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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. 16 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

    You spelled process wrong.

    I honestly can't understand why there is so much hate directed towards Gaz. He is not a great person, but unlike a lot of people think he's not a terrible one either.

    Thanks for letting me know about miss spelt word sorry about that. I cant spell to save my life. Gaz was a pos to all.of Bridge 4 and he in my opinion he doesn't deserve a happy ending 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

    He probably knows what he did and knows who he is - and this can be Truth, he have to speak to become Lightweaver. Honestly, I hope for reconcilation between him and Kal (and maybe whole Bridge 4). Maybe he will save Kals life?

    No thank you unless he die in the porosses. Haha that's bad to say. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mist said:

    This is definitely a possibility. They may make two volumes for future books. RoW is slightly longer than Oathbringer, so that could possibly be a problem. You are remembering correctly about Oathbringer needing something different.

    I just love reading The Stormlight Archives book and the longer they are the better.

  4. Is it stupid to think that ROW and the other Stormlight Archives books are approaching such a high numbers of pages that they will in the future have to make two whole books for posabaley books 5,6 or any of the. Back 5. I remender Brandon Sanderson saying that Oathbringer was so large the had to come up with a new way to do the book ROW is even bigger then Othbringer right. Sorry if this is a stupid question/idea

  5. 1 hour ago, Xerun said:

    Seeing Red is now a progressed Lightweaver I’m really worried that the year time skip will allow Gaz to have also progressed to a point. I don’t feel his character deserves the redemption without admitting onscreen what he did to Bridge 4. 

    Good point I hated him in Way of Kings and never liked that fact that he started working for Shallan. I have a coworker who I picture Gaz as when I first read his character short, fat big bug eyed and bald. Cant stand the guy. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, The Ryshadium said:


    Then he responds with the glorious understatement, “That’s worrisome Shallan.” (Haven’t gotten to Oathbringer on my reread yet, but I think it went something like this)

    Hmmm I dont remember I have been doing my reread of Othbringer for awhile now just have no time with my wife and 4 daughters home all the time hahah.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Karger said:

    She told him a lot about it in OB and he interacted with Veil.

    Ok I have been rereading Othbringer in parts and peices. But I have not had lot of time. I do not remember that part. But I dont remember her telling him that she is starting to have split personalitys

  8. 9 minutes ago, CosmereanAntelope said:

    I think there's a possibility of either case being true. But for me, I think she hasn't... I don't know I just have a feeling. It surprised me when I read it, because it felt like Veil, Radiant, and Shallan were three different people and I think that's what Shallan thinks as well, I don't know. I hope she did tell Adolin though, but it doesn't seem likely.

    I agree with you she probably has not told him. I think there will be a scean were Adolin walks in on Shallan having a blow out with Veil and Radiant. Or something like this 

  9. Does Adloin know about Shallans disorder. He told her his secret. Do we think she will tell him. Or will he find out in ROW I think this will be very interesting story line. In my line of work I have witness people who talk to people that are not there and it is disturbing sometimes. I wou der how he would handle it. 

  10. 2 hours ago, SteelShaper said:

    We know already that the Bulgarian cover is Shallan in Shadesmar.  It looks pretty B.A.

    ...Also, speaking for the redheads [I am one], yes, we are pretty great.  Did you know that despite our relative rarity (1-2% of the world population), in the U.S. redheads have at various times appeared in up to 30% of commercials? Just a fun fact from a bored researcher.

      That's interesting my wife is a red head  and 2 out of our 4 daughters are redheads. Could we get a cover with Shallan ,Vail and Radiant. Now that would be cool.

  11. On 8/4/2020 at 7:56 PM, Drayal said:

    In the discussion for chapter 4/5 I made a joke about a potential relationship between Kaladin and Leshwi emerging. While I don't think this is likely, what do we think about a potential relationship emerging between a human and singer? I personally think this is likely at some point in the series, and could be a really interesting way to explore the interaction between the two cultures

    Dude I was thinking this when they were fighting. Like Kaladin and Leshwi had a thing for each other totally %100 toxic relationships trying to kill each other. But still likeing each other. It reminded me of the angel and demon from Preacher season 4. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Aminar said:

    I feel like this one is better left to the individual imagination. We know it's pretty utilitarian. Outside of the emotional significance of the bridge or likely looks like a floating box. 

    I dont know I would really like to see it in the books. Once Ll 10 books are written I would be to see a book with all the art. 

  13. Do people think that most of our main characters will speak thier respected oaths to all have thier shardplate by the end of this book. With only one more book left in the first set of five book I feel like there us a night posabilaty that they all get there plate. Sorry.if this doesn't read well I just thought of it well I'm waiting in linee for ice cream with my wife haha

  14. 1 minute ago, Nathrangking said:

    We could make a whole game out of guessing the names of spren cities. That being said Shallan in Shadesmar would be a great and dramatic cover choice. Though I'd settle for veni perhaps staring up at Urithiru. 

    You k now I would love to see a painting of Kaladin and Urithiru from Oathbringer. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, Child of Hodor said:

    Shallan or Veni. They are the only two front 5 flashback characters who haven't been on one.

    WoK: Dalinar and Eshonai saluting across the chasm. 

    WoR: Kaladin and Szeth 

    OB: Jasnah (photobombed by a Thunderclast) 

    So far the cover has been from a big battle at the end. I'm going to guess Venli at Urithiru or Shallan at Lasting Integrity or Sterling Reputation or Perfect Attendance, one of those awful sounding Honorspren cities. 


    I will.take Shallan I LOVE redheads her hair could really "pop" off of the cover with her using Stormlight. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, GudThymes said:

    I was thinking it was like a giant barge or a ferry. I'm stoked for a visualization or a better description.

    Hmm I like the idea of a barge. One of the many great things about this book is of the art in the book itself I cannot wait to see all the new art.

  17. 8 minutes ago, GudThymes said:

    I don't see this as a viable option.

    With Jasnah we were seeing her "death" from Shallan's perspective and Shallan didn't actually see the killing blow, she heard a knife hit the wood (she didn't hear reactions of the assassins). We know that Jasnah was stabbed and used stormlight to sustain herself then transition into Shadesmar around the time that Shallan heard the knife hit the deck (I don't know the exact timeline). 

    With Gavilar we have Szeth watch his body as he "dies" and then a Shardblade coalesces around him (you could argue he summoned it then broke the bond?) but that would have broken the gemstone in the hilt right? Then Szeth writes a note in his blood. Then Jasnah and Navani come see the body and spend time with it. Transitioning yourself into Shadesmar is just that, removing yourself from the Physical, there would be no body (or clothes) left. 

    Good points. Hahah

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