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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. I and trying to reread Oathbringer key word is trying I love the book I'm just over 300 pgs in but I also have been reading it for about 2 months now. With a full time job a wife and 4 daughters I have next to no time to read the book. I read 20-30 pages when i can but then start to fall asleep while reading Haha. Have any of you done the the book on tape. I rewarded/listen to The Song of Ice and Fire on my 2 hr drive home from the police academy but that was a decade ago. So I guess I'm asking how good is the Oathbringer Audio version. Forgive me if this is hard to read I'm over tire ms and I am a bad speller to start off with. Thanks 

  2. I and trying to reread Oathbringer key word is trying I love the book I'm just over 300 pgs in but I also have been reading it for about 2 months now. With a full time job a wife and 4 daughters I have next to no time to read the book. I read 20-30 pages when i can but then start to fall asleep while reading Haha. Have any of you done the the book on tape. I rewarded/listen to The Song of Ice and Fire on my 2 hr drive home from the police academy but that was a decade ago. So I guess I'm asking how good is the Oathbringer Audio version. Forgive me if this is hard to read I'm over tire ms and I am a bad speller to start off with. Thanks 

  3. 1 hour ago, galendo said:

    Does anyone know why January 1 is the deadline for publishing in 2020?  As opposed to, say, early January or Jan. 8 or something?  I mean, clearly the whole proofreading/editing/publishing process takes time, but I'd think that especially this time of year, taking an extra week or so to finish up would dramatically decrease the time pressure he must be under.

    I doubt the in-book art even gets started until much later.  He's still in rough-draft mode.  No use commissioning art for a scene that might need to change before publication.

    Great point 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Singer said:

    I haven't seen Aquaman yet (waiting for redbox and a slow weekend) but I finally saw Spiderman: Into the Spider verse and while I was watching that I was thinking how well the animation style would work for a Stormlight movie/TV show/Mini series. Whatever the format or style, I am very interested it see if/when we see any cosmere on the big screen!

    A slow weekend what's that I have 4 daughters hahah. My wife and I took 3 days to watch Aquaman. Have not seen the spiderman movie yet but from the trailer  the animation look like a new brakethrew in animation. 


    12 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

    I think Stormlight would work a lot better as a tv series considering the legth of the books and the depth of the world. 

    I think it would be better as a TV show but I really think you would need a films budget for some of the epic fantasy creatures and habitats. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Karger said:

    Only 21 and many of these have been massive commercial successes including the first one.  This is to major a commitment to ask from anyone right out of the gate.  What happens if the first 2 flop?

     If the 1st 2 are flops then they just don't make anymore they would never make 45 movies in a row I could see them do 3 movies back-to-back to back like they did Lord the rings Hopefully that makes sense doing voice to text while I'm driving my daughter's home

  6. 1 minute ago, Karger said:

    I must disagree about making a Stormlight novel into a single movie.  We would just have to much ground to cover.  I would love to see a voidbringer army on the big screen but I suspect it would not be easy to get the hundreds of pages of world building done needed for anything to make sense.  Also I did not love Aquaman as a movie.

     I think each novel could be a trilogyof movies  all on its own and then you would still probly have to  cut parts of the book. I loved the movie aquaman  I know absolutely nothing about that character so can't base the movie off of the existing history of the character but I felt like it was a at epic scifi fantasy quest movie all wrapped in one in loved it

  7. I just watched Aquaman and the 1st thing I thought of was  a Stormlight archive  movie could work for the longest time I was thinking it would have to be high end animation to get all the epic fantasy. But after seeing the end battle of Aquaman and that huge creature I really think stormlight could be a live action movie that would be insanely awesome. As we all know a lot of the Roshar is supposed to be  similar to under the water in its creatures and habitat. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, equinox said:

    I really hope this information is correct. Amazon has already proven to provide false release dates regarding other series and I don't have other, more reliable sources.

    The ebook fits well in my bag - I have no problem there. But I own all Cosmere books in mass market paperback and it feels so wrong not to have OB standing next to them. :rolleyes:

     I agree with you a 100 % about having them all in paperback and then OB in the hardcover. Navigate been a fan of E books I have to have the book in my hands

  9. 11 minutes ago, equinox said:

    There was some discussion whether a mass market paperback will be released for Oathbringer. The books huge size alone might be a problem. However, Amazon recently listed a new paperback version to be released on August 27 (at least amazon Germany). Book size: 10.5 x 5.1 x 17.1 cm. 

    Thank you  that size will be easier to hide in my work bag hahha

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

    You already have a trade paperback; the smaller version you are alluding to is called a "mass market paperback". Yes I'm sure they are, but for most publishers it is the last format to be released. Saga press is releasing all the versions of their books at once, but they (and a few other publishers) are in the vanguard in that respect.

    Thank you I was mistaken been reading to many graphic novels I guess. I do not have a tradepapeerback yet just saw this image when I was Google ming about it. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Shardbearer said:

    If he's writing the prologue does that mean he's done hammering out the outline?

     The last time I looked at his progression bar on his website it said that he was 40% done with the outline of book 4 and 5


    17 hours ago, Invocation said:

    That looks like a certain semi-secluded beach near Hilo, on the Big Island. Don't question how I know this. I'm totally not following Brandon 24/7.


     Thank you

  12. 34 minutes ago, Bort said:

    You're right, this is going to be really cool. The bit I'm looking forward to the most though, is when the Spren object to how their friends and family are being captured by humans and quite possibly tortured to produce an effect.

    Could the spern revault

  13. 19 minutes ago, SilverTiger said:

    The Way of Kings cover is my favorite. There is just something about it... something awe-inspiring, something majestic, something more to it than the others. Even without all that, it would hold a special place in my heart anyway because that cover is what first drew me to read SA and eventually to the Cosmere as a whole.

    I read Brandon Sanderson's The Wheel of Time Books first due to the fact that I was a huge WOT fan once I saw what he did finishing my  favorite book series of all time at that point in time. SA has now surpassed WOT  as my favorite  though there's only 3 books to WOT 14I  was like I have to read this guy otber  books The Waking ogf Kings was my first cosmere.

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