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Everything posted by Tien'sPetLurg

  1. Show me! Show Me! I keep trying to find it. Where's Waldo the Hand? :-) love a good Hidden Pictures game.
  2. I wish I played Magic. I tried to get into it yrs ago but friends wouldn't cooperate.

  3. You know you're a fan when the prospect of a sleepless night isn't a terrible thought because it means time to read more. (or I'm used to reading far too long in the night to get much sleep anyways... 1 more chapter... 1 more chapter...)
  4. At the far end of the photo, there's a gap in those ominous clouds. Between the road and the top of that gap, is a bridge going across the road we're on. It's just a bright sky in there... The sign of better weather just on the other side.... if you can just slide through that gap...quickly..... But the general shape of that area *does* remind me of a train engine. I always see faces in clouds. I see a nose-less one in this picture. I like to imagine many wind spren up there in that storm system. Imagine. I don't actually see those. Not that crazy----yet. (moment of relating to Legion) EDIT: Here. I made you a special version so you can see it the way I do... kind of.... like a special lens in the Alcatraz series. http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n170/neurobucket/skyedit.png
  5. I see that some are looking and liking, but you're quiet. Here's one that could be Stormfather related. I snapped this with my phone through the windshield when we were on our way toward the Florida Keys. Note the "pocket of clarity" just around the road ahead of us. It was like the veil of storminess was lifted just enough to let us pass or was it looming above tempting us forward only to rush downward and crush us? The interpretation is similar to your perspective of a cup being half empty or half full.
  6. passing out green arrows

  7. All the ones I've heard about have a selection that they all read then meet up and discuss. In typing that, I realize how much it sounds like literature class. (But with snacks and possibly wine) Hmmm. I'm not at all sure how I feel about this other than Very old. Sigh
  8. I travel as much as I can. Sometimes I see good stuff. Maybe it's art or an awesome sky or something bizarre. I'll never be able to go everywhere, but this group covers a pretty big area on the globe. I bet there's something out there that's kind of amazing that you see too. Care to share? Maybe you stumbled on something that just "wins the Internet" for that day. I'm always looking for inspiration so.... please contribute if you feel inclined. As far as I'm concerned, you can't get this wrong. Not everyone likes all the same things but I really like seeing NEW things. I'll kick it off with this: I saw an exhibit by this artist named Nathan Sawaya. All of his artwork (sculptures, wall pieces, etc) is made entirely out of Legos. I loved it. I hope this post adds a little value to your day.
  9. When you run out of new Sanderson material, you choose to re-read something he has written rather than try another author. (Oops)
  10. I will look for the site. Thanks! I read that each person shows up to this club with 2 book suggestions. Each suggestion is put into a hat and they draw. That's how the next book is chosen. So I need a few Sanderson fans (or convincing Kandra) to infiltrate with me. ;-) Bring shard plate, metal, spikes, lens, chalk, breaths...whatever you can find.
  11. Well, at least, that would be interesting. Sometimes, when I'm "supposed" to go do something and I really don't want to go, I manage to move toward it by thinking "at least I'll get a story out of it."
  12. I will probably have to bring a paper bag to breathe into. *sigh* I like a lot of different kinds of books. The thing is, Brandon's stories kind of give you a nice variety of multiple elements in 1 book. There's wisdom, escape, mystery, science, action (which isn't high on my list but it's there for those who love it), religion, philosophy, and even biography. (Fictitious---but it reads well for those who, like me, enjoy a biography) There's a morsel of romance too. (I almost forgot.) I won't know about local people if I don't try, but at a peek, I don't think I have much in common with most of the people here. I would probably do better joining a museum club or something. I wonder if those exist?!
  13. Hi! I'm new...and I'm taking over. These are books by Brandon Sanderson. Please select one. LOL or Oh Hi. I see you're geeks, just not my *kind* of geeks. buh bye Yeah this whole being "social" thing is going to be tricky. It sounds so tiring.
  14. There's 3 for today. Happy Birthday wishes go out to: Morsk (36) Karou (29) Ajax Alighieri (17)
  15. Finished Legion. Bought some books from Brandon's site. Guess I'm onto The Shadows Beneath.

  16. I wish I did have some examples for you. I'm fairly new to the genre, but you raise some interesting points. I had a soft spot in my heart for Nightblood. (creepy but true) I also felt some empathy for Human, the koloss. (Although, the way koloss are created might disqualify them from your criteria.) I am fond of Syl. However, in the case of Human, Syl and possibly Nightblood, it's the humanistic qualities that make them relatable. They come across as childlike in a way. Pattern is a little less relatable and I find myself not feeling a lot of trust toward that character. I like the Seons because they, too, reminded me of people. (How Species-ist of me! ) I could see them being ghosts or something. I thought spren were going to be like the souls of people who had passed on. But I'm never able to guess where this author is going so... The more recent versions of Spock lead me to believe he's been given the Data (Star Trek TNG) treatment. The popular entertainment industry is definitely of the "recycle ideas that worked" school of thought. (I have often said that Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory was a slight reversal of the character of Data. I enjoy both characters and actors nonetheless.) For Star Trek, maybe Worf was considered a pretty good "guy" but was sort of human adjacent. (just different enough to maintain some of his 'outsider' status) Since I really can't point you toward additional literary sources, I'll just give green arrows to everyone in here for the thread! Whee!
  17. Now reading Legion. It's pretty dang awesome.

  18. Well I think you may be accurate about the majority of them in my area of the world. But there are reasons for this: 1) Here, women of that age have more time to read for leisure. When I was in school, I had plenty of academic books to read (and ignore). In my free time, I wanted to go out and see good looking people. (just being honest) 2) It's oppressively hot so many of us choose to be indoor people. 3) A lot of the men here are wanna-be cowboys and are into huntin', fishin' and sports so the wives are looking for something to do. I'm in that middle age range now. (which is odd because once I got here, I felt younger.) My fear is that I'd go to one of these things and all the books selected would be with scrolly fonts, pink covers and some Tarzan dude on the front. That's SO not for me. But cookies.... mmmmm.
  19. I also recommend Mistborn. It gets you used to his style of writing. In some ways, it's like reading a mystery.
  20. Not online... but in person? If so, what's it like? I feel like this site is about as close as I've gotten to one.
  21. I gave you an up vote for willing to try it for a few books. That's pretty impressive. You might try the audiobook version. Those narrators really helped bring those characters to "life" for me. I haven't gone through a re-read of the series yet. When I was finished I swore that I wouldn't...... and yet......... I'm just about ready to do it again. I miss the characters. They kind of became like imaginary friends I guess. Wow. That is a sad reality. hahahaha
  22. I'm not finished with this book yet, but some of the things said in this chapter are so important. The idea that you can possibly see your flaws and respond to them with laughter rather than feeling horrible? What a great idea! That's just one of a gazillion great life lessons being tossed out like free candy in this book. Thanks Brandon Sanderson!
  23. listening to the first Alcatraz book

  24. Please keep this going. I'm here to get a contact high off your happiness. kthx
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