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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. To me its a foregone conclusion that there is going to be a KR and Singer coalition to take on the fused with Venli getting a Spren bond and looks like she's on her way to becoming a knight radiant herself. I am really hoping that Rlain becomes a KR also I wonder what their shardplate would look like I think it would be very interesting lookinh.  But on the other hand because I think this is such a foregone conclusion I could see Sanderson doing the twist and not have it happen I never thought the humans are going to be that ancient voidbringers I always thought they were from a different planet but never thought they were that Invaders so who knows I'm very interested to find out.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ookla, the Incalculable said:

    I don't think it's divorced of magic. It's a Fabrial-Tech advancement. The connection with Kaladin's flight isn't coincidental because it's an inspiration for the reason to want flying ships. The speed of travel and the tactical abilities of flight are much more obvious when you've experienced them. 

    Tying up your Radiants to do so is a liability. This is an obvious expansion of the floating platforms we've already seen that require no Radiant be used. This is further evidence of the technological revolution that is taking place, moving Roshar towards a magi-punk setting. 

    It's going to be really cool to read about all the new inventions that come up with and the remainder of the books we still have seven Stormlight Archives books that's amazing and so exciting. I just keep on visualizing a Armada of flying ships raining death down on the the enemy troops. It would be such a visually stunning scene I wish I could draw better than I do because I would try to draw that

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kered said:

    So perfect that I think the character designers of the movie may in fact be Sanderson fans. 

    That is funny I've never read the comic or seen anime battle Angel so I can't say this design pre dates the cosmere

  4. After I just read rge  thread aboutut the girl who looked up and seeing the images I posted it makes perfect sense that the shin would have larg  eyes because they originally came from were its always dark with  no light at all you would have to have large  eyes to try incapture all the light possible

  5. Both tellings of the story in Oathbringer arw some of my favorite Parts in the book it was so visual to me. I definitely think it's a foreshadow of even greater truth coming in the later books maybe book 4 who knows. Maybe the wall represents the device that helps humankind be transported to roshar in the listeners gods original gods constructed the wall that keep us out. The idea of the listeners being corrupted humans I don't really like it all to be honest with you I like the twist that the humans are the board Bringers in the listeners we're never evil and were just defending themselves it makes it much more interesting in my opinion

  6. Man I didn't think I wanted any character killed more than kylo Ren after what he did in force awakens but this SOB Moash needs to die I a horrible painful death. If he dies at the hands of Kaladin it's going to be one of the most emotional heart-wrenching scenes in the whole series in my opinion

  7. 22 minutes ago, thejopen27 said:

    I think it's safe to assume that Odium played a role in whatever it was that caused the cataclysm on Ashyn. I don't think the humans managed it all on their own. 

    I agree with you 100% he had to of been dping somthing behind the scean. 

  8. When Shallan was doing her unbelievable cool Stormlight creations to me it almost seems like Radiant and Vail manifest into or evolve into their own beings I don't think this actually happened for a while I was thinking that well thinking that I pictured Donna from That 70 show as radiant in the main character from She's All That as  Vail  also. I could not  find a good photo for Dona as a redhead dad in the book I was looking for. Does anybody have a good voice for pattern I sometimes think of Sheldon from The Big Bang but I don't think that's a good voice




  9. 8 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    I let my girls use mine, the ink is refillable and the tips are replaceable. You essentially pay a lot for the plastic tube and color coded end cap.

    I wish that Prismacolor markers were still being made, I like those a lot better (the Cerulean blue shades are amazing), but Copic is a pretty decent replacement (and the refillable feature is a bonus).

    There's one thing that you might look into getting, it's called the Famous Artists Course, it was a correspondence art school where incredibly talented illustrators and artists created lessons (like Norman Rockwell).

    Here's a link, you can see the course outlines.

    If you have a good used book store in your area it's totally worth asking them if they have any of these. They are ring bound lessons, and they summarize a lot of what I learned from art school incredibly well. The lessons on Perspective, Figure Drawing, and Clothing and Drapery folds are amazing.

    Another thing you can do is if you live in a modestly sized city, you can probably find drop in figure drawing classes, where you pay a flat fee and have a live model that you draw from. There's no better way to learn how to draw then to actually do it, and studying the human figure in a variety of poses strengthens pretty much every drawing muscle you need.

    I like the latest drawing by the way, the carapace heads look great!

    Sweet dude thanks man. Ill be lookung into that book. Gope to do even more drawings tomorow

  10. 17 minutes ago, aemetha said:

    Roshar in general has many parallels with the sol system.

    Roshar is earth. Temperate climate. There are obvious ecological differences, but generally it sits right at the ideal for human life.

    Braize is Mars. Described as cold and desolate, and while exiting in the habitable zone, generally unsuitable for human haibitation.

    Ashyn is Venus. Khriss describes Ashyn as the burning planet. Venus is the hottest planet in the sol system, hotter even than mercury despite its position within the habitable zone. It is believed that Venus may have been habitable at one time, but since then has experienced a runaway greenhouse effect that has resulted in gaseous content at the surface level so dense as to crush any human who tried to live there. Interestingly though, scientists belief that venus could potentially be colonised - in floating cities, held aloft basically because they would be bouyant on the denser atmosphere. Being further out from the intensity of the surface conditions in thinner gaseous content also partly mitigates the heat problem.

    Which makes you wonder. How much did Brandon draw on the Sol system when designing the Rosharan system? The cataclysm that Ashyn faced, was it deliberate, or was it something akin to what we face on Earth now with climate change? In our case climate change is attributed to the effects of our technology. On Ashyn that could be attributed to the effects of surgebinding. In other words - an unintended side effect.

    You sound very smart tbat was very interesting to read thank you

  11. 32 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

    To clarify this; Ashyn is the home planet to the humans who went to Roshar and were named the Voidbringers. Yolen is the home planet of humans in general in the Cosmere. 

    @bdoble97, It never directly says this in OB. It is hinted at throughout the series and Brandon confirmed it via WOB.

    Relevent WOB:


    Thank you very much 

  12. In case I miss something while reading oathbringer do the ancient Dawnchant or Dawbsingers say where the voidbringers home planet is. I always feel like I understand these books but then I come to these forums and now listen to shark chull on YouTube and feel like I know just the bare minimum  of this series even though I love this series in these characters . Could the  voidbringers  home planet be where the shards originated from or that happened much earlier due to the fact that the individual shards were already on roshar. I have been thinking that all the humans and all these different plants originated from the same planet before the shattering right. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Yeah would be pretty sweet. I think this may be foreshadowing on how they will try to regain Kholinar or possible even go to the Horneater Peaks. 

    I definitely think it's a foreshadowing I should have said that good point on you.


    6 minutes ago, mosaab said:

    Some posters here think this is technological advancement, divorced of any magic. But I don't agree, I think the fact that we saw the designs in the same chapter kaladin took navani and her ardent flying is indicative of a correlation.  

    You can say radiants can fly why would they need flying ships ? But we clearly see the limitations of lashing this book, you can't take shardplate, you can only lash so many  people, you have to always be vigilant for strong winds, etc..

    Or you can lash a ship in a certain direction and take a nap while you have an entire crew to man the ship and be on the lookout for enemies, etc..

    Imagine all the archers that could be on that just raining down arrows to the parshendi army. Or chard bears with chard bows could be like missiles down on the enemy Infantry

  14. Well there's an army of them so I'm just going to keep on adding my shell heads parshendie Warform. I would love to try to do a fuse but I don't think my drawing skills are at that point some of you may think my drawing skills are horrible I don't know hahaha. It's also just a cheap excuse to try to get more people to look at my heart if I keep on posting them




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