didn't think about spoilers. It sounds like im totally wrong. Dont know how to change title on my cell on vacation.
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