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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. Embarrassed I didn't think about doing the whole art instead of just the book cover I love your points I'm thinking that the Way of King shardplate guy maybe a generic shardplate guy  because it was so new to Michael Whelan he didn't have enough details but maybe he reads a whole book before it doesn't cover I don't know his process

  2. All the covers are beautiful in their own way I feel like Oathbringer is the best cover due to the fact I fell it depicts one of the most epic scene so far in the series The Way of Kings cover to really doesn't depict any scene within the series but still a beautiful cover.  Words of Radiance cover is nice but I was never a huge fan of it. I really hope that Michael Whelan will be able to do the rest of the series covers but if not the artis that did the 2nd set of endpages his first name Escapes Me by believe it's last name is Lyons. 




  3. 21 minutes ago, Stece said:

    Too late, honestly I think this is where Brandon's going: "Siah Aimians, who are characterized by deep blue nails and eyes, have been known to sculpt their bodies to temporarily suppress their senses (e.g. to avoid smelling foul odors), produce tattoo-like markings on their skin, or heal from injuries. They also *****cast shadows in the wrong direction*****" all of these abilities and the discription apply to honor spren.

    So you think they are some type of hybrid or am I mistaken at your point

  4. 14 minutes ago, The Invested Beard said:

    Well on a purely technical level, a physical relationship would be possible, at least in Shadesmar. There are even times in the PR when Syl becomes cohesive enough to touch or carry things, so...yeah why not? This is fantasy, crazy things can happen.

    Good point about her touching thingsand carrying stuff

  5. 7 minutes ago, Ailvara said:

    I think my first one like this was Harry Potter :D It seemed to take so much time, and now it's been so much time since it's over... I grew up with Harry Potter, but with Stormlight Archive I'll grow old

    It's funny now that I think of it. It might be the most certain thing I know about my such distant future. 

    I never read Harry Potter but my momther and sister loved them. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, aemetha said:

    Jordan had a really bad habit of saying "Nearly there kids!". He also got bogged down massively by the complexity of the threads in the middle, and eventually started saying that not all the plot threads would be addressed. Sanderson appears to be a much better outliner than what Jordan was, and in my opinion wrapped up WoT much more concisely than Jordan could have done. I don't really see him going over because the basic structure of the books compartmentalises the various focuses of the books more succinctly than WoT, in which you couldn't ever say that x book belonged to x character.

    Also, Perrin isn't in the Stormlight Archive, so if you're using that as a point of reference you could remove at least half the pointless words Jordan wrote from the expectations for the length of Stormlight Archive.

    I started WOT when I was in high school in 2002 or 2003 and restart it multiple times before I read the whole series so I was never really a point that I was waiting for a book to come out like I am with The Stormlight Archives. In many ways waiting for the books is  a lot better than having all them already published for you. Especially having this website it says waiting for the books so much funner then having all of them out already. But I must say you hurt me with your comments about Perrin I LOVED HIM hahahh he was my favorite character from the whole series

  7. I'm sure there's been other authors that have stated at their book series is going to be a certain amount of books but how often does that actually happened I mean did Robert Jordan before he pass State his book series was going to be 14 books. If I recall correctly Sam Sam it's only supposed to do two more books and then I'm doing three or four

  8. 7 minutes ago, Song said:

    3 years is pretty terrific given the work they involve. As much as waiting is hard- I have gotten through a tough year with the thought " At least I get Oathbringer at the end". Anticipation is part of the fun for me!

    Very good point I was so excited for every Tuesday when the three chapters would come out it would be the first thing I do in the morning and waiting 3 years gives us plenty of time to reread oathbringer as many times as we want. 

  9. Just now, Josh L. said:

    On the bright side, we're more likely to get the final book of "Stormlight Archives" before the final book of "A Song of Ice and Fire" so there's that.  

    That's a very good point at the rate it's going I don't think we're ever going to get the final book of it A Song of Ice and Fire that's why I gave up on the series years ago

  10. 1 minute ago, Brightlord Brooding Eyes said:

    I don't know, that's why I'm leaving it up to Brandon to tell me. Right now, I think Kaladin is in love with Syl. The how--physical or otherwise--is a Brandon RAFO. But, keep in Brandon is ALL ABOUT turning literature troupes on their head. With that in mind, of course someone in SA is going to fall in love with a spren.

    Absolutely excellent point right there about turning troupes on their heads

  11. 1 minute ago, StormingTexan said:

    In last years State of Sanderson he predicted a fall 2020 release so thats 3 years from now. We will soon get the 2017 State of Sanderson and see what he says then. I would assume there will be a little longer than usual gap between the front and back five because he plans on writing the MB era 3 trilogy during the break. They way it is going I will be in my 60s. 

    Ok cool do we know when  this 2017 state of Sanderson and will be. Hahah I do not want to wait till I'm 60 something to finish the series I'm only 32 now hahaha

  12. 10 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Nope I completely get it even though this relationship creeps me out (like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell hooking up) I understand why people like the idea of it. 

    I have thought about this in the past do you know the TV show Legion he's in love with his girlfriend but she cannot touch him or he cannot touch her do to her mutant powers and they have a mental relationship using his mental powers so maybe they could have a relationship somehow Shadsmare (never remember the proper spelling of that place but I'm a horrible speller anyways so does it really matter) I was also thinking that maybe their bond will surpass anything that a KR in his friend has have in the past and evolve into something more and Syl could gain a physical form on Roshar. Or maybe vice versa Kaladin  will evolve into a higher form of being kind of like that episode on Star Trek TNG when dr. Beverly Crusher kind of likes the alien but he evolved into a higher form of being and was Just Energy

  13. 2 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    Ciaran Hinds is indeed portraying both Steppenwolf and Mance Rayder (though he is miscast as Mance).

    Thank you by the time they ever do a stole my archives TV series he'll probably be too old I know a studio bought the rights but I feel like we are years away from a stolen archives TV series

  14. 2 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Fair enough but I don't get it from that scene. It seems pretty clear the person he is  reminded of is Tien. The rest of it sounds the same as any of their other interactions so I did not read into that anymore than the previous ones.

    I guess you can read into it however your thoughts are for people that want them to be together insert their own meanings into the words that aren't really there hahaha I'm just a big sucker for Love Story

  15. 7 minutes ago, Ailvara said:

    He stated somewhere, that he'll start writing somewhere between autumn 2018/spring 2019 and it'll take two years from there. 

    It really freaks me out, that we won't even get a chapter for so long... 

    See that scares me it means I'm going to have to wait a while. 


    3 minutes ago, aemetha said:

    I kind of take a longer view. Stormlight Archive is a series, but it's one series in a greater story of the cosmere. It isn't like we won't have cosmere stories in the intervening time.

    I am reassured by how much he planned for the complexity of a large series. Martin and Jordan got horribly bogged down by the complexity of the stories, and by compartmentalising it the way he has Sanderson seems like he is managing to avoid much of that.

    That is a good point and we are supposed to get that next Wax and Wane book next year correct I love those characters but those books are so quick to read through

  16. 6 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Not me. He showed her the rock like Tien use to collect. Tien cheered him up when he was around he is saying the same thing about Shallan. 

    I wanted them to be together after reading Words of Radiance somehow I want this to happen and when I read this at the end of oathbringer I thought it was a foreshadowing that they will be together at some point. I don't know about other people but I feel like one of the themes of Stormlight Archives is evolution the characters are evolving into new and different people than they were in the past so to further demonstrate the evolution of characters why not have a evolution of a species if this makes sense if they were to able to be together somehow their child would be a hybrid of a human in Spren. I hope that makes sense I'm always doing voice to text on my phone so....

  17. 10 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Not sure, he did play Mance Rayder in Game of thrones, that didn't end well for him though. He was invited to the Nightwatch for a BBQ, but didn't realize that he would be actually in the BBQ.

    HahaHahahaha I've only seen season 1 of Game of Thrones I don't have HBO. So you just ruined it for me hahaha just kidding. I don't really have a interest in A Song of Ice and Fire any more books take way too long to come out. I forget half the stuff that even happen in those books. I have not seen Justice League either I just know they cast the actor that played Manc to voice Steppenwolf. 

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