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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. 12 minutes ago, Randall Thor said:

    I've always struggled to put a face to Sadeas – I love this! The curls and superiority complex are marvelous similarities.

    Thank you I don't know what it was but when I first read the way of Kings I instantly thought of this guy when I was reading about Sadeas.  I also instantly thought of William Hurt as Dalinar 

  2. I hesitate to ask this because I don't want to look past Oathbringer partly due to the fact that was such an amazing book and it's been out for less than a month but after finishing the book I quickly went on to YouTube to try to listen to all and any book reviews or Brandon speaking engagement/ interviews that have been uploaded onto YouTube. In one of the interviews he stated it could take up to four years until we get book number 4 and was doing quick math if each book takes 4 years in between that's going to be 28 years until The Stormlight Archives is finish I really don't want to wait till I'm 60 to finish this series Stormlight Archives have quickly become my favorite book series I've ever read for me it's surpassed Lord of the Rings The Wheel of Time ,A Song of Ice and Fire as the greatest fantasy novel series. Do people think it will take up to four years for each book to be written I mean I hope not I might sound greedy but I really want a stole my archives book every two years I love all his other cosmere books but to me The Stormlight is the best of the best of Brandon Sanderson I would love to hear what you guys think

  3. I have long wanted Kaladin to end up with Syl somehow. But if that does not happen this is going to sound cruel I would  like to see Kalaldin to  fall in love and then his lover dies I know it sounds bad and cruel but it's good to have characters in pain it makes for a more intense and interesting story in my opinion.  I could see Kaledon end up with I think her name was Lyn he offered her a spot in Bridge for as a  Scribe and she said oh storm it she rather stay a scout. I instantly thought of her as the actress that plays Debra Morgan on Dexter. 


  4. 7 minutes ago, aemetha said:

    Oh, no. Please no. Please, please, please no. I'm from New Zealand and it's my patriotic duty to support him, but I can't. His acting skills make me cringe. He completely ruined Alanon for me.

    I like John Malkovich for Dalinar. He's a little old, but his acting skills could make me believe he's a 10 year old girl. Hmm. Maybe he should be Lift instead? In either case, he'd need some make up for the skin tone.

    What do you mean he played a wickex good CGI orc in The Hobbit trilogy you think is Grunts and moans and Roars we're good. I have never been a fan of John Malkovich Every role I've seen him in I only just seen him and I think he's weird so every role he's been in takes me out of the movie

  5. 43 minutes ago, stonedshaman said:

    So does this mean that rock is going to bring the horneaters into dalinar's coalition now that he is a shardholder and defacto  king of the horneaters 

    I really hope so I like I've said before imagine a massive Army of horneaters they probably could be a devastating force on the battlefield. 

  6. Lol the more I think about this the more I want this relationship to happen more than any other book series I've read. I want them to end up together. Some people are stating the physical aspect and how that would stop a relationship that brought to mine the FX TV series based off of the Marvel comic book character Legion he's in love with his girlfriend but they cannot have a physical relationship due to her mutant powers so they have a mental relationship when he uses his mutant powers if that make sense . Some other people are saying that this is a gross idea because it's like him loving his sister I don't even understand that argument. Another argument is that when they first meet her mental capacity is of a young child yes if her mental capacity was only that and she never evolved that would be gross in wrong but she is well past that it and her mental capacity will  be even further along in the future books. As of Oathbringer she's already a intellectual equal to Kaladin. Another person mentioned sci-fi is filled with inter-species relationships. I would think it would be amazing if somehow they had a Offspring and it would be a new Evolution of a half human half Spren.  Who knows what's going to happen and we probably have to wait for years hopefully only three years till the next book so let's just keep on speculating and I love this idea

  7. 3 hours ago, Ookla the Busker said:

    I think Regrowth is less likely, because it's based on Progression, and spren don't naturally heal over time like living things do (Pattern in WoR tells Shallan something like "we do not unbreak without intervention").

    But the way Shallan has used Illumination and Transformation to subtly alter the people around her could be relevant here. Maybe she needs to draw Adolin as an Edgedancer and Maya as his bonded spren.

    Or maybe it is Progression and Illumination after all. I'm pretty sure that the impression Adolin had of his best self while Renarin was healing his hand was from Illumination, not just Progression.


    ETA: Of course there's the possibility that Renarin's Illumination is nonstandard because of Glys, which might play a role in doing something nobody thinks is possible.... Okay now I've talked myself into thinking Renarin is more likely to help Adolin and Maya than Shallan. Or maybe they all have to work together?


    2 hours ago, Aminar said:

    I suspect that Shallan and Renarin will both be instrumental in bringing Maya back. Shallan's drawings have helped people bring themselves back up(related likely to the spiritual "perfect self") and Adolin saw something similar when Renarin healed him. 

    Love both of these ideas it could be a really interesting seeing to read about I feel like it would partially have to take place in shadsemare.

  8. Yes yes yes and yes. I have wanted this to happen since Words of Radiance and have posted my thoughts on this at least two or three times in the past. Correct me if I'm wrong but at the end of OB when Syl is kind of consoling  Kaladin about Shallan and Adolin. Does it Kalidin say to himself she's so ignorant doesn't she  realize that he only needs her. To me that's a definite big foreshadowing that he only needs her and wants only her even if he doesn't truly understand his feelings yet. Love is a big weird messy thing. 

  9. J

    8 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

    Oh come on I saw this thread and was hoping for some sort of Shallan Maya show down for Adolins affections. And then they end up becoming best buddies, and Pattern meets up with Maya.

    Now my thoughts have gone in a very weird direction. moving on...

    Hahaha sorry to disappoint you

  10. @maxal this is the 1st commet I hace seen of yours. Ypu propbly already have stated you thoughts and opinion of Adolin in OB but I would love to know your thoughts.  You were the first person I thought of when I I thought Adolin was going to get killed by the fused right before Maya saved him.  When reading that section I literally said oh Maxal is going to be pissed

  11. 19 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Just read the talk with Dalinar and Taravangian in Chapter 100, Old Friend and Mr. T is being quite liberal with fabrial knowledge while he shows off the Veden half shard shield:

    This seems to be confirmation that higher spren can be used to power fabrials, and if I'm not mistaken, Mr. T is implying that half shards use Honor spren to power them (sounds like the primary surge of Adhesion that is keeping the half shard together). How you would go about luring honor spren into a gem is a little beyond me, but this would imply that higher tech fabrials might come at the cost of the enemys of Odium being less Radiant.

    But, getting back to flying ships, it's seems (based on the example of the Half shards) that if you had a gem stone wtih a trapped high spren (and if a high spren's primary surge is gravitation), then you could construct a gimble mounted container for the fabrial that could be mounted on your flying ship an be pointed in almost any direction to re-establish the direction of gravity for the ship. Obviously some serious tests would have to be performed (how closely connected to the ship does the fabrial have to be to affect the gravitaional orientation of the whole ship, are passengers on the ship likewise lashed along with the ship, etc) and some advancements in precise control over the surges would have to be made (half to perform fractional lashings with a fabrial), but these seem the least of hurdles for building a flying ship. Of more concern is the ethics of enslaving sentient spren, and the possible down stream reprecussions of enslaving sentient spren. Spark, Malatas ashspren, already seems to favor team Odium because of the Recreance and for enslavement of Flame spren in Heatrials. If more higher spren are enslaved in fabrial technology, more of the other orders of spren might decide to side with team Odium as well.

    That makes it sound like its going to years before we see flying ships.  To me the 1st 3 stormlight book each book arw about 3 months long in world corwct me if im wrong on that. So Im thinking now we won't gwt fylimg ships till book 6. Totally off tpoic I did 2 female parshendie ans posted them in the stormlight gallery ypu seem to be the only person that likes them haha would love to know what you think 

  12. 29 minutes ago, NotBurtReynolds said:

    I believe that he is depressed at breaking his vow, but I think what he is feeling most is resignation. I've actually been working on my own Rock theory, but this thread'll do just fine for some Rock-ramblin' ;)

    Rock is so crushed because of his act of violence, but more so because of the consequences of what he has done...

    All hail King Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor

    So about Nuatoma's..We know they're clan leaders and that there is at least 1 per peak. I think that their is one per peak..One dominant clan, that is. And that is Rock's family. So here's the confusing stuff(for me anyways):

    1st and 2nd sons= food providers

    3rd Son= Craftman

    4th son and on= Soldiers

    So, we have Rock the 4th son go along with Kef'ha, his brother and Nuatoma. But which brother is Kef'ha? It has to be an older brother or it wouldn't have moved Rock up a spot. But how can sons who are the food-providers/craftsmen also be Nuatoma? That part doesn't make sense to me yet, but we do know that Horneater lore says the first Nuatoma to obtains a Shardblade wil become king of the Horneaters and unite the Peaks. Rock has won himself a Shardblade after the Amaram arrow-face maneuver.  So I think Rock's depression/sadness is driven by all of the following

    1. I have used a weapon in violence, breaking my vow.

    2. I am the first Horneater to win Shards

    3. Oh crap, I think I'm King now

    See, I think that OB was letting us know that Rock is more of a major character. He is now (possibly/at least in the discussion)King of an area that seems to be super-important to the larger story, especially I think for book 4, given the following:

    • It's (likely)home to Cultivation's perpendicularity which is likely under assault by an UnMade, given the information we get in Shademar about it being a no-go zone, and this from Rock's wife

      Sounds to me like there be an UnMade up in thar peaks ;)

    • The Horneaters are a mixed race that can possibly hear Listener Rhythms and have a relationship with spren that is unique on Roshar(as far as we know so far)

    I think book 4 is going to be a whole lot of Horneater because I think Rock will believe himself forced to go home given the Shard-situation he now has..Especially if you believe there is something 'extra special' to Rock's particular bloodline and that he is now their Nuatoma...with Shards. And I'm sure once notes are compared with Shallan about perpendicularity 'wrongness', that going to the Peaks on an UnMade hunt, is going to be a thing..At least I hope so ;), because I think once we get to the Peaks narratively, we are going to get an large info-dump about spren and Cultivation..But maybe thats just me ;)


    Everything you said about Rock becoming the king of the horneaters and fighting a unmade on the Peaks and it being home of cultivation is so exciting to me I hope this happens ill be disappointed if it doesn't. Hahahah 


    7 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:


    I think he has an idea. This is from Kaladin's POV


    You can't argue with direct quotes in the book good point. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Not sure if it is enough though to draw the Shardbow at least Kaladin doesn't think so. 


    So the quote says it doesn't vastly increase strength so it's slightly increase strength  so Rocks probably already pretty strong but we never see him show off his strength really cuz only thing he's been doing is cooking stews and flatbreads does it show that Kaladin   has ever met or interacted with any other or horneaters other than Rock maybe he doesn't realize how strong they naturally are

  14. 4 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    Since Rock is a side-character, I expect him to do a Breeze, and pull out of his depression during the time-jump between book 3 and 4.

    I don't know if I agree with that I liked how Sandersons  had the viewpoint chapters from bridge for.  He could expand on Rock in those chapters especially if he's going to in the future  books help unified the horneaters. But that's obviously all speculations

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