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TwiLyghtSansSparkles last won the day on February 9 2019

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About TwiLyghtSansSparkles

  • Birthday 01/10/1990

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  1. Okay, there's another weirdly specific theme I've noticed in the three Secret Projects I've read so far: 


    Fairly big spoilers for Yumi and Sunlit, not so much for Frugal Wizard. Anyway, the theme is: 


    Scientists behaving so badly that they make life objectively worse for entire populations, if not entire planets. I mean, in Frugal Wizard, you have….


    Frugal Wizard LLC, who allow what amounts to demigods to run amok in technologically backward dimensions with no regard for how that will affect the lives of the people who live there, and 

    Yumi and the Nightmare Painter has the 


    Torish scholars who built a superpowered soul-eating machine and killed everyone on their planet except for bands of nomads, locking the memories of the few Invested yoki-hijo into never-ending tedium while the planet itself was plunged into darkness and the nomads were left to contend with living nightmares attacking at random, and 

    The Sunlit Man gives us 


    the Scadrian scientists, who not only developed a means to end the harrowing sacrifice system and told no one, but straight-up decided to help the planet's only unstable megalomaniac on his way to worldwide domination while they sat back and stared at the sun. 




    1. Slowswift



      I can't wait for the space-age cosmere novels so I can like the Scadrians again, because so far every time we've seen them they've been awful.


    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles




      Maybe it's just the Scadrian government that's evil? I mean, their planet spent centuries under a despot, so maybe they think that it's the government's job to support despots all over the Cosmere. 


    3. Slowswift



      Forgive me for not remembering if you've said whether or not you've finished Era 2. If so:


      It seems Scadrial's well on its way back to good old-fashioned political corruption, so I wouldn't be surprised. I expect that whoever our POV characters are in the future, they'll be more-or-less good people, and that the roles we've seen so far just self-select for callous people.



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