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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. All great points I forgot what the bow was actually made of. Do we know how large rock is like height weight I know he's bigger than most everybody right. 

    8 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:


    Stormlight does increase strength. It does not grant skill.

    By the end of OB I'm pretty sure Rock has bonded a spren, which might eventually grant him a Shardblade. As we gathered from Rocks wife (can't remember her name), Rock is the eldest living child of his parents. By their customs he's now Nuatoma, and IMO is being set up by Brandon to unite the Horneaters, possibly clearing up the Perpendicularity on Shadesmar.

    From the very get-go a way of Kings I've been hoping that Rock was some type of horneater royalty. I donylt k ow what Nuatoma means does anyone else know what that word means

  2. Rock is one of my favorite members of bridge fourhim  finally reuniting with his family was very exciting and heartwarming to read. His wife seemed very confused in my opinion that he had become just a cook. With his vow of not fighting what will happen to him after he picked up The Shard bow to save Kaladin life religion and honor seems to be extremely important to rock I really hope he does not go into a deep depression due to the fact that he broke his vow of not fighting even though it was for a just cause. Also the brief description of his wife using the horneater bow and arrow makes her sound like she's a badass Warrior and would love to learn more about her and the whole horneater culture a  Army of horneaters would be quite the impressive force in my opinion. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Aminar said:

    So... Who's going to work out conjoined vibrational gem phones? 

    I would guess any major changes will happen in the gap between books 5 and 6.

    That's a very good point the gap between 5 and 6 is supposed to be what 15 years think of our world and the technology from 15 years ago I graduated high school 14 years ago and had a Nokia block phone now I have a Samsung Galaxy 8 and look everything I can do with it compared to the block phone that could only  really call and text people. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Stark said:

    So Scadrial Era 2 has steampunk airships powered by Feruchemy/Allomancy.  Roshar is not far from magepunk airships, fairly close to Scadrial era 2.  I can see Nalthis joining in with Awakened sail-wings, to fly like a bird.


    Who else wants to see the first ever inter-Cosmere skyship races?  Mario Kart style, with a set race course around each planet.  Roshar gets to be the Rainbow road equivalent with the Highstorms to dodge.  And seeing as the translation of the notes seems to indicate that Jasnah favours the sleek, racer/interceptor design, I can see luxury racing ships being a thing.


    So what do you all think?  How would each Shardworld design and build their racers, and who would the pilots be?


    Last thought, if Highstorm Racers become a thing on Roshar, does that change the restrictions on the champion battles with Odium?  Could they instead of a fight, challenge his champion to a race?

    This makes me think of the later cosmer  books. Sanderson said that eventually he's going to do a Space Opera in the Mistborn books  and the metals will power of the spaceships. I wonder if  Stormlight will be able to be transferred into outer space for Roshar space ships. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Ookla the Busker said:

    I write down "blue" next to eye color on forms that ask for that, but there's some hazel around the pupil. Hopefully my crappy attempt to demonstrate with my front facing camera is good enough to illustrate but not good enough for you to spoof biometric locks.

    I think, given how bright and freaky the lighteyes' colors are, that I'd probably either get lumped in as a darkeyes or treated as some kind of disturbing third thing, a person so abandoned by the Almighty that I didn't get my eye color set. I can imagine people being superstitious about that.


    That's great I didn't know what that was at first. The person I know that has one eye that's blue and brown the left sides blue the right sides Brown and it's a jagged line down the center of their eye that separates the two colors. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Ookla, the Incalculable said:

    And both have an increased likelihood to see spren like Rock can. 


    Yed yes jow could i forget that. The scean when Rock see the larg group of spren watching Bridge 4 train with stormlight and see that larg one  and then talkes to Syl. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Ookla, the Incalculable said:

    Normal eyes. The Parshendi blood is both low enough percentage that they're mostly human, and far enough back that they stabilized as arguably their own race. Same with Herdazians. 

    So the only thing that the horneaters  have is the red hair and an extra jaw part let them eat the shells correct. With the Herdazians have the stone fingernails right

  8. This is a great question I first I thought skybreaker because I've been in law enforcement for the past 11 years but I always feel like I agree with the Oaths and ideals of the windrunner one of my favorite things about being a police officer is helping people that can't help themselves or protect people that can protect themselves  so I'm going to say I'd east end up next  to Kaladin when it's all said and done probley bleeding all over the place running out of Stormlight because I didn't think things through and just wouldn't barging into the action. 

  9. Mistborn was very interesting and love all the ancient secrets that came out in their book two and three but to me nothing compares to Stormlight archive. I read the Way of Kings before I started mistborn it took me three times to get through book 1 of Mistborn. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, Ookla the maladroit said:

    There’s actually a character like this who works with Moash to assasinate Alethkar! It’s very rare and only happens to the child of a lighteyes and a darkeyes

    Really I do not remember him man I forget so much and I last reread Words of Radiance was less than a year ago

  11. 30 minutes ago, Dreamstorm said:

    It's called heterochromatic and the former king of Jah Keved has a bastard son (Redin) with dual-eye color.  I hope he reappears, as he was pretty badass.

    Totally forgot about him then he showed up at Shallan's house in one of her flashbacks he had one light eye and one dark eye right what I am referring to is a single eye is half blue and half Brown I have never seen it before my life until I met this person our kids go to school together and she was at a birthday party so I can't really stop and stare but it was extremely cool looking

  12. 13 minutes ago, Greywatch said:

    Colour actually has little to do with it. There are darkeyes who have green eyes or blue eyes, it's just that nobody can tell unless the light hits their eyes at the right angle. So colour would matter much less than the lightness of the colour - is it a dark hazel or light hazel? Dark blue or light blue? Etc.


    12 minutes ago, Ookla, the Incalculable said:

    I don't think our eye colors actually fit in anywhere. 

    Dark eyes are unnaturally dark. Most are near black, and color can only be seen when the light hits them correctly. I expect that light eyes are also not just unnatural colors, like orange and yellow, but more vibrant then our natural eyes. Even for natural colors.  

    I think that our variations, light or dark, would fall in between and thoroughly confuse Rosharans. 

    Ok ok I thought i had come up with a cool topic sad face emoji. Hahahah But what about thw half blue half brown eye person that woukd be somthing cool right?????

  13. On Rosher there are the light eyes Nobles and the dark eyes peasants. But what happens if your like me and you have hazel eyes is that considered to be dark or light eyes I ask my wife if she considers Hazel to be light eyes or dark eyes. She said light but I feel like it's a mixture of the two so where would a person with hazel eyes fit in the social structure. Another question I have is I know a person who left eye is half Brown and half blue I've never seen it before and only met them within the past year it is quite interesting and really cool to look at where would they fit in the social structure.  Also with people like Caden who has been a dark-eyed his whole life and once using a shardblade in storm light turns his eyes to  light eyes could there be a long-term effect of his eyes changing creating some type of a Hazel eye color not our traditional Hazel eye colors but maybe a orange and brown mixture or a light green and brown mixture off the top of my head I cannot think of all the different light eye colors I think purple is one of them but now I ramble on. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Llarimar said:

    I agree, I think it would be really cool if Maya came back to life.  I was surprised if it doesn't happen, considering how it was teased in Oathbringer - first when she attacked the Fused, and also when it didn't take 10 seconds for Adolin to summon her.  My question is whether or not Adolin will become a Knight Radiant if he revitalizes her - I would kind of be disappointed if this happened, since Adolin is the only major viewpoint character who isn't a Knight Radiant and it's an interesting perspective.  I feel like if Adolin somehow brings Maya back to life through his bond with her, he won't automatically become a Knight Radiant - she could just become free spren and return to Shadesmar.  

    I think this concept - that dead spren can be revitalized - might be important moving forward.  It might have some serious implications for their knowledge of the Recreance, and whether or not the Knights Radiant choose to betray their oaths again.  If anything, it might make some of them more willing to betray their oaths if their powers become too strong, since they know their dead spren can be brought back to life.  

    Back in Words of Radiance I wanted Adolin to become a KR but the outcasts when his father find out That he had killed Sadeas. Now I  so I can have Maya isn't it was special spend companion and not become a KR. 


    5 hours ago, Chozo said:

    I'm really hoping that Maya gets revived. I loved how Brandon did the dead eyes thing. 

    I also love the way he did that he described it as if she was a painting with scratched out eyes so interesting

  15. I'm very interested in to find out what's going to happen with Adolin and his shardblades pren Maya. The description of her ias a dead eye was just awesome. Why she jumped on the back of the fused I was like YESSSSS!  I how is definitely thinking that Adolin was going to meet his end at that point. Later on when Adolin is fighting in Thayen city and hears her talking to it was one of my favorite parts in that section of the book. I have realy love the idea of Adolin awaking the spren in is shardblade ever since he was talking to the blade before his duels in Words of Radiance. So what next for Maya  will she be fully awaken in book 4 or will it take till book 5 for her to fully awake. I love the idea kf Adolin helping her come back alive. 

  16. 1 hour ago, RShara said:

    I found the perfect Sadeas.




    This is my Dalinar from now on.



    I don't know who this guy is as an actor, but dem eyes for Kaladin


    I have no idea who the first or second guy are but the middel  guy is from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon right Chao Yong fat or something like that. He's a really good Kung Fu actor

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